Sivut kuvina

3 Drylliwn eu rhwymau hwy, a thaflwn eu rheffynnau oddiwrthym.

4 Yr hwn sydd yn preswylio yn y nefoedd a chwardd: yr Arglwydd a'u gwatwar hwynt. 5 Yna y llefara efe wrthynt yn ei lid, ac yn ei ddigllonrwydd y dychryna efe hwynt. 6 Minnau a osodais fy Mrenhin ar Sion fy mynydd sanctaidd.

7 Mynegaf y ddeddf: dywedodd yr Arglwydd wrthyf, Fy mab ydwyt ti; myfi heddyw a'th genhedlais.

8 Gofyn i mi, a rhoddaf y cenhedloedd yn etifeddiaeth i ti, a therfynau'r ddaear i'th feddiant.

3 Let us break their bonds asunder: and cast away their cords from us.

9 Drylli hwynt â gwïalen haiarn; maluri hwynt fel llestr pridd.

4 He that dwelleth in heaven shall laugh them to scorn: the Lord shall have them in derision.

5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath and vex them in his sore displeasure.

10 Gan hynny'r awr hon, frenhinoedd, byddwch synhwyrol: barnwŷr y ddaear, cymmerwch ddysg.

11 Gwasanaethwch yr Arglwydd mewn ofn, ac ymlawenhêwch mewn dychryn.

6 Yet have I set my King: upon my holy hill of Sion.

7 I will preach the law, whereof the Lord hath said unto me : Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee.

12 Cusenwch y mab, rhag iddo ddigio, a'ch difetha chwi o'r ffordd, pan gynneuo ei lid ef, ond ychydig. Gwyn eu byd pawb a ymddiriedant ynddo ef.

Ps. iii. Domine, quid multiplicati? RGLWYDD, mor aml

Desire of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance and the utmost parts of the earth for thy possession.

A fy nhrallodwýr? llawer yw

y rhai sy'n codi i'm herbyn.

9 Thou shalt bruise them with a rod of iron and break them in pieces like a potter's vessel.


10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings be learned, ye that are judges of the earth.

2 Llawer yw y rhai sy'n dywedyd am fy enaid, Nid oes iachawdwriaeth iddo yn ei Dduw. 3 Ond tydi, Arglwydd, ydwyt darian i mi; fy ngogoniant, a dyrchafydd fy mhen.

4 A'm llef y gelwais ar yr Arglwydd, ac efe a'm clybu o'i fynydd sanctaidd.

11 Serve the Lord in fear : and rejoice unto him with re

5 Mi a orweddais, ac a gysgais; ac a ddeffroais: canys yr Arglwydd a'm cynhaliodd.

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Ps. iii. Domine, quid multiplicati?

ORD, how are they increas

Led that wouble me: many

are they that rise against me.

2 Many one there be that say of my soul: There is no help for him in his God.

3 But thou, O Lord, art my defender thou art my worship, and the lifter up of my head.

4 I did call upon the Lord with my voice: and he heard me out of his holy hill.

5 I laid me down and slept, and rose up again: for the Lord sustained me.

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6 Nid ofnaf fyrddiwn o bobl, y rhai o amgylch a ymosodasant i'm herbyn.

7 Cyfod, Arglwydd ; achub fi, fy Nuw: canys tarewaist fy holl elynion ar gàr yr ên; torraist ddannedd yr annuwiolion.

8 Iachawdwriaeth sydd eiddo'r Arglwydd dy fendith sydd ar dy bobl.


Psal. iv. Cum invocarem.

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Psal. iv. Cum invocarem.

EAR me when I call, O

WRANDO fi Dduw der: mewn cyfyngder yr ehengaist arnaf; trugarhà wrthyf, ac erglyw fy ngweddi.

WR ANDw fy nghyflaw: H God of my righteousness:

2 O feibion dynion, pa hŷd y trowch fy ngogoniant yn warth? yr hoffwch wegi, ac yr argeisiwch gelwydd?

3 Ond gwybyddwch i'r Arglwydd neillduo'r duwiol iddo ei hun: yr Arglwydd a wrendy pan alwyf arno.

4 Ofnwch, ac na phechwch : ymddiddenwch â'ch calon ar eich gwely, a thewch.

5 Aberthwch ebyrth cyfiawnder; a gobeithiwch yn yr Arglwydd.

6 Llawer sy'n dywedyd, Pwy a ddengys i ni ddaioni? Arglwydd, dyrcha arnom lewyrch dy wyneb.

7 Rhoddaist lawenydd yn fy nghalon, mwy na'r amser yr amlhâodd eu hŷd a'u gwin hwynt.

8 Mewn heddwch hefyd y gorweddaf, ac yr hunaf: canys ti, Arglwydd, yn unig a wnei i mi drigo mewn diogelwch.

Psal. v. Verba mea auribus.

thou hast set me at liberty when I was in trouble; have mercy upon me, and hearken unto my


20 ye sons of men, how long will ye blaspheme mine honour : and have such pleasure in vanity, and seek after leasing?

3 Know this also, that the Lord hath chosen to himself the man that is godly: when I call upon the Lord, he will hear me.

4 Stand in awe, and sin not : commune with your own heart, and in your chamber, and be


5 Offer the sacrifice of righteousness and put your trust in the Lord.

6 There be many that say: Who will shew us any good?

7 Lord, lift thou up: the light of thy countenance upon us.

8 Thou hast put gladness in my heart since the time that their corn, and wine, and oil,


9 I will lay me down in peace, and take my rest: for it is thou, Lord, only, that makest me dwell in safety.

Psal. v. Verba mea auribus.

GWRANDO fy ngeiriau, PONDER my words, O

Arglwydd; deall fy my


Lord consider my medi


2 Erglyw ar lêf fy ngwaedd, fy Mrenhin, a'm Duw: canys arnat y gweddïaf.

3 Yn fore, Arglwydd, y clywi fy llêf; yn fore y cyfeiriaf fy ngweddi attat, ac yr edrychaf i fynu.

4 O herwydd nid wyt ti Dduw'n ewyllysio anwiredd: a drwg ni thrig gydâ thi.

5 Ynfydion ni safant yn dy olwg caseaist holl weithredwŷr anwiredd.

6 Difethi y rhai a ddywedant gelwydd: : yr Arglwydd a ffieiddia'r gwr gwaedlyd a'r twyll


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2 O hearken thou unto the voice of my calling, my King, and my God for unto thee will I make my prayer.

3 My voice shalt thou hear betimes, O Lord early in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.

4 For thou art the God that hast no pleasure in wickedness: neither shall any evil dwell with thee.

5 Such as be foolish shall not stand in thy sight: for thou hatest all them that work vanity.

6 Thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing the Lord will abhor both the blood-thirsty

and deceitful man.


7 But as for me, I will come into thine house, even the multitude of thy mercy : and in thy fear will I worship toward thy holy temple.

8 Lead me, O Lord, in thy righteousness, because of mine enemies make thy way plain before my face.

9 For there is no faithfulness in his mouth: their inward parts are very wickedness.

10 Their throat is an open sepulchre: they flatter with their tongue.

11 Destroy thou them, O God; let them perish through their own imaginations : cast them out in the multitude of their ungodliness; for they have rebelled against thee.

12 And let all them that put their trust in thee rejoice: they shall ever be giving of thanks, because thou defendest them; they that love thy Name shall be joyful in thee;

13 For thou, Lord, wilt give thy blessing unto the righteous: and with thy favourable kindness wilt thou defend him as with a shield.


Psal. vi. Domine, ne in furore.

EVENING PRAYER. Psal. vi. Domine, ne in furore.

ARGLWYDD, na cherydda O Lord, rebuke me not in

yn dy lidiogrwydd, ac

na chospa fi yn dy lid.

2 Trugarha wrthyf, Arglwydd, canys llesg ydwyf fi: iacha fi, O Arglwydd; canys fy esgyrn a gystuddiwyd.

3 A'm henaid a ddychrynwyd yn ddirfawr: tithau, Arglwydd, pa hŷd?

4 Dychwel, Arglwydd, gwared fy enaid: achub fi er mwyn dy drugaredd.

5 Canys yn angau nid oes goffa am danat: yn y bedd pwy a'th folianna?

6 Diffygiais gan fy ochain; bob nos yr ydwyf yn gwneuthur fy ngwely yn foddfa: yr ydwyf fi yn gwlychu fy ngorweddfa â'm dagrau.

7 Treuliodd fy llygad gan ddigter: heneiddiodd o herwydd fy holl elynion.

8 Ciliwch oddiwrthyf, holl weithredwŷr anwiredd: canys yr Arglwydd a glywodd lêf fy wylofain.

9 Clybu'r Arglwydd fy neisyfiad yr Arglwydd a dderbyn fy ngweddi.

10 Gwaradwydder a thralloder yn ddirfawr fy holl elynion: dychweler a chywilyddier hwynt yn ddisymmwth.

Psal. vii. Domine, Deus meus.

ARGLWYDD fy Nuw ynot yr ymddiriedais: achub fi rhag fy holl erlidwŷr, a gwar

ed fi.

2 Rhag iddo larpio fy enaid fel llew, gan ei rwygo, pryd na byddo gwaredydd.

3 O Arglwydd fy Nuw, os gwneuthum hyn; od oes anwiredd yn fy nwylaw;

4 O thelais ddrwg i'r neb oedd heddychol â mi; ïe, mi a war

thine indignation: neither chasten me in thy displeasure. 2 Have mercy upon me, O Lord, for I am weak: O Lord, heal me, for my bones



3 My soul also is sore troubled: but, Lord, how long wilt thou punish me?

4 Turn thee, O Lord, and deliver my soul: O save me for thy mercy's sake.

5 For in death no man remembereth thee: and who will give thee thanks in the pit?

6 I am weary of my groaning; every night wash I my bed: and water my couch with my tears.

7 My beauty is gone for very trouble: and worn away because of all mine enemies.

8 Away from me, all ye that work vanity for the Lord hath heard the voice of my weeping.

9 The Lord hath heard my petition: the Lord will receive my prayer.

10 All mine enemies shall be confounded, and sore vexed: they shall be turned back, and put to shame suddenly.

Psal. vii. Domine, Deus meus.
my God, in thee have

from all them that persecute me, and deliver me;

2 Lest he devour my soul, like a lion, and tear it in pieces: while there is none to help.

3 O Lord my God, if I have done any such thing or if there be any wickedness in my hands;

4 If I have rewarded evil unto him that dealt friendly with

edais yr hwn sydd elyn i mi heb achos;

5 Erlidied y gelyn fy enaid, a goddiwedded: sathred hefyd fy mywyd i'r llawr, a gosoded fy ngogoniant yn y llwch.

6 Cyfod, Arglwydd, yn dy ddigllonedd, ymddyrcha, o herwydd llid fy ngelynion: deffro hefyd drosof i'r farn a orchymmynaist.

7 Felly cynnulleidfa'r bobloedd a'th amgylchynant: er eu mwyn dychwel dithau i'r uchelder.

8 Yr Arglwydd a farn y bobloedd: barn fi, O Arglwydd, yn ol fy nghyfiawnder, ac yn. ol fy mherffeithrwydd sydd ynof.

9 Darfydded weithian anwiredd yr annuwiolion, eithr cyfarwydda di y cyfiawn: canys y Duw cyfiawn a chwilia'r calon

nau a'r arennau.

10 Fy ymddiffyn sydd o Dduw, Iachawdwr y rhai uniawn o galon.

11 Duw sydd Farnydd y cyfiawn, a Duw sy ddigllawn beunydd wrth yr annuwiol.

12 Oni ddychwel yr annuwiol, efe a hoga ei gleddyf: efe a annelodd ei fwa, ac a'i parottôdd.

13 Parottôdd hefyd iddo arfau angheuol: efe a drefnodd ei saethau yn erbyn yr erlidwŷr.

14 Wele, efe a ymddŵg anwiredd, ac a feichiogodd ar gamwedd, ac a esgorodd ar gelwydd.

15 Torrodd bwll, cloddiodd ef, syrthiodd hefyd yn y clawdd

a wnaeth.

16 Ei anwiredd a ymchwel ar

me yea, I have delivered him that without any cause is mine enemy;

5 Then let mine enemy persecute my soul, and take me : yea, let him tread my life down upon the earth, and lay mine honour in the dust.

6 Stand up, O Lord, in thy wrath, and lift up thyself, because of the indignation of mine enemies arise up for me in the judgement that thou hast commanded.

7 And so shall the congregation of the people come about thee: for their sakes therefore lift up thyself again.

8 The Lord shall judge the people; give sentence with me, O Lord: according to my righteousness, and according to the innocency that is in me. 9 O let the wickedness of the ungodly come to an end but guide thou the just.

10 For the righteous God: trieth the very hearts and reins.

11 My help cometh of God: who preserveth them that are true of heart.

12 God is a righteous Judge, strong, and patient and God is provoked every day.

13 If a man will not turn, he will whet his sword he hath bent his bow, and made it ready.

14 He hath prepared for him the instruments of death: he ordaineth his arrows against the persecutors.

15 Behold, he travaileth with mischief: he hath conceived sorrow, and brought forth ungodliness.

16 He hath graven and digged up a pit and is fallen himself into the destruction that he made for other.

17 For his travail shall come

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