Bogue, Jesse P., executive secretary, American Association of Junior Col- leges, Washington, D. C...
Boushall, Thomas C., chairman, national committee on education, United States Chamber of Commerce, Washington, D. C...
Brown, Edgar G., representative of the National Negro Council, Washing- ton, D. C...
+ Conant, Dr. James B., president, Harvard University.
Cook, Mrs. Stanley G., legislation chairman, National Congress of Parents and Teachers, Indian Head, Md..
Cooper, Hon. John Sherman, United States Senator from the State of Ken- tucky.
Dawson, Dr. J. M., executive secretary, the Joint Conference Committee
on Public Relations, Baptists of the United States, Washington, D. C..
Eby, Kermit, director, research and education, Congress of Industrial Organizations, Washington, D. C_
Emerick, O. L., Northern Virginia District Parent-Teacher Association.
Feingold, Stanley, New York legislative director, Young Progressive Citi-
zens of America, New York, N. Y.
Foreman, Clark, president, Southern Conference for Human Welfare,
Washington, D. C..
Fowler, Dr. Frederick C., chairman, Committee on Christian Liberty, National Association of Evangelicals, Pittsburgh, Pa..........
Fries, Amos A., major general, United States Army, retired, director, Friends of the Public Schools of America, Washington, D. C
Givens, Dr. Willard E., executive secretary, National Education Associa- tion, Washington, D. C.
Harriman, Mrs. Flora, teacher and principal, Hampden, Maine.
Hecht, George J., president, Parents' Institute, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Heming, Mrs. Charles E., director of the League of Women Voters of the
United States, Washington, D. C............
Hill, Hon. Lister, United States Senator from the State of Alabama..
Jackson, E. Hilton, attorney at law, Washington, D. C...---
Jones, Ralph B., State Commissioner of Education, Little Rock, Ark.
Keenn, Thomas B., legislative secretary, Council for Social Action, Congre-
gational Christian Churches, New York, N. Y..
Kuenzli, Irvin R., secretary-treasurer, American Federation of Teachers, A. F. of L., Chicago, Ill..
Murray, Hon. James E., United States Senator from the State of Montana Neff, Eleanor, associate secretary, Department of Christian Social Rela- tions and Local Church Activities of the Woman's Division of Christian Service, Methodist Church, New York, N. Y...
Landis, Joseph, president, American Federation of Teachers, A. F. of L.,
Chicago, Ill..
Levering, Samuel R., regional vice chairman, Friends Committee on
National Legislation, Ararat, Va...
Longacre, C. S., associate secretary, Religious Liberty Association, Wash- ington, D. C..
McGrath, Hon. J. Howard, United States Senator from the State of Rhode
McManus, Rev. William E., assistant director, Department of Education, National Catholic Welfare Conference, Washington, D. C.. Meyer, Mrs. Agnes, Washington, D. C.
O'Brien, Mrs. Rena Mannex, Los Angeles, Calif.
Ogg, W. R., director, Washington office, American Farm Bureau Federa- tion__
Pepper, Hon. Claude, United States Senator from the State of Florida Perry, Leslie S., administrative assistant, National Association for the advancement of Colored People, Washington, D. C...
Petegorsky, Dr. David W., executive director, American Jewish Congress,
New York, N. Y.
Rucker, Mrs. Nannie, teacher, Rutherford County, Tenn.
Saunders, William E. V., High School Teachers Association of New York City, Inc.
Rudisill, James J., chairman, education committee, Printing Industry of America, Inc., New York, N. Y..
Studebaker, Dr. J. W., United States Commissioner of Education, Wash- ington, D. C.
Thomas, Hon. Elbert D., United States Senator from the State of Utah. Walsh, Sara T., director, National Teachers Division, United Public Workers of America, CIO, New York, N. Y........
Weagly, Mrs. Roy C. F., president, Associated Women of the American Farm Bureau Federation, Washington, D. C.
Young, Fred W., National Americanism Commission, the American Legion, Yazoo City, Miss-
Dr. James B. Conant, president, Harvard University.
Monday, April 21, 1947:
Dr. John K. Norton, professor of education, Teachers College,
Columbia University-
Ralph B. Jones, State commissioner of education, Little Rock, Ark.
Mrs. Flora Harriman, teacher and principal, Hampden, Maine..
Mrs. Nannie Rucker, teacher, Rutherford County, Tenn..
Authelia Gumm, teacher, Summerville, Ky...
Thomas B. Keehn, legislative secretary, Council for Social Action,
Congregational Christian Churches, New York, N. Y..
George J. Hecht, president, Parents' Institute, Inc., New York, N. Y
Mrs. Gertrude F. Zimand, general secretary, National Child Labor
Committee, New York, N. Y...
Eleanor Neff, associate secretary, Department of Christian Social
Relations and Local Church Activities of the Woman's Division of
Christian Service, Methodist Church, New York, N. Y.
Dr. Frederick C. Fowler, chairman, Committee on Christian Liberty,
National Association of Evangelicals, Pittsburgh, Pa..
Amos A. Fries, major general, United States Army, retired, director,
Friends of the Public Schools of America, Washington, D. C.......
William E. V. Saunders, High School Teachers Association of New
York City, Inc..
Dr. J. M. Dawson, executive secretary, the Joint Conference Com-
mittee on Public Relations, Baptists of the United States, Washing-
ton, D. C...
W. R. Ogg, director, Washington office, American Farm Bureau Fed-
Thomas C. Boushall, chairman, national committee on education,
United States Chamber of Commerce, Washington, D. C................
Friday, May 2, 1947:
Aiken, Hon. George D., United States Senator from the State of Vermont,
statement of, in re S. 199
Cowles, John H., sovereign grand commander of the Supreme Council,
Thirty-third Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry,
Southern Jurisdiction, United States of America, statement of, in re
Federal aid to education.......
Fowler, Dr. Frederick C., chairman, Committee on Christian Liberty,
National Association of Evangelicals, Pittsburgh, Pa., letter of, in re
Federal aid to education__
Houdlette, Mrs. Harriet, American Association of University Women, letter of, in re Federal aid to education
Kilgore, Hon. Harley M., United States Senator from the State of West
Virginia, statement of, in re Federal aid to education.
McCarran, Hon. Pat, United States Senator from the State of Nevada, statement of, in re S. 170...
National Education Association chart showing amount which each State would benefit from provisions of S. 472...
Pepper, Hon. Claude, United States Senator from the State of Florida, inserted by, supporting data for increase in teachers' salaries___ Taft, Hon. Robert A., United States Senator from the State of Ohio, statement of, in re S. 472.
Trial, George T., national director of education, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Washington, D. C., statement of, in re S. 472.
Wise, Stephen S., president, American Jewish Congress, New York, N. Y., statement of, in re Federal aid to education.__
Woll, Matthew, chairman, American Federation of Labor Committee on Education, New York, N. Y., statement of, in re Federal aid to education_.
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