The Acts of the Parliament of Western Australia, Nide 1Government Printer, South Africa, 1972 |
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Tulokset 1 - 3 kokonaismäärästä 31
Sivu 346
... by - laws for the purposes of , and in accordance with , the Agreement . ( 2 ) By - laws made pursuant to this section- ( a ) shall be published in the Government Gazette ; ( b ) take effect and have the force of law from the date they ...
... by - laws for the purposes of , and in accordance with , the Agreement . ( 2 ) By - laws made pursuant to this section- ( a ) shall be published in the Government Gazette ; ( b ) take effect and have the force of law from the date they ...
Sivu 380
Western Australia. Agreement . Other works and facilities . By - laws . ( 0 ) in accordance with the Company's ... by the Company make alter and repeal by - laws for the purpose of enabling the Company to fulfil the obligations ...
Western Australia. Agreement . Other works and facilities . By - laws . ( 0 ) in accordance with the Company's ... by the Company make alter and repeal by - laws for the purpose of enabling the Company to fulfil the obligations ...
Sivu 412
... by - laws for the purposes of , and in accordance with , the Agreement . ( 2 ) By - laws made pursuant to this section— ( a ) shall be published in the Government Gazette ; ( b ) take effect and have the force of law from the date they ...
... by - laws for the purposes of , and in accordance with , the Agreement . ( 2 ) By - laws made pursuant to this section— ( a ) shall be published in the Government Gazette ; ( b ) take effect and have the force of law from the date they ...
Western Australian Marine Act Amendment Act 1972 | 1 |
Acts Nos 155 | 13 |
Auctioneers Act Amendment Act 1972 | 36 |
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
Aboriginal descent Act Amendment Act Act applies Act is amended advice and consent aforesaid Agreement Authorization appointed approved or determined arbitration Assembly of Western associated company Australia Act Board Bruce Mining by-laws charge Chief Inspector Commissioner common seal Commonwealth Company's construction cost Court of Petty deemed default detailed proposals dollars easement equipment export facilities floating charge granted Hamersley Hamersley Range hereinafter indictable offences Joint Ven Joint Venturers Land Act lease licence Legislative Council matters means ment mineral lease Mining Act mining area Minister months Mount Bruce necessary Nimingarra notice Notwithstanding offence operations hereunder paragraph parties hereto payable period persons of Aboriginal plant port prescribed present Parliament assembled principal Act purposes Queen's Most Excellent railway referred relation repealed and re-enacted respect roads royalty Schedule shipped square miles suant submit substituting terms and conditions thereof third parties tion townsite turers Western Australia Western Australian Marine wharf words