DUNBEATH, Caithness, a sub-port of Wick. A fishing port. D. HWST. 9ft, HWNT. 6ft. Official.-Pilot, James Sinclair. DUNCANNON, Wexford, near Waterford. On the Suir. Lat. 52° 13′ 13′′ N; long. 6° 15′ W. Stone piers belonging to the Government. James II. embarked here for France after the battle of the Boyne. DUNDALK. On Castletown River, county Louth, Ireland. Lat. 55° 38′ 40′′ N; long. 6° 15' W. Pop. 12,000. Auth. Harbour Commissioners under Act 1885. P. C. for sail; NC. for steam. THW. f. and c. 10h 56m; Sp. rise 15ft; N. rise 11ft. D. on bar 3 to 4ft OST. W. prev. W. and SW.; most dangerous SE. Rys. G.N. (I)., and D.N. & G. Tr.-I. Coals, iron, corn, bricks, slates, &c.; E. Cattle, butter, grain, ale, timber, &c. LV. a steamship of 800 reg. ton. No vessels enter the harb. at LWST. Accn. The channel at the town is about 300ft wide, and vessels lie alongside the quays partly waterbound; the length of channel in the inner harb. is about 9,000ft. There are numerous quays on the S. side of the channel, viz., George's, Brown's, Martin's, Duffy's, and Williamson's. There is a patent slipway 400ft long x 40ft wide; R. of T. ST. 15ft; NT. 9ft ; and good warehouse accn. Crane power up to 15 tons.. Charges.-Mooring buoys 50% off published rates. Pilotage.-District. For inward pilots. From an imaginary line drawn straight from seaward end of Dunany Point to seaward end of Cooley Point, to Dundalk quays. For outward pilots. Quay to bar or lighthouse. Rates: 250 300 300 and upwards Vessels arriving with a cargo from a foreign voyage and leaving in ballast pay two-thirds of inward pilotage. Towage.-Coasters 4d ton; Foreign 6d ton. Officials.-Sec. to Harb. Commrs., J. F. Farrell; Harb. Master, A. Hughes; Coll. of H.M. Cust., T. Ploughman. Hotels." Queen's Arms" and "Imperial." DUNDEE, Forfar. On the Firth of Tay, 10 miles from the North Sea. Lat. 56° 28' N.; long. 2° 58′ W. Pop. 155,000. Auth. Harbour Trust, under Act 1875. P. C. THW. f. and c. 2h 32m; Sp. rise 14ft; N. rise 11ft; R. of N. 8 ft. D. on bar is 17ft below LWOST. Vessels drawing less water usually take the bar in ordinary weather at any state of tide; larger W. prev. W. and SW. vessels have to wait for sufficient water. There are no dangerous winds at the harb. On the bar of the river the most dangerous wind is E. Rys. Cal. and N.B. Tr.-I. Timber, iron, flax, hemp, jute, lime, guano, esparto grass, grain, flour, coals, blubber, &c.; E. Linen, sailcloth, sacking, grain, timber, paper, LV. which have arrived during the past 10 yarns, coals, &c. years (previous to that time vessels coming to this harb. were of a smaller class):-Great Victoria, 2,278 tons; Morning Star, 2,377 tons; Cuba, 2,500 tons, Arara, 2,601 tons, drawing from 21 to 24ft of water. The above are all sailing ships. Several large steamers have been built at, and sailed from the port, amongst them being the steamship Merton Hall, 2,646 net reg. ton., which was built at Dundee, and sailed with coals, drawing 24ft 10in. She The present harb. Accn. (outside the loaded up in the Roads. docks) is 4 acres in the West Tidal Harb., that is at the entrance to the W. or older docks, and about three-quarters of an acre in the East Tidal Harb., that is, at the entrance to the E. or newer docks. A deep water loading wharf has been recently erected, where vessels partially discharge. The depth alongside is 19ft at LW. docks, with areas and depths over the sills, are as follows:-- The Depth. There are two large warehouses; also steam hydraulic and hand cranes up to 70 tons, and hyd. jiggers for unloading jute. The present area of accommodation within the docks for ships and boats is 31 acres. Charges.-Tonnage rates, foreign 4d to 1/4 reg. ton. ; coasting, 2d to 3d ton; river Id and 1d reg. ton., and 1/ and 2/ voyage. Miscellaneous rates. Rates on goods. Lighting and buoying rates id on all vessels entering or leaving the harb. Pilotage.-District. The limits within which vessels can be piloted by the pilots licensed by the Trustees, are from six miles outside of the Fairway buoy at the entrance to the river Tay, up the river as far as Invergowrie on the north, and Balmerinoch on the south side of the Tay. Rates.-Foreign.-I. Inwards: for vessels from foreign boarded not more than 3 miles outward of the Fairway buoy, or at any point between that distance and the said buoy, and from thence to and including any point or place within the docks of Dundee or Broughty Ferry and Tayport harbs., 3/10 per foot, according to the draught of water. Outwards: for vessels to foreign, boarded at any point or place within the docks of Dundee or Broughty Ferry and Tayport harbs., and discharged at the buoy of Tay 3/10% per foot. II. Inwards: for vessels from foreign, boarded as above, and discharged in the roads 2/51% per foot. Outwards: for vessels to foreign, boarded in the roads and discharged at the buoy of Tay per 2/51% foot. III. Inwards: for vessels from foreign, boarded above Broughty Castle, to and including the docks of Dundee or Broughty Ferry and Tayport harbs. 1/4 per foot. Outwards: for vessels to foreign, boarded in the docks or Broughty Ferry and Tayport harbs. and discharged in the roads 1/4 per foot. Coasting.IV. Inwards and outwards: for vessels coasting, boarded and discharged as in No. I. 2/9 per foot. V. Inwards and outwards: for vessels coasting, boarded and discharged as in No. II. 2/2 per foot. VI. Inwards and outwards: for vessels coasting, boarded and discharged as in No. III. 1/1 per foot. Vessels boarded at Tayport and discharged in the docks at Dundee, or boarded in the docks at Dundee, and discharged at Tayport, are charged 1/51% per foot. During the months of Oct., Nov., Dec., Jan., Feb., and Marchin each year, the rates are as follows:-I. 4/512%; II. 3/1128%; III. 1/43; IV. 3/31; V. 2/9; VI. 1/11%. In addition to the above rates ad per ton is chargeable on the excess tonnage of all vessels above 500 tons reg. In the event of vessels having to stop in Carolina roads for want of water in the docks at Dundee, or otherwise, the pilot shall be entitled to leave the vessel; but if the master of the vessel desire to retain him on board till she can enter the harb., he shall intimate such desire to the pilotmaster, who will decide whether that can be done. In the former case, full pilotage rates shall be exigible, but another pilot will, when required, be appointed to bring the vessel into the harb. without any charge beyond the ordinary pilotage rates; in the latter, besides these rates, ten shillings shall be pay. able for each day or part of a day any pilot shall be so detained, in name of river fees; and in the case of outward bound vessels requir ing similar service, the charge for river fees shall be the same. All vessels inward bound, boarded beyond the distance of three miles from the buoy of Tay, and not exceeding six miles, to pay ten shillings and sixpence additional for distance money; and vessels boarded six miles beyond the said buoy of Tay to pay fifteen shillings of distance money. In case of dispute the distance shall be ascertained by the bearings of the different headlands when the vessel was boarded. Towage.-Minimum charge for sea towage 2 10, and for harb. towage 20. Rates Inwards including docking (with second tug if necessary): Outside No. 3 Black Buoy, and under 6 miles outside Fairway Buoy 4d reg. ton. From No. 3 Black Buoy and below Newcome Buoy 2d reg. ton. From Newcome Buoy or inwards, under weigh or at anchor Id reg. ton. When two tugs are required for docking a vessel, the second tug shall receive out of the above rates one third the total charge for towage from Newcome Buoy. When more than two tugs are necessary, the charge shall be as above for the first two tugs, and the rest shall be paid by the vessel, each one-third towage rates from Newcome Buoy. Rate Inwards (by two or more tugs, including docking with same) first tug 3d; each additional tug 2d reg. ton. All tugs to be paid by vessel. Outward Rates. For loaded vessels, half of inward rates. For vessels in ballast, one-third of inward rates. Towage to Tayport not ex. 150 tons £1 10s; ex. 150 and not ex. 200 tons £15s; ex. 200 and not ex. 300 £1 10s.; ex. 300 tons £2. Shifting docks, not ex. 200 tons £1; ex. 200 and not ex. 300 tons £1; ex. 300 and not ex. 400 tons £2; ex. 400 and not ex. 600 tons £2 10s; ex. 600 and not ex. 800 tons £3; ex. 8oo and not ex. 1,000 tons £310s.; ex. 1,000 £4. Attending launches, same rates as shifting docks. Rate for hawsers, not ex. 500 tons, river £1, sea I 10S.; ex. 500 and not ex. 1,000 tons, river £1 10s, sea £2; ex. 1,000, river £2, sea £2 10. Officials.-Sec. to Harb. Trust., A. E. Gray; Harb. Master, Capt. C. Yule; Treas., J. Watson; Engineer, D. Cunningham; Coll. and Surv. H.M. Cust., D. P. Williams; Lloyd's Surv., J. Rae. DUNDRUM, Co. Cork. In Dundrum Bay. Lat. 55° 13' 10" N; long. 5° 40′ W. D. on bar, HWST. 20ft, HWNT. 16ft, and at quays, 11ft at S. and 7ft at NT. Official.-Harb. Master, W. Quinn. DUNFANAGHY, Co. Donegal. Lat. 55° 10' N; long. 8° W. Quay dries at LW. Used by vessels drawing 8ft. DUNGARVAN, Co. Waterford. Lat. 52° 4' 27" N; long. 7° 53' W. THW. f. and c. 5h 12m. HWST. 16ft, HWNT. 13ft. D. DUNMANUS HARBOUR, Co. Cork. Lat. 51° 30' N; long. 9° 50′ W. D. 13ft in centre of harb., but a dangerous place, and only suited for hookers. DUNMORE East, Co. Waterford, Ireland. Lat. 52° 9' N ; long. 6° 59′ W. W. side of entrance to river Suir. THW. f. and c. 5h 27m. A good harb. with D. 8 to 14ft LW., and 21 to 27ft HW. Quayage 820ft of deep water quays and 300ft of quays. Dry at LW. A lifeboat station. Auth. Board of Public Works, Ireland. Charges.-2d per ton on coal, salt, &c., with special charges on cattle and other goods delivered at harb. Pilotage-See Waterford. Officials.-Harb. Mast., T. Dunn; Pilot Mast., Capt. Kennedy, of Passage East; Supt. of Works, J. Donovan. Hotel.- -"Dunmore." DUNURE, Ayrshire. Lat. 55° 25′ N; long. 4° 46′ W. Two dilapidated piers dry at LW. D. 6ft. at HW. THW. f. and c. 11h 48m. DUNVEGAN, Isle of Skye, Hebrides. Lat. 57° 28′ N ; long. 6° 32′ W. A sheltered but not commodious harb. THW. f. and c. 6h 7m. DYSART, Fifeshire. N. side of Frith of Forth. Lat. 56° 7′ 15′′ N ; long. 3° 7′ 15′′ W. Ry. N.B. THW. f. and c. 2h 30m. Auth. Town Council. Accn. En. to harb. 60ft wide. D. Ioft at HWNT., and 14ft HWST. Dry at LW. Dock 200ft by 180ft, with quayage 600ft. En. 37ft wide. Used by vessels up to 200 tons. There are three shoots for shipping coals and a slipway 29ft wide. Pilotage.-1/ per foot. Charges.-Dock charges 3d per ton on vessels to or from foreign ports, and 3d per ton on coasters; harb. dues 1d per ton. Officials. Provost, Andrew Terrace; Harb. Master, John Harraw; Collector of Customs, Jas. Urquhart. Hotel.-"Royal Townhead." EARNMOUTH, a creek of Perth. D. HWST. 14ft, HWNT. 1oft. EASEDALE, I. of Jura, Hebrides. A small harb. for vessels engaged in the slate trade. EASTBOURNE, Sussex. An open beach and fashionable watering place. EDAY, Orkney Islands. Lat. 59° 10' N; long. 3° 5′ W. EDEN WATER.-See Guardsbridge. EDINBORO'.-See Leith. ELGIN. See Lossiemouth. ELIE, Fifeshire. Lat. 56° 11' N; long. 2° 50' W. A small tidal harb. protected by a sea wall, and a pier 845ft in length. Auth. Owner, W. Baird, Esq., of Elie, under provisions of statute 20 and 21 Vict., 1857. ELLEN PORT, Islay, Hebrides. Lat. 55° 37′ 10′′ N ; long. 6° 12' 40" W. There is an anchorage in 3 fms. entrance through rocks. Hotels. The "Dock," "Bull's Head," and "Railway.” EMSWORTH, Portsmouth. D. HWS. 15ft, HWN. 9st. |