Sivut kuvina


Treasurer, to be appointed in each meeting, and the trea-
fury open to women's meetings as well as men's, 117.
TRADE, general advices to those concerned in, 142.
Such as fail of paying their juft debts, to be dealt with,
and how, 143. Moderation in trade recommended,
143. Those unable to comply with their contracts,
to call their creditors in time, 144. And not to pay
one creditor in preference to another, 146. See
Covetousness, 25. Families fufpected to be going
backward in estate to be vifited, 142.

Trustees, excused from referring matters, when the
property is not their own, to arbitration. See Arbi-
tration, 6. Wills, &c. 107.

Vifitors of Families, to be appointed, 49, 100.

WAR, our teftimony respecting, 147. Rates or affeff-
ments for advancing the hire of foldiers or for military
men, and thofe exprefsly for war, to be refused, 148.
Caution against letting temporal interest induce any
to contribute to war, 148.

Wills, to be made in health, 107. And according to

justice and equity, 107. See Orphans, Wills, &c. 107.
WOMEN'S MEETINGS, to be upheld and encouraged,
151. To appoint representatives, 151. To proceed
as the men's meetings are advised under queries, 123.
Monthly-meetings, 97. Quarterly-meetings, 118.
And yearly-meetings, 153. How the labours of men
and women are to be united, 151.

YEARLY-MEETING. Its inftitution and defign, 153.
To nominate committees of appeals and when, 2.

YOUTH, caution and counsel to, 155. See Difcipline,
&c. 40. Children, 13. 47. Parents
and Guardians, 109. Plainnefs, 113.





IF any perfon or perfons fhall think themfelves injured or aggrieved by the judgment of any monthly-meeting, of which they were a member or members, fuch perfon or perfons may appeal to the quarterly-meeting, to which the faid monthly-meeting doth belong; provided notice be given of fuch intended appeal, in three months after fuch judgment is given ; and the appeal must be lodged in fuch quarterlymeeting, within fix months after fuch notice.

If any perfons be diffatisfied with the judgment of any quarterly-meeting, they may appeal from fuch judgment to the yearly-meeting; the appellants giving notice to the faid quarterlymeeting of their intentions to appeal, within fix months after the judgment of fuch quarterlymeeting is given; and fuch appeal must be brought to the next quarterly-meeting, if it may with convenience, or to the next following.

If any appellant or appellants do not bring his, her or their appeal to the yearly-meeting next enfuing, due notice once given, then, if fuch appellants continue their appeal, notice shall be repeated in writing to the meeting against which they may appeal, at least three months preceding the yearly-meeting. 1745.


And when any perfons manifeft their intention of appealing from the judgment of a monthly or quarterly meeting, that fuch meeting appoint a fuitable number of friends to attend the fuperior meeting, with a copy of their doings figned by the clerk, there to manifeft the reafon upon which fuch judgment was founded; which fuperior meeting is to take faid appeal into confideration, and determine thereon, by a commit. tee to be appointed for that purpose.

It is concluded, that appeals to the yearly. meeting be entered and acted upon on the third day of the week. 1806.

It is the judgment of this meeting, that monthly-meetings have a right, in cafes of reverfal of their judgment against any individual member, on account of irregular dealing only, to take up the cafe again, and proceed according to difcipline and it is recommended to committees of fuperior meetings to be careful, when reverfals are made on account of irregular dealing only, to exprefs the fame in their report. 1807.



AGREED, that the choosing of arbitrators is proper in cafes of difference about a man's property. 1684.

Whereas it fometimes happeneth, to the hurt of truth, and grief of many friends, that differences do arife amongst fome profeffing truth, about outward things; it is therefore by this meeting thought convenient, and advised, that when any friend or friends fhall hear of any fuch difference betwixt any friends in that meeting to which they do belong, that they forthwith speak to and tenderly advise, the perfons between whom the difference is, to make a speedy end thereof; and if that friend or those friends do not comply with their advice, that then they take to them one or two friends more, and again exhort them to end their difference; and if they or either of them refuse, then to let them know, that it is the advice and counsel of friends, that they fhould each choose an equal number of indifferent, impartial and judicious friends, to hear and speedily determine the fame; and that they do bind themselves to ftand to their award and determination, or the award and determination of the major part of

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them, that shall be made and figned by the arbi


Alfo this meeting doth advise, that if any perfon profeffing the truth among us, and efteemed a friend, fhall refuse speedily to end the difference, or refer it as before advised, complaint be made of that perfon or perfons, unto the monthly-meeting to which he doth belong; and if after admonition he fhall refufe fo to refer his cafe, that then the meeting do teftify against fuch perfon, and difown him to be of our fociety, until he shall comply with the equal methods and agreements of our fociety, and by fuch his compliance doth declare that he is for peace, and doth feek and defire it: And when any person, so refusing, is teftified against by the meeting, and disowned, the other person may have his liberty to feek his remedy against him at law. 1697.

Advised, that in all cafes of controverfy and difference, the perfons' concerned therein either fpeedily compofe the difference between themfelves, or make choice of fome faithful friends to determine the fame; or otherwife, if they cannot agree upon the choice, to fubmit to the monthly-meeting's choice of certain perfons meet to infpect and determine the controverfy, and to ftand to their award and final determination thereof; that fuch controverfies may not be continued, to cause a reproach. 1692.

And it is the advice of this meeting, that perfons differing about outward things do, as little

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