Commentary on the Bills of Exchange Act, 1882 (45 & 46 Victoria, Cap. 61)Bell & Bradfute, 1882 - 283 sivua |
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Tulokset 1 - 5 kokonaismäärästä 31
Sivu iv
... summary diligence ; the rules in bankruptcy ; and the sexennial prescription . The Solicitor - General for Scotland ( Mr. Asher ) prepared a series of amendments , which gave effect to most of the sugges- tions from Scotland , and also ...
... summary diligence ; the rules in bankruptcy ; and the sexennial prescription . The Solicitor - General for Scotland ( Mr. Asher ) prepared a series of amendments , which gave effect to most of the sugges- tions from Scotland , and also ...
Sivu ix
... summary diligence in Scotland , 99. Construction with other Acts , & c . , 100. Parole evidence allowed in certain judicial proceedings in Scotland , SCHEDULE 1. - Form , SCHEDULE II . - Repeals , APPENDIX . I. STATUTES . 203 204 205 ...
... summary diligence in Scotland , 99. Construction with other Acts , & c . , 100. Parole evidence allowed in certain judicial proceedings in Scotland , SCHEDULE 1. - Form , SCHEDULE II . - Repeals , APPENDIX . I. STATUTES . 203 204 205 ...
Sivu x
... diligence ) , 7 & 8 Vict . c . 32 , §§ 4 , 10-12 , 26 ( English currency ) , 8 & 9 Vict . c . 38 , § 5 , 15-17 , 20 ... ( Summary procedure on Bills of Exchange ) , 25 & 26 Vict . c . 89 , §§ 41 , 42 , 47 , 95 ( Companies ) , . 33 ...
... diligence ) , 7 & 8 Vict . c . 32 , §§ 4 , 10-12 , 26 ( English currency ) , 8 & 9 Vict . c . 38 , § 5 , 15-17 , 20 ... ( Summary procedure on Bills of Exchange ) , 25 & 26 Vict . c . 89 , §§ 41 , 42 , 47 , 95 ( Companies ) , . 33 ...
Sivu 7
... summary diligence against the parties liable on the bill , provided that the bill is ex facie unexceptionable , and that he has taken the requisite steps to avail himself of the statutes , vide § 98 , and note thereon ; and in England ...
... summary diligence against the parties liable on the bill , provided that the bill is ex facie unexceptionable , and that he has taken the requisite steps to avail himself of the statutes , vide § 98 , and note thereon ; and in England ...
Sivu 28
... summary diligence , vide note ( a ) on § 98. The Bank of England may sign by impress- ing the name of their cashier by means of machinery . A cor- poration may sign a bill by sealing it with the corporate seal , vide § 91 ( 2 ) , or ...
... summary diligence , vide note ( a ) on § 98. The Bank of England may sign by impress- ing the name of their cashier by means of machinery . A cor- poration may sign a bill by sealing it with the corporate seal , vide § 91 ( 2 ) , or ...
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Commentary on the Bills of Exchange ACT, 1882 (45 & 46 Victoria, Cap. 61) W D Thorburn Esikatselu ei käytettävissä - 2016 |
Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
20 Vict acceptance supra protest acceptor for honour accommodation bill agent amount authorised authority bank holiday bank notes Bank of England Bell's bill drawn bill of exchange bill or note bill payable cancelled claim Clydesdale Bank contract creditor crossed cheque debt debtor deemed defendant delivery discharged draft drawer or indorser due course duly duty enacted entitled ex facie foreign bill forged given granter held holder in due inland bill instrument issued law merchant letter of credit maturity ment negotiated non-payment notary notice of dishonour obligation paid parole parties liable payable on demand payable to bearer payee person place of payment plaintiff presented for payment presentment for acceptance prior indorsers promissory note proved received recourse Scotland signature signed Stamp Act stamped subsection summary diligence supra protest thereof thereto tion transfer true owner United Kingdom vide Appendix vide note writ
Suositut otteet
Sivu 186 - A promissory note is defined as " an unconditional promise in writing, made by one person to another, signed by the maker, engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time, a sum certain in money to, or to the order of, a specified person or to bearer
Sivu 50 - But if any such instrument, after completion, is negotiated to a holder in due course, it is valid and effectual for all purposes in his hands, and he may enforce it as if it had been filled up strictly in accordance with the authority given and within a reasonable time.
Sivu 48 - Partial, that is to say, an acceptance to pay part only of the amount for which the bill is drawn; 3.
Sivu 77 - In the hands of any holder other than a holder in due course, a negotiable instrument is subject to the same defenses as if it were non-negotiable. But a holder who derives his title through a holder in due course, and who is not himself a party to any fraud or illegality affecting the instrument, has all the rights of such former holder in respect of all parties prior to the latter.
Sivu 21 - A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person, or to bearer.
Sivu 77 - That at the time it was negotiated to him he had no notice of any infirmity in the instrument or defect in the title of the person negotiating it.
Sivu 54 - ... may be shown to have been conditional or for a special purpose only and not for the purpose of transferring the property in the instrument.
Sivu 104 - ... partners, and no place of payment is specified, presentment for payment may be made to any one of them, even though there has been a dissolution of the firm.
Sivu 32 - A bill is payable to order which is expressed to be so payable, or which is expressed to be payable to a particular person, and does not contain words prohibiting transfer or indicating an intention that it should not be transferable.
Sivu 98 - Notice of dishonor is not required to be given to an indorser in either of the following cases : 1. Where the drawee is a fictitious person or a person not having capacity to contract, and the indorser was aware of the fact at the time he indorsed the instrument; 2.