Sivut kuvina


ADVISED that our Chriftian teftimony be faithfully maintained against the burthen and impofition of oaths, according to the exprefs prohibition of Chrift, and also of the apoftle James, viz. "Ye have heard that it hath been faid by them of old time, thou shalt not forfwear thyself, but fhalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths: But I fay unto you, Swear not at all: Neither by heaven; for it is God's throne: Nor by the earth; for it is his footftool: Neither by Jerufalem ; for it is the city of the great King. Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canft not make one hair white or black. But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay; for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil." Mat. v. 33-37.

"But above all things, my brethren, fwear not; neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: But let your yea, be yea; and your nay, nay; left ye fall into condemnation." James v. 12. 1693.

Believing therefore as we do, that no argument can invalidate a prohibition thus clear and pofitive, we are bound religiously to regard it; and whilft we feel gratitude for the continuance


of that indulgence, by which our affirmation is accepted, let us evince our fincerity in relation to this teftimony, by faithfully maintaining it.

And when any of our members, either in courts or elsewhere, violate it, either by taking or administering oaths, monthly-meetings are defired to extend brotherly labour towards them, and if they cannot be prevailed upon to give the neceffary fatisfaction, to teftify their difunity with them.

Agreed that oaths administered by judges, juftices, felect-men, town-councils or other officers, who are under the care of friends, is a violation of our ancient teftimony; and that such persons ought to be dealt with as offenders. Nor are fuch officers clear, who admit of clerks or others to adminifter oaths before them, when fitting in their office, unless there be a number of others prefent, not of our fociety, fufficient to authorize the fame. 1733.


ADVISED that friends, in making their wills, have a ftrict regard to juftice and equity, and be not actuated by caprice and prejudice, to the injury of those who may have a reasonable expectation from their kindred and near connexions; nor carry any resentment, though occafion may have been given or taken, to the grave, remembering we all ftand in need of mercy and forgiveness. Also that none poftpone making their wills to a fick bed; an improper season to settle our outward affairs, in the painful struggles of nature, even if we should be favoured with a clear understanding, which ought not to be diverted from a folemn confideration of the approaching awful period of life.

Friends are earneftly recommended to employ perfons capable, and of good repute, to write their wills; as great inconvenience and loss, and fometimes the ruin of families, hath happened through the unfkilfulness of fome who have taken upon them to write wills, being unqualified to act in an affair of fuch importance. And all friends, who may become executors or adminiftrators, are advised to make a full, clear and proper inventory of the estate and effects of


the deceased, as foon as may be after the interment; as many difficulties and difputes have arifen for want of it, where it has been deferred. 1782.

Recommended that friends, who have young children, do in their wills appoint faithful friends to be guardians to them, till they arrive to lawful age That monthly-meetings take care that fuch guardians do discharge their trust with juftice and uprightness; and that orphans be admonished to be fubject to the wills of their deceased parents, as the faid meetings fhall fee cause. 1706.

Executors and truftees, concerned in wills and settlements, are advised to take especial care that they faithfully discharge their refpective trufts, according to the intent of the donors and teftators; and that all charitable gifts, legacies, bequefts, and fettlement of eftates, by will or deed, intended and given for the use of the poor, the aged, the impotent, or putting poor friends' children to education or apprenticeships, may not be appropriated or converted to any other uses than fuch as the donors and teftators have directed and enjoined by legal fettlement, will, or teftament. 1715.


WE do intreat and defire all parents and governors of families, that ye diligently lay to heart your work and calling in your generation, for the Lord, and the charge committed to you; not only in being good examples to the younger fort, but also to use your power in your own families in educating your children and fervants in modefty, fobriety, and in the fear of God, curbing the extravagant humour in the young ones, when it doth appear; and not to indulge or allow of it: For you are fet in your families as judges for God, and it is you that must give an account of the power committed to you. And when you fee a libertine and wanton fpirit appear in your children and fervants, that lufteth after the vain customs and fashions of the world, either in habit, or outward adorning, and craves your affiftance and allowance, without which it cannot get forward while they are under your government; Oh! then look to yourselves, and discharge your truft for God, and for the good of their fouls, exhorting in meeknefs, and commanding in wisdom; that fo you may minister and reach to the witnefs, and help them over their temptations in the authority of God's

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