Sivut kuvina

Efforts of the Government of Brazil | especially of the Industrious Classes. for the Suppression of the Slave If you should be of opinion that reTrade, now nearly extinguished on cent Legislation in contributing, with that Coast, have enabled Me to sus-other Causes, to this happy Result, pend the stringent Measures which I has at the same time inflicted unhad been compelled reluctantly to avoidable Injury on certain important adopt, a Recurrence to which I anxi- Interests, I recommend you dispasously hope may be proved to be un- sionately to consider how far it may necessary. be practicable equitably to mitigate that Injury, and to enable the Industry of the Country to meet successfully that unrestricted Competition to which Parliament, in its Wisdom, has decided that it should be subjected.

"THE Government of Her Most Faithful Majesty have fully recognized the Justice of the Claim which My Gevernment have long urged for the Abolition of the discriminating Duties on the Export of Wine, and have passed a Decree for giving complete Effect to the Stipulations of the Treaty on this Subject.

"You will probably deem it advisable to resume the Inquiries which were commenced by the late Parliament with a view to Legislation on the Subject of the future Government of My East Indian Possessions.

"I TRUST that the general Improvement, notwithstanding many Obstacles, has extended to Ireland; and while I rely with Confidence on your Aid, should it be required, to restrain that unhappy Spirit of Insubordination and Turbulence which produces many and aggravates all of the Evils which afflict that Portion of My Dominions, I recommend to you the Adoption of such a liberal and generous Policy to

"Gentlemen of the House of wards Ireland as may encourage and


"THE Estimates for the ensuing Year will in due Time be laid before you.

"THE advancement of the Fine Arts and of Practical Science will be readily recognized by you as worthy of the Attention of a great and enlightened Nation. I have directed that a comprehensive Scheme shall be laid before you, having in view the Promotion of these Objects, towards which I invite your Aid and Co-oper


assist her to rally from the Depression in which she has been sunk by the Sufferings of late Years.

"ANXIOUS to promote the Efficiency of every Branch of our National Church, I have thought fit to issue a Commission to inquire and report to Me how far, in their Opinion, the Capitular Institutions of the Country are capable of being made more effective for the great Objects of Religious Worship, Religious Education, and Ecclesiastical Discipline.

"I HAVE directed that the Reports of the Commissioners for inquiring My Lords, and Gentlemen, into the System of Education pursued "It gives Me Pleasure to be enabled, at Oxford and Cambridge should be by the blessing of Providence, to con- communicated to the governing Bodies gratulate you on the generally im- of those Universities, for their Consiproved Condition of the Country, and deration; and I rely upon your Readi

ness to remove any legal Difficulties | livered from the Throne. In doing so, he

claimed the forbearance of their Lordships while, in accordance with the course usually followed on such occasions, he made some observations-and he assured the House that in doing so, he would endeavour to

which may impede the Desire of the Universities at large, or of the several Colleges, to introduce such Amendments into their existing System as they may deem to be more in accord-smallest possible compass consistent with ance with the Requirements of the the importance and variety of the subjects. present Time. alluded to-on the different topics alluded

restrict those observations within the

"THE System of Secondary Punish-to in that Speech. During the last Session of Parliament, one of the principal ments has usefully occupied the La- measures passed was the Act for embodybours of successive Parliaments; and ing the Militia. It was necessary that the I shall rejoice if you shall find it people of this country should be placed in possible to devise Means by which, with-vasion-not because such invasion was a position capable of resisting foreign in

out giving Encouragement to Crime, Transportation to Van Diemen's Land may at no distant Period be altogether


"THE Subject of Legal Reform continues to engage My anxious Attention. The Acts passed in the last Session of Parliament have been followed up by the Orders necessary for putting them in operation. Inquiries are in progress, by My Direction, with a view of bringing into Harmony the Testamentary Jurisdiction of My several Courts; and Bills will be submitted to you for effecting further Improvements in the Administration of the Law.

"To these and other Measures affecting the Social condition of the Country I am persuaded that you will give your earnest and zealous Attention, and I pray that by the Blessing of Almighty God your Deliberations may be guided to the Well-being and Happiness of My People."

HER MAJESTY then retired.

probable from any quarter, but because a great country like ours ought always to be ready to meet the possibility of such danger, not merely in a satisfactory but in a triumphant manner. It was a most satisfactory consideration that this measure had proved eminently successful. population had everywhere readily and voluntarily come forward to fill the ranks of the Militia, and in very few instances, indeed, would it be necessary to have re


course to the ballot. The officers also of

the corps which had been raised had exerted themselves in the most praiseworthy manner to train and discipline the men, and in lingness been experienced. The condition no instance had any want of zeal or wilof the Foreign Affairs of the country, their Lordships would rejoice to be informed, was satisfactory. Her Majesty said that "She continued to receive from all Foreign Powers assurances of their anxious desire to maintain the friendly relations so happily subsisting at present with Her Government." He could not, however, quit this part of the subject without expressing his humble opinion that the course which some part of the press of this country were puronly injudicious but mischievous. suing on subjects of foreign politics was not ruler of a neighbouring nation had been subject to unmeasured abuse from a large portion of the public press. The people of England ought not to enter on a system of political propagandism. He apprehended that it was not at this day the feeling of the British nation that it would be wise or


ADDRESS IN ANSWER TO THE SPEECH. THE QUEEN's Speech having been re-expedient to force on foreign nations any ported by the Lord Chancellor,

particular form of government; the examThe EARL of DONOUGHMORE rose ple of France at the end of last century, to move that an Humble Address be pre- and the sufferings she had endured from sented to Her Majesty in reply to the gra- her insane attempt to force her form of gocious Speech which She had that day de-vernment on the rest of Europe, should be

He believed that in all fishermen shall also have liberty, for ever, to dry
and cure fish in any of the unsettled bays, har-

bours and creeks of the southern part of the coast
of Newfoundland hereabove described, and of the
coast of Labrador; but so soon as the same, or
any portion thereof, shall be settled, it shall not
be lawful for the said fishermen to dry or cure
fish at such portion so settled, without previous
agreement for such purpose, with the inhabitants,
proprietors, or possessors of the ground. And
the United States hereby renounce, for ever, any
liberty heretofore enjoyed or claimed by the in-
habitants thereof, to take, dry, or cure fish, on or
within three marine miles of any of the coasts,
bays, creeks or harbours of his Britannic Majes-
ty's dominions in America, not included within
the above-mentioned limits: provided, however,
that the American fishermen shall be admitted
to enter such bays or harbours, for the purpose
of shelter and of repairing damages therein, of
purchasing wood, and of obtaining water, and for
no other purpose whatever. But that they shall
be under such restrictions as may be necessary to
prevent their taking, drying, or curing fish there-
privileges hereby reserved to them.”
in, or in any other manner whatever abusing the

a warning to us. parts of this country there was a deep feeling of attachment to the constitution under which we lived, and to the institutions by which we were governed, and a great appreciation of the benefits we derived from them; but that was not a reason why we should endeavour to force our system of government on other nations, or to cover them with invectives because they preferred their own. The French, for reasons best known to themselves, had thought proper to organise their government and constitution anew, as undoubtedly they had a perfect right to do; but whatever our opinion might be as to their proceedings, he hoped that opinion would not be made the ground of unjust and mischievous demonstrations on the part of any amongst us, and that there would be an end to the abuse which had been heaped on the head of the new ruler of France. He would only add that at the commencement of the last Session of Parliament, a similar opinion had been delivered in their Lordships' House by the noble Earl now at the head of the Government, and by the noble Marquess opposite (the Marquess of Lansdowne). The next question to which Her Majesty's Speech referred was that of the Fishery Convention with the United States; and as he believed the recent disagreements on this subject between England and the United States arose from a total misconception on the part of the latter country of the terms of the Convention, he would take the liberty of saying a few words on the circum-tablishment of a new marine police to stances of the case. The Convention of Commerce between England and the United States was signed at London the 20th of October, 1818. The first article was in the following terms:

"Whereas differences have arisen respecting the liberty claimed by the United States, for the inhabitants thereof, to take, dry and cure fish, on certain coasts, bays, harbours and creeks, of his Britannic Majesty's dominions in America, it is agreed between the high contracting parties,

that the inhabitants of the said United States shall have, for ever, in common with the subjects of his Britannic Majesty, the liberty to take fish of every kind on that part of the southern coast of Newfoundland which extends from Cape Ray to the Rameau islands, on the western and northern coast of Newfoundland, from the said Cape

Ray to the Quipron islands on the shores of the Magdalen islands, and also on the coasts, bays, harbours and creeks, from Mount Joly, on the southern coast of Labrador, to and through the Streights of Belleisle, and thence northwardly indefinitely along the coast, without prejudice however to any of the exclusive rights of the Hudson's Bay Company. And that the American

It was necessary to state that this Convention had been maintained by the authori ties of this country, and that a force had been sent immediately after its conclusion sufficient to express our determination to insist on the rights given to by it. From June, 1821, to October, 1851, thirty-five American fishing-vessels had been seized and adjudicated on in the new Admiralty Court of Halifax but of late, complaints had been received in great numbers from our colonies that infringements were made daily of the treaty of 1818. There was a great call for the es

guard our rights and protect our interests.
In former years it was our custom to send
to the North American station a small
number of large vessels; but latterly a
larger number of smaller vessels had been
sent, which had proved much more effec-
tual in protecting our fishermen.
In con-
sequence of these proceedings on our part,
some complaints were made by the United
States, and a discussion arose as to the
words of the treaty, and as to what was
meant by the distance of three marine
miles from any of the coasts, bays, &c.
It turned out that the most valuable part
of the fishery was within the distance of
three miles from the coast; and that, even
if Her Majesty had been inclined, as She
was not, to surrender Her rights under
the treaty, the United States would not
have been entitled to enjoy any part of
that fishery which was most valuable-
namely, the mackerel fishery. Whatever
feeling had been created in the United

States by the proceedings of our Govern- crees of the 14th of October and the 14th ment, there was reason now to hope that of November, 1850, had, however, been the Government of the United States was more effective. In 1849 the number of disposed to negotiate cordially on the slaves landed in Brazil amounted to 54,000, point, and that great and important com- but in 1850 it sank to 23,000, and in mercial advantages would be gained to 1851 to 3,287. He therefore hoped that our North American Colonies by the set- in a very short time the importation of tlement of the question. His Lordship then slaves to Brazil would entirely cease. The referred to the next paragraph in Her Ma- slave trade was now principally directed to jesty's Speech relative to the recent opening Cuba, the only part of America in which of the great rivers of South America. It at present it was carried on to any extent. would be in their Lordships' recollection The means at the disposal of Government that in the last Session of Parliament, the for the suppression of this infamous traffic noble Lord opposite (Lord Beaumont) had could now be concentrated against the made a Motion on the subject of the great Cuban trade, and we might hope that soon internal waters of South America. At the slave trade would exist only in history. that time the Dictator, Rosas, who had for Her Majesty had also informed them that years refused access to our shipping to the the Portuguese Government had fully recoggreat rivers of the territories over which nised the justice of the claim which our he ruled, had been hurled from power, and Government have long urged for the abolihopes were entertained that his successors tion of the discriminating duties on the would adopt a more liberal policy. It was export of wine, and have passed a decree most satisfactory to know that all the ob- for giving complete effect to the stipulajects contemplated by the noble Lord and tions of the treaty on this subject; and he others who took part in that discussion had (the Earl of Donoughmore) thought the been accomplished; a joint mission of an noble Lord the present Foreign Secretary envoy of Her Majesty, together with one (Lord Malmesbury), deserved great credit from the President of the French Republic, for the successful issue to which the negohad been most cordially received at Buenos tiations on this subject had been brought. Ayres, and the whole of the internal waters Her Majesty next alluded to the affairs of of the Argentine Confederation had been India. The Committee which sat last thrown open to foreign commerce. It was Session on the subject rendered it adviscarcely possible to estimate the benefit sable to resume the inquiries which had which our trade would derive from this been already commenced with a view to measure. One whole State-the Republic legislation on the subject of the future goof Paraguay-would now for the first time vernment of our East India empire. A be opened to us, and our produce could very large addition had been made of late now be conveyed, through these newly-years to our territory, and a war was now opened channels, nearly to the foot of proceeding which was very likely to lead the Andes. The next paragraph of the to still further additions. Her Majesty Speech adverted to the efforts recently next congratulated Parliament and the made by the Brazilian Government for the country on the generally improved condisuppression of the slave trade. It would tion of the nation, and the prosperous state be in the recollection of their Lordships of the industrious classes. He fully conthat the Government of Brazil had entered curred in these congratulations. It gave into a convention with this country on the him great pleasure to acknowledge that 23rd of November, 1826, subsequently ra- the state of the manufacturing population tified in London on the 13th of March, and the industrious classes generally was 1827, whereby the slave trade was de- at present most satisfactory. A difference clared to be piracy after three years from of opinion might and no doubt did exist on the date of ratification. A law against the cause of our prosperity; but he was the slave trade was subsequently enacted disposed to admit that the improved conby Brazil on the 7th of November, 1831; dition of the working classes might be atbut it proved ineffective. A large number tributed to the cheapness of their food. of slaves were annually imported into The increased importation of gold, and Brazil for several years afterwards. In the large amount of emigration to Aus1842 the number of s aves landed in Brazil tralia and America, might also have conwas 17,435, and in .848 it had increased tributed to it. His Lordship then referred ty 60,000. The law enacted by Brazil in to the paragraph in the Speech relative September, 1850, and the subsequent de- to the general improvement of Ireland

"I have directed that the reports of the Commissioners for inquiring into the system of education pursued at Oxford and Cambridge should be communicated to the governing bodies of those Universities, for their consideration, and I rely upon your readiness to remove any legal difficulties which may impede the desire of the Universities at large, or of the several Colleges, to introduce such amendments into their existing system the requirements of the present time." as they may deem to be more in accordance with

The question of University reform was akin to that of ecclesiastical reform. He thought the Universities should have the power of reforming themselves, and he hoped Parliament would confer on them such powers as were necessary to enable the heads of them to adapt those venerable seats of learning to the wants of the age. Her Majesty had also alluded to the question of transportation:

after its many years of care and suffering. I those capitulary institutions and our great The sufferings which the people of Ireland Universities might not be made more conhad endured were not to be described, and sonant to the wants of the age; but the could only be understood by those who, rights of the National Church should not like himself, had witnessed them. That be in any manner endangered by those reunhappy country, however, was now, he forms. Her Majesty had alluded to the was happy to state, slowly recovering from question of University reform :the slough of despond in which she had been so unfortunately plunged. He rejoiced to think that the policy which he understood the Government of the noble Earl intended to pursue towards Ireland was so just and good. Ireland must not be treated according to the cold and formal theories of political economy-she was in a peculiar position, and required peculiar treatment-she required indulgent care -she needed the paternal hand of Government to assist her in recovering from her exhaustion to develop her resources, and gradually to establish a sound system. He was sorry, however, to remark upon some dark features in the picture of Irish affairs -he alluded to those disturbances and murders which had recently occurred there. One would have thought that the scenes of ruin and desolation which had taken place throughout the island would have taught the Irish people the absolute necessity of obedience to the laws, and that from the observance of the laws they were alone to expect prosperity; but it seemed that the terrible lesson had, at least together discontinued." some extent, been lost upon them, and that insubordination and violence prevailed in many districts. He hoped the Government would assist to their utmost in developing the resources of Ireland, and encouraging industry and trade, but, at the same time, outrage must be repressed, and the power of the law must be maintained. Obedience to the law was an ingredient of the first necessity towards the tranquillity and regeneration of Ireland. The noble Earl then alluded to the following paragraph in the Royal Speech :

"Anxious to promote the efficiency of every branch of our National Church, I have thought fit to issue a Commission to inquire and report to me how far, in their opinion, the capitular institutions of the country are capable of being made more effective for the great objects of religious worship, religious education, and ecclesiastical discipline."

"The system of secondary punishments has usefully occupied the labours of successive Parliaments, and I shall rejoice if you shall find it possible to devise means by which, without giving encouragement to crime, transportation to Van Diemen's Land may at no distant period be alto

This question had long occupied the attention of their Lordships. The Colonies had often remonstrated against the present system, and the Government were anxious to find out some other mode of punishment which would not entail the evils now complained of. He had stated that the Militia law was the great Act of last Session, but there was one other great measure also which had been passed into law, he meant that of legal reform. Her Majesty observed upon it

"The subject of legal reform continues to in the last Session of Parliament have been folengage my anxious attention. The Acts passed lowed up by the orders necessary for putting them in operation; inquiries are in progress, by my direction, with a view of bringing into harcourts; and Bills will be submitted to you for mony the testamentary jurisdiction of my several effecting further improvements in the administra

tion of the law."

The National Church must always be an He felt sure that all their Lordships would object of solicitude to their Lordships, but, concur with him in thanking the noble and like all ancient institutions, it needed re-learned Lord on the woolsack for the zeal, form; but those reforms must be adminis- ability, and perseverance which he had tered with a tender hand. It was worth shown in carrying out the intentions of their Lordships' while to inquire whether the Legislature. The Government, he

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