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peculiarly' Christian aim, namely, nothing less than to lead men to a clearer knowledge, a deeper love, and a better service of their manifested Father, the Lord Jesus Christ. For Swedenborgians, in this matter, I feel no anxiety. bit of sectarian exclusiveness will do them and their minister not harm, but good. But I am sorry for the managers of this noon-day prayer meeting. They have injured their own institution. They have injured the Churches which they represent. And, what is incomparably worse than all, they have done their best to injure Christianity itself in the eyes of all who believe in broad-mindedness and largeness of heart. Is it too late for them to repair the injury they have wrought? Can they not even now, in the clear light of the Gospel, reconsider their decision? Would they but consent to that, they would, I am persuaded, throw wide their doors, not to this sect nor that, but to all men everywhere who love the Lord Jesus Christ with all their heart, and embody their love in a life of obedience to His commandments.-CHARLES H. WILKINS."

borgian ;" and he was, in consequence, the only sanctity. Their aim is a at once requested to refrain from taking any part in the meetings in future. This having reached the ears of one of the writers for the Eastern Morning News, (the local daily paper), it was immediately referred to by him, in his next article, in terms of the strongest disapprobation; and was, finally, replied to, in the following letter, which appeared in the same paper two days later:"Sir,-Your paper often finds its way into my Nottingham home. I am always pleased to see it, because I am always pleased to see any impartial and intelligent record of the social, political, and religious movements of any industrious and enlightened town. Sometimes, however, your reports are of a somewhat dispiriting nature. This is very notably the case with regard to a piece of information conveyed by 'Index,' in the concluding paragraph of his article on local events, in yesterday's issue. I refer to his statement that the managers of the weekly noonday prayer meeting, after inviting by their circulars the co-operation of Christians of all denominations, have lately 'informed the Swedenborgian minister that they do not include his denomination.' The unavoidable inference is, that, according to these gentlemen, Swedenborgians are not Christians.' And yet what is it that makes a man a Christian? Is it a living belief in the Godhead of Christ? Swedenborgians believe that in Him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.' Is it a living belief in the atoning work of Christ? Swedenborgians believe that but for that atoning work' not only would man have perished, but the universe would have gone to ruin. Is it a living belief in the sanctifying influences of that Holy Spirit which Christ promised to send? Swedenborgians believe that apart from the momentary aid of that quickening Spirit of Christ they can neither think a true thought, nor cherish a good desire; neither speak a manly word, nor do a manly deed. But are not Swedenborgians 'peculiar?' Undoubtedly they are peculiar, but peculiar in what? They are 'peculiar' in their acceptance of Christ as the only Object of worship; in their acceptance of the Holy Scriptures as the fount of wisdom for angels as well as for men ; and in their acceptance of usefulness as

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MINISTERS' AID AND SUSTENTATION FUND.-The maturing a plan for the efficient working of this Fund has engaged the earnest and anxious attention of the Conference Council. After much deliberation, the following regulations have been adopted as adequate to the present wants of the institution, and capable of expansion and improvement as it grows to greater maturity. some definite plan was adopted, the Committees appointed to collect subscriptions could not commence their work. Now that every needful preliminary has been settled, we hope to hear of earnest and successful meetings being held in our several Societies in every part of the kingdom. The Secretaries of the several Branch Committees, to whom communications may be made, are:

For London and the South-Mr. E. H. Bayley, 82 Angell Road, Brixton, London, S.

Midland Counties-Mr. Tonks, Vauxhall Grove, Birmingham.

Lancashire and Yorkshire-Rev. R. Storry, Heywood.

Scotland-Mr. R. M. Paterson, Speirsfield, Calside, Paisley.

The General Secretary is Rev. Eli Whitehead, Grove Place, Dalton, near Huddersfield.


1. The name of the institution shall be "The Ministers' Aid and Sustentation Fund of the New Church."

2. The objects of the Fund are to aid and foster Societies whose numbers are small, and whose resources are insufficient properly to support their minister, or efficiently to maintain the operations of the Church, by annual grants of money, so that the income of all unmarried ministers who are exclusively employed in the work of the ministry, may be at the least £100 per annum, and that of all married ministers who are so employed not less than £120 per annum.

3. A Fund shall be established, to consist of two branches, to be supported by donations, towards the establishment of a Capitalized Permanent Fund, which shall be yearly invested and the interest only expended; and second, by annual subscriptions, the amount of which, added to the aforesaid interest, shall be the sum available yearly for the purposes contemplated.

4. For the purposes of this Fund the country shall be divided into districts; and in each district a Committee shall be appointed, consisting of one member of each Society established in the district. The members of this Committee shall be annually elected by the Societies they respectively represent, and their names shall be sent to the Secretary of Conference in sufficient time to be reported by him to the next ensuing session, which shall appoint the Secretary of the Committee, and enrol the names of the members thereof on the Minutes.

5. This Committee shall be designated "The Ministers' Aid and Sustenation Fund Committee," and its duties shall be to superintend the collection of the moneys of the Fund, to receive applications from Societies to be placed thereon, and after making due and careful investigation of the same, to report the result to the Council.

6. The Council shall thereupon in each case decide according to their best judgment of all the circumstances laid before them.

7. Every Society making application for assistance from this Fund, shall do

so in writing to the Secretary of the Committee appointed to consider such applications. The Society shall furnish the Committee with such information as to its present and probable future state as the said Committee may require.

8. It shall be competent for two or more Societies to join together in appointing a minister to officiate for them, and they conjointly may receive assistance in his behalf from this Fund, by severally complying with the conditions required, and if the Committee and Council are of opinion that the interests of the Societies and the uses of the Church would be benefited thereby.

9. In no case shall assistance be given from this Fund to any Society in a proportion greater than one-third of the amount raised by such Society.

The question of sustaining the use proposed by this Fund is now, therefore, fully before the Church. At the Conference the interest felt and expressed in its success was earnest and general. We look now to the members of the Conference to take up the subject with renewed diligence in their respective Societies. It is a work in which all can unite. The rich can give of their abundance, the poor contribute with equal sincerity and ardour, though in smaller sums. To secure the contributions of all, organization is indispensable. Societies and individuals will be aided in making suitable arrangements by the Committees appointed to collect subscriptions. Success, however, can only be accomplished by the hearty co-operation of all the members of the Church. Our first duty is to hold public meetings in our several Societies, to earnestly discuss the subject, and encourage one another in the work. One or members of the Conference Committee will attend such meetings. All that is needed to secure success is a hearty and united effort, and this we hope will not be wanting.


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Fairweather, the student lately at the College, for three months. Mr. Fairweather accepted the invitation and commenced his services there on Sunday, September 17th. At Yarmouth four lectures were delivered, in the "Victoria Gospel Hall," the audiences being small, not over fifty. The attention given was all that could be desired, and our good old friend Mr. Rous was well pleased with this small measure of success. Mr. Rous, who is now over eighty, frequently occupies the same platform, and has administered the sacrament to the people; and in his zeal for the cause, he pays all the local expenses of the lectures, which are to be continued for some time.

ORDINATION OF MR. G. H. SMITH.The application for the ordination of Mr. Smith, the esteemed leader of the Society at Bolton, having been complied with by the last session of the General Conference, the religious service connected therewith took place in the New Jerusa lem Church, Higher Bridge Street, Bolton, on Sunday evening, September 17th. The ordaining minister was the Rev. R. Storry, who was assisted in the service by the Rev. E. Whitehead. At the time appointed a numerous congregation had assembled, the commodious church being well filled. The utmost attention was paid to the proceedings, and a solemn feeling appeared to pervade the large congregation. The questions proposed The Lowestoft friends are still without to the candidate were answered in an ima minister, and Mr. Gunton officiated pressive and thoughtful manner, which there on Sunday, October 1st, and agreed could not fail to convince the hearers of to be there on the 8th and 15th. For the eligibility of the candidate for the the 22nd and 29th the Society has asked office into which he was being introof the Brightlingsea Society the services duced. At the close of the ordination of Mr. Deans. There is a good field at Lowestoft for the services of a pious, intelligent, and vigorous man, who could give his whole attention to the work of the Church and Sunday-school.

SWEDENBORG SOCIETY.-The applications for the Apocalypse Revealed were 4427, not 442 as printed last month. They now, October 14th, number 4496. Through the kindness of a late member of the Camberwell Society, the news paper paragraph of the report and annual meeting of the Society has been printed in full in the Wanganui Herald of New Zealand. The same gentleman has sent to the Committee a photograph of an ivory canoe, which now stands on end in a churchyard at Wanganui. It is very curiously carved, and has three figures of a somewhat grotesque character, one under the other, which form the body of the canoe. It is supposed to represent a Maori deity, in which it is probable the Trinity in Unity, or the doctrine of degrees, is intended to be embodied. Mr. W. J. Harding, of Wanganui, is the photographer. This gentleman, it will be remembered, received from the Missionary and Tract Society a parcel of books and tracts, the former for lending and the latter for gratuitous distribution. A set each of the theological and philosophical works has been accepted by the Committee for the Free Library at Southport.

service a discourse was delivered by the ordaining minister, from Matthew x. 7-10. From the text, the minister discoursed on the duties of the minister to his congregation, and of the people under his charge to the minister. The exposition of the text led to the conclusion that the appointment and all the gifts of the minister were from the Lord, and were to be ascribed to Him. In the exercise of these gifts the highest uses were contemplated, -no less than the salvation of the souls of men,-and in the accomplishment of these uses the people were to actively co-operate with the minister. They were to sustain him by their presence and sympathy in his work; by their cheerful contribution to his worldly support; and by the diligence with which they sought to sustain the active uses of his ministry.

NEW CHURCH COLLEGE SERVICES.On Sunday evening, October 8th, the Rev. Wm. Bruce commenced a course of lectures, of which the first, on "The Trinity and Unity in the Person of Christ, our only God and Saviour," was a masterly discourse on a noble theme. Commencing with a brief sketch of the views of the early Christian Church, which expressed themselves ultimately in the symbol of faith called "The Apostles' Creed," Mr. Bruce gave a very interesting résumé of the rise of the trinitarian doctrine, and of its declension into tripersonalism in

the first quarter of the fourth century. He alluded very courteously, as his custom is, to the different parties to that great controversy which culminated in the Council of Nicea and the establishment of the Nicene Creed. And after exhibiting the Athanasian doctrine in its own light, Mr. Bruce temperately contrasted it with the heavenly doctrine taught by the Lord Himself in His own Word. Although this fundamental truth of Christianity has been very often very well treated by New Church writers, there was a freshness about Mr. Bruce's discourse which made it agreeable alike to old and young receivers.

sionary Institution and the London Missionary and Tract Society for the valuable aid afforded to the labours of the Association during the past year.

The President read an excellent and instructive address on "Enjoying the Sabbath."

The following extracts from the Report may be interesting and suggestive :"On looking over the list of contributions, your Treasurer was sorry to find several names of original subscribers absent. He addressed an appeal to these, and is happy to say that four have rejoined the Association. One replied, I have not receded from New THE LINCOLNSHIRE NEW CHURCH Church principles in the least whatASSOCIATION. - This Association held ever at any time I can subscribe to the its tenth annual meeting at Horncastle Church I will send. I keep distributing on the 28th of August, T. W. Bogg, a few tracts to any one who will read Esq., M. B., in the chair. The minutes them, and find some who like them were read and signed, the accounts very much.' Having sent this friend audited and passed. The subscriptions one of the Silent Missionaries, he during the past year amount to £22, 9s. 2d. the payments for Missionary labours, etc., to £14, 18s., leaving a balance in the hands of the treasurer of £7, 11s. 2d.

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Resolutions to the following effect were unanimously passed :-1. That the question of missionary work in the county be deferred to await the result of pending enquiries. 2. That copies of the True Christian Religion, Divine Providence, and Outlines of the Religion and Philosophy of Swedenborg be donated to the additional steamer placed on the Grimsby and Hamburg line. 3. That copies of the last work by Professor Parsons be sent to all masters of grammar schools resident in the county. 4. That a circular be issued, offering to all clergymen of the Church of England in the county copies of the Future Life, post free. 5. That the next meeting of the Association be held at Great Grimsby, in the month of August next year, and that W. Wallis, Esq., be President. 6. That Mr. J. S. Bogg be re-elected Secretary and Treasurer, and that the thanks of the Association for his most interesting report be placed on record. 7. That the hearty thanks of the Association be given to R. Gunton, Esq., for his kind and ready assistance in promoting, by lectures and missionary work, the spread of the New Church. 8. That a cordial vote of thanks be given to the Committees of the National Mis

wrote asking for a number to dispose of. Twelve were forwarded to him, and in a few weeks he wrote for more, saying he had sold all.

"About this time it occurred to your Secretary that it might be possible to utilize the county Press; and, by the newspapers, to reach and construct in many minds a system of morality to serve as a basis for higher truths. Many people but seldom read or hear the Word; others attend no place of worship, and hold intercourse with the world of thought only through the medium of their weekly newspapers. How important that, side by side with the details of crime, dishonesty and injustice with which these abound, should stand a few words of pure moral teaching to elevate and refine the character, and enable the reader to discriminate between the stone' and the 'bread,' the 'fish' and the scorpion.' For the insertion of occasional paragraphs, Mr. Watkinson, Spalding, and Mr. Ingamells, Boston, kindly opened the columns of the Sleaford Gazette, Spalding Free Press, and Boston Guardian, and in these appeared extracts from the Intellectual Repository, New Jerusalem Messenger, Words in Season, and other works.



The first of the Association series of missionary visits was made to Horncastle, on February 20th, when Mr. Gunton delivered two sermons in the Church, Queen Street. The attendance

on Sunday morning was good; in the evening larger than for two years past. At the tea meeting on the Tuesday evening 130 sat down, and the subsequent meeting in the church was largely attended.

"The proposed lectures at Gainsborough were, at Mr. E. Moore's request, deferred for a time. Mr. Gunton commenced a course of missionary services and lectures at Grimsby on March 19th. Not only did a most favourable report appear in the Grimsby News, but the free-will offerings of the people, amounting to over £3, testified to their appreciation of the benefits conferred. Five copies of the True Christian Religion, twenty-three of the Apocalypse Revealed, and about forty Silent Missionaries were sold.

"On April 19th, 20th, and 21st, Mr. Gunton delivered lectures at Wisbeach, Long Sutton, and Tydd Gate. On June 8th and 9th, Mr. Gunton visited Bourne, and lectured there. The attendance on the first evening was 100; on the second, 200.

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The Association has now been at work ten years, during which period nearly 100 lectures, as well as many sermons, have been delivered in various towns in Lincolnshire. Several hundred New Church works, and tracts innumerable, have been sold and distributed. By advertising, donation of books to the Grimsby steamers, and Colportage work, the glad tidings of the Second Advent have been published; while, through the Horncastle Society, as a central receptacle of truth for the whole county, have descended from the spiritual world, new love, new light, new life.

"J. S. BOGG, Hon. Secretary."

PARIS.-Allow me to correct an error in the address of the New Church meetings at Paris, which occurs in the account you kindly published, in your last number, of our visit to that city.

The Parisian brethren hold their réunion for worship and spiritual instruction on Sunday afternoons at 3 o'clock, at the rooms of Dr. Poirson, 18 Rue des Grands Augustins. Permit me again to request that all the brethren who visit Paris, and have an interest in the New Church, should join the little band there whenever it is possible. None but those who have belonged to very small Societies can fully appreciate the comfort

it is to be joined by their brethren in their Sabbath services. The French truly call it assisting in their worship. Both visitors and visited are indeed assisted and benefited. The bruised reed is strengthened, and the smoking flax kept burning, by the warm countenance of loving friends, and the friends themselves are helped heavenwards by the cordial outpouring of their own unselfish love of the brethren. Were we all considerate enough for others in these matters, the whole Church would present a brighter aspect both to ourselves and outsiders.


AMERICA. We extract the following from a letter of Mr. Sewall, the Principal of the Urbana University, to the editor of the Messenger:-"Within the past four months no less than four ministers of the straightest of the 'orthodox,' or 'evangelicals,' have been in conference with me about their conversion to the doctrines of the New Church. Three of these have within that period renounced their denominational names and connections, and are now considering 'what they ought to do.' They are men whose minds have been quick enough to see the truth, and whose consciences are quick enough to tell them that they have no right to be preaching the truth under false colours. To tell the truth to their Calvinistic congregations is equivalent to producing a schism at once, and being cast out of the synagogue. And this result has, of course, followed. I believe these brethren would thankfully receive any counsel offered them, through the columns of the Messenger, as to what course they may best pursue. If they come to us, are we, as New Churchmen, ready to render them our cordial reception by either calling them to our vacant pulpits, or providing for their support during a period of preparatory study at our theological schools?"

Mr. Sewall offers some suggestions for the employment for a time of these brethren in the university of which he is principal, but for this purpose funds would be required. "But the problem," he continues, "is a wide one, and daily growing wider, and any suggestions designed to help to a right decision those minds now in a state of suspense as to what they ought to do,'

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