The Best of DrydenRonald Press, 1933 - 572 sivua |
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Tulokset 1 - 3 kokonaismäärästä 43
Sivu 27
John Dryden Louis Ignatius Bredvold. Among our crimes oblivion may be set ; But ' t is our king's perfection to forget . Virtues unknown to these rough northern climes 90 From milder heav'ns you bring , without their crimes ; Your ...
John Dryden Louis Ignatius Bredvold. Among our crimes oblivion may be set ; But ' t is our king's perfection to forget . Virtues unknown to these rough northern climes 90 From milder heav'ns you bring , without their crimes ; Your ...
Sivu 181
... crimes succeed , should lawless pow'r Compass those ends thy greedy hopes devour , Thy canting friends thy mortal foes would be , Thy God and theirs will never long agree ; For thine ( if thou hast any ) must be one 460 That lets the ...
... crimes succeed , should lawless pow'r Compass those ends thy greedy hopes devour , Thy canting friends thy mortal foes would be , Thy God and theirs will never long agree ; For thine ( if thou hast any ) must be one 460 That lets the ...
Sivu 320
... crimes Because these fatal wars he would prevent ; Whose death the wretched Greeks too late lament- Me , then a boy , my father , poor and bare 110 Of other means , committed to his care , His kinsman and companion in the war . While ...
... crimes Because these fatal wars he would prevent ; Whose death the wretched Greeks too late lament- Me , then a boy , my father , poor and bare 110 Of other means , committed to his care , His kinsman and companion in the war . While ...
PREFACE | ix |
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Absalom and Achitophel Achitophel Æneid ancient Aristotle beauties Ben Jonson betwixt blank verse blood bold cause Chaucer Church comedies command Creüsa Crites death design'd Dramatic Poesy Dryden Duke of Lerma English ev'n ev'ry eyes faith fame fate father fear fight fire foes forc'd French friends give grace Grecian hand haste Heav'n Hind Horace imitation int'rest Jebusites John Dryden Jonson judge judgment kind king laws Lisideius live Lord lov'd Lucretius Mac Flecknoe mind Muse nature never noble numbers o'er Ovid Panther passion persons play plot poem poet poetry pow'r praise prince prose reason Religio Laici religion rest rhyme sacred satire scenes seem'd Sejanus sense sight Silent Woman soul thee things thou thought thro tion tragedies translation true truth verse Virgil virtue Whig wind words writ write youth