Baff. Nay, but hear me: Pardon this Fault, and by my Soul I fwear, Ant. I once did lend my Body for thy Wealth, [To Baff. Which but for him that had your Husband's Ring [To Por. Had quite mifcarry'd. I dare be bound again, My Soul upon the Forfeit, that your Lord Por. Then you fhall be his Surety; give him this, Ant. Here Lord Bassanio, fwear to keep this Ring. Ner. And pardon me, my gentle Gratiano, Gra. Why, this is like the mending of High-ways There you fhall find that Portia was the Doctor, Shall witness I fet forth as foon as you, Ant. I am dumb. Baff. Were you the Dctor, and I knew you not? Gra. Were you the Clerk that is to make me Cuckold? Ner. Ay, but the Clerk that never means to do it, Unlfs he live until he be a Man. Baff. Sweet Doctor, you shall be my Bedfellow; When I am abfent, then lye with my Wife. Ant. Ant. Sweet Lady, you have given me Life and Living; For here I read for certain, that my Ships Are fafely come to Rhodes. Por. How now, Lorenzo? My Clerk hath fome good Comforts too for you. Ner. Ay, and I'll give them him without a Fee. From the rich Jew, a fpecial Deed of Gift, Lor. Fair Ladies, you drop Manna in the way Por. It is almoft Morning, And yet I am fure you are not fatisfy'd [Exeuns |