Sivut kuvina

At Ellis Island. Margaret Chandler Aldrich, 590.
At Last. Adelaide G. Waters, 185.

At Samaria. Clinton Scollard, 158.

At Sinai. Isabella R. Hess, 69.

At the Gate. Nathan F. Spielvogel, 593.

Autumn Songs. S. Frug (translated by Alice Stone Black-
well), 696.

Awakening. Jessie E. Sampter, 481.

Awakening of Israel, The. Anonymous, 502.
Azrael. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 120.

Babylon. Anonymous, 144.

Back, My Soul. Judah Ha-Levi (translated by M. Simon),

Ballad of Ephron, Prince of Topers, The. Immanuel Ben
Solomon of Rome (translated by Solomon Solis Cohen),

Ballade of Dead Cities, The. Edmund Gosse, 30.
Banner of the Jew, The. Emma Lazarus, 309.
Bar Kochba. Emma Lazarus, 513.

Baroness de Rothschild. Emily Marion Harris, 727.

Be Not Like Servants Basely Bred. Alice Lucas, 170.
Be Thou a Jew. Samuel E. Loveman, 596.

Before Battle. Samuel Roth, 528.

Before the Ark. George Alexander Kohut, 149.

Belshazzar. Bryan Waller Proctor (Barry Cornwall), 141.

Ben Karshook's Wisdom. Robert Browning, 175.

Benediction, The. Harry Weiss, 410.

Benjamin Artom. Re Henry, 726.

Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield. Punch, 728.

Beth-El. John B. Tabb, 33.

Between Two Stools. John Heath, 767.

Bezalel. Israel Zangwill, 74.

Bible, The. Anonymous, I.

Bible, The. Richard Barton, I.

Bible, The. David Levi, 1.

Bible, The. Phæbe Palmer, 4.

Blessing the Lights. Alter Abelson, 260.

"Blood" v. "Bullion." Punch, 679.

B'nai B'rith. Miriam Del Banco, 691.

[blocks in formation]

Brotherly Love. Thomas Bailey Aldrich(?), 173.

Burial of Moses. Cecil Frances Alexander, 81.

Burning of the Law, The. Meir of Rothenberg (translated

by Nina Davis), 430.

But Who Shall See? Thomas Moore, 482.

By Babel's Streams. H. Pereira Mendes, 137.

By the Red Sea. Judah Ha-Levi (translated by Alice
Lucas), 356.

By the Rivers of Babylon We Sat Down and Wept. Lord
Byron, 137.

Call to Israel, A. Cora Wilburn, 709.

Call to the Builders, A. Helen Gray Cone, 574.

Candle Seller, The. Morris Rosenfeld, 575.

Cedars of Lebanon, The. Henry Schnittkind, 499.

Chamber over the Gate, The. Henry Wadsworth Long-

fellow, 106.

Chanukah. Margaret Fireman, 329.

Chanukah. Cecilia G. Gerson, 329.

Chanukah. Marion Hartog, 327.

Chanukah. Louis Stern, 332.

Chanukah Hymn. Adolph Huebsch, 321.

Chanukah Lights. Harold Debrest, 324.

Chanukah Lights. M. M., 323..

Chanukah Lights. P. M. Raskin, 325.

Chanukah in Russia, 1905. E. L. Levetus, 328.

Chief among Ten Thousand, The. Horatius Bonar, 116.

"Children of the Pale, The." Anonymous, 550.

Chosen, The. Elizabeth McMurtrie Dinwiddie, 596.
Chosen Ones of Israel, The. Park Benjamin, 552.
Come, My Beloved. M. M., 266.

Come Not, oh Lord. Thomas Moore, 124.

Commandment of Forgetfulness, The. Alice Lucas, 171.
Confidence. Max Nordau (translated by J. F.), 765.
Consecration Hymn. R. Wagner, 630.

Contents of the Bible. Peter Heylyn, 10.

Covenant of Sinai, The. Joseph Leiser, 362.

Creation's Psalm. Swithin Saint Swithaine, 17.

Crowing of the Red Cock, The. Emma Lazarus, 675.

Cry for Zion, A. L. Smirnow, 493.

Cry from Russia, A. Hermine Schwed, 671.

Cry of Israel, The. Solomon Ibn Gabirol (translated by
Solomon Solis Cohen), 241.

Cry of Rachel, The. Lizette Wordsworth Reese, 38.

Dance of Death, The. Santob de Carrion, 244.
Daniel. Richard Wilton, 142.

Daughter of Zion. Anonymous, 482.

David. Alter Abelson, 10I.

David and Jonathan. Lucretia Davidson, 95.

David Kaufmann. George Alexander Kohut, 735.

David's Lament. Robert Stephen Hawker, 95.

Dawn of Hope, The. C. Pessels, 488.

Day of Atonement. Anonymous, 292.

Day of Rest, The.

Gustav Gottheil, 272.

Destroying Angel, The. Abraham Cowley, 51.
Destruction of Pharaoh, The. John Ruskin, 57.
Destruction of Sennacherib, The. Lord Byron, 127.
Dirge of Rachel. William Knox, 39.
Divine Love. Anonymous, 70.

Dreyfus. Florence Earle Coates, 656.
Dreyfus. Edwin Markham, 655.

During the Crusades. Anonymous, 218.
During the Crusades.
During the Crusades.
During the Crusades.
During the Crusades.
During the Crusades.
During the Crusades.
During the Crusades.

David Ben Meshullam, 215.
Ezra Ben Tanhum, 219.
Eleazar, 214.

Hillel Ben Jacob, 216.
Kalonymus Ben Judah, 219.
Menahem Ben Jacob, 215.
E. H. Plumptre, 217.

Dying in Jerusalem. Thomas Ragg, 490.

Dying-Shall Man Live Again? Albert Frånk Hoffmann,


Ee-Chovoud. S. R. Hirsch, 488.

Eight Chanukah Lights, The. Isidore Myers, 322.
Ellis Island. James Oppenheim, 591.

Emma Lazarus. Henry Cohen, 743.

Emma Lazarus. Allan Eastman Cross, 741.

Emma Lazarus.

Emma Lazarus.

Richard Watson Gilder, 737-

Richard Watson Gilder, 738.

Emma Lazarus. Minot Judson Savage, 742.

Emma Lazarus. James Maurice Thompson, 742.

Emperor and the Rabbi, The. George Croly, 198.

Epitaph, An. Ben Jacob (translated by Joseph Chotzner),

Ernest Renan. Mary Darmesteter, 650.

Esteeming the Bible. Horatius Bonar, 11.

Esther. Helen Hunt Jackson, 336.

Esther. Florence Weisberg, 335.

Esther J. Ruskay. George Alexander Kohut, 746.

Exodus x: 21-23. J. W. Burgon, 67.

Eve. Lydia Huntley Sigourney, 20.

Even as the Daily Offering.

by Alice Lucas), 442.

Solomon Ben Abun (translated

Everlasting Jew, The. Percy Bysshe Shelley, 537.
Everlasting Jew, The. Henry B. Sommer, 530.

Faith. Alice Lucas, 415.

Faithful Bride, The. Anonymous, 204.

Fall of Jerusalem, The. Alfred Tennyson, 129.
False Hope, The. Horace M. Kallen, 701.

Fast of Tebeth, The. Joseph Bar Samuel Tob Elem (trans-
lated by Nina Davis), 369.

Fated Race, The. Anonymous, 542.

Feast of Freedom, The. P. M. Raskin, 358..
Feast of Lights, The. Emma Lazarus, 319.

Feldmesten or Measuring the Graves. Alter Abelson, 698.
Field of Galboa, The. William Knox, 92.

Fin de Siècle. Anonymous, 624.

First Song of Moses, The. George Wither, 63.
Forgotten Rabbi, The. G. M. H., 180.

France's Shame. B. B. Usher, 653.

Frederic David Mocatta. James Mew, 744.

Friday Night. Isidore G. Ascher, 269.

Friday Night. Miriam Del Banco, 268.

Friendship. Santob de Carrion, 250.

"From Thee to Thee." Solomon Ibn Gabirol (translated by

I. A.), 241.

Fullness of the Bible. H. J. Betts, 9.

Ghetto-Jew, The. Rufus Learsi, 572.

Gifts. Emma Lazarus, 717.

Glory of God, The. Rebekah Hyneman, 627.

God and His Martyrs. Chayim Nachman Byalik, 661.

God Everywhere. Abraham Ibn Ezra (translated by D. E.

de L.), 420.

God Is Nigh to Contrite Hearts. David Levy, 416.

God of Israel, The.

C. M. Kohan, 657.

God of the World. Israel Nagara (translated by Israel
Abrahams), 274.

God, Whom Shall I Compare to Thee? Judah Ha-Levi
(translated by Alice Lucas), 424.

God's Chosen People. Adapted by Joel Blau, 598.

God's Messengers. Mrs. A. R. Levy, 174.

Golden Lights for Chanukah. Janie Jacobson, 321.

Good Tidings to Zion. Thomas Kelly, 493.

Grace after Meals. Anonymous (translated by Alice

Lucas), 411.

Grace for the Sabbath. Alice Lucas, 414.

Guardian of the Red Disk, The. Emma Lazarus, 614.

Gustav Gottheil. George Alexander Kohut, 735.

Ha' Bible, The. Robert Nicoll, 8.

Habbakuk's Prayer. William Broome, 122.

Hagar. Hartley Coleridge, 31.

Happy He Who Saw of Old. Solomon Ibn Gabirol (trans-

lated by Alice Lucas), 445.

Harp of David, The. Jehoash (translated by Alter Brody),


Harp of Faith, The. Abram S. Isaacs, 102.

Harp of Zion, The. James Willis, 484.

Harvesting of the Roses, The. Menahem Ben Jacob, 226.
Hatikvah a Song of Hope. Naphtali Herz Imber (trans-
lated by Henry Snowman), 459.

He of Prayer. J. F., 200.

He Watcheth over Israel. Solomon L. Long, 486.
Heavenly Light, The. Max Meyerhardt, 365.

Hebrew Cradle Song. Ezekiel Leavitt (translated by Alice
Stone Blackwell), 718.

Hebrew Melody. Mrs. James Gordon Brooks, 130.

Hebrew Mind, The. M. L. R. Breslar, 618.

Hebrew Minstrel's Lament, The. Anonymous, 133.
Hebrew's Friday Night, The. Anonymous, 263.
Heine. A. R. Aldrich, 648.

Heine. George Sylvester Viereck, 648.

Heinrich Heine. Ludwig Lewisohn, 649.

Herod's Lament for Mariamne.

Lord Byron, 145.

High Priest to Alexander, The. Alfred Tennyson, 156.
Hillel and His Guest. Alice Lucas, 167.

"His People." Anonymous, 534.

Holy Cross Day. Robert Browning, 609.

Holy Flame "Menorah," The. George Jay Holland, 154.
Hope and Faith. Isaac Leib Perez (translated by Henry
Goodman), 625.

Honor of the Jews. William Hodson, 533.

Hope for the Salvation of the Lord. Abraham Ibn Ezra,


How Long? Israel Cohen, 664.

How Long? Judah Ha-Levi, 237.

How Long, O Lord? Elias Lieberman, 668.

Hymn for the Conclusion of the Sabbath. Alice Lucas, 276.
Hymn for the Relief of Israel, A. Canon Jenkins, 676.
Hymn of Glory. Translated by Alice Lucas, 386.

Hymn of Glory, The. Judah He-Hasid (translated by
Israel Zangwill), 381.

Hymn of Glory, The. Translated by I. A., 384.
Hymn of Unity. Samuel Ben Kalonymus, 381.
Hymn of Zion, A. Joel Blau, 509.

I Am the Suppliant. Baruch Ben Samuel (translated by
Nina Davis), 451.

"I Saw a Maiden Sweet and Fair." Rufus Learsi, 639.

I Will Not Have You Think Me Less. Santob de Carrion,

I Would Reply. Milton Goldsmith, 559.

Ida Straus. Alter Abelson, 757:

Ida Straus. Bernard Gruenstein, 757-

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