Greenhithe or Long Reach 02 1£&./£ s.1£ s.1£ s.\£ s.\£ s.1£ s.1£ 5.1£ s.1£ s./£ s.£ s.£ s.£ ..o 90 130 171 51 91 131 18 2 1/1 3 2 9 2 15 3 0 151 01 51 101 152 5 2 11 2 17 3 4 3 II 4 61 121 162 42 102 16 3 4 s.£ 2 3 6 3 11 4 I 3 11 3 19 4 7 4 19 4 11 5 5 5 19 6 17 7 15 5 116 117 118 16 10 versa Canal, or St. Kath.'s Docks I 41 111 182 52 122 193 2 102 153 03 43 103 154 0 4 7 4 14 5 4 5 14 6 6 6 18 7 13 8 8 9 610 Chatham 2 18 3 33 83 133 184 34 8 4 15 5 2 5 12 6 2 6 17 7 12 8 5 9 8 10 811 Greenhithe, or Long Reach, and vice versa Woolwich or Blackwall. ..0 171 ΟΙ 31 61 121 182 4 2 12 3 이 3 93 18 4 8 4 18 5 16 6 14 7 14 8 14 31 61 91 142 22 102 18 3 6 3 14 4 3 4 12 5 4 5 16 6 11 7 6 8 11 9 16 Woclwich, or Blackwall, and Sheerness, Stangate Creek, or Moorings, London Docks, City 171 Blackstakes 2 Chatham 50 5 7 5 14 6 16 11 7 dt, to be regulated as follows, viz., for 3in and under no addition, for more than 3in and under 9in, the medium between the and in proportion for any part of that distance, and for each man's service in those boats 8/ tide. Towage. As per agreement. Officials.-Sec. to Thames Conservancy, J. H. Gough; Harb. Masters-London, Capt. L. Bowen; Charlton, Commr., J. Fitzgerald, R N.; Gravesend, Capt. R. Marsden; Controller-Gen. H.M. Cust., J. J. Weir; Coll. H.M. Cust., H. Lindsay. THE LONDON & INDIA DOCKS JOINT COMMITTEE, under the London & St. Katharine and East and West India Docks Act, 1888, are now working the undertakings of both the London and St. Katharine's, and the East and West India Docks. In addition to THE LONDON & ST. KATHARINE DOCKS. the above docks, an extensive railway depôt in East Smithfield (in connection with the docks); and the Cutler-street warehouses, in Houndsditch and Bishopsgate, City. The St. Katharine Docks adjoin the London Docks. Both these docks have large warehouses and sheds specially adapted for housing, working, and showing wool, tea, coffee, indigo, cigars and manufactured tobacco, dried fruits, sugar, flour, ivory, spices, bark, gums, metals, drugs, cotton, bacon, &c. The vaults beneath the Now under the London and India Docks Joint Committee. warehouses hold about 65,000 pipes of wine, 10,000 puncheons of spirit, 6,500 tons of oil, 50,000 hogsheads of brandy, 8,000 puncheons of rum. The Royal Victoria Docks are just below Blackwall. The Royal Albert Docks are a prolongation of the Royal Victoria Docks, with which they are connected by a short passage, Soft long. The two docks are together_24m long. The new deep-water entrance to the Royal Albert Docks, which provides a third means of access to the docks, where vessels of large size may lie, is 550ft long by Soft wide, and has 36ft of water, allowing margin for the largest draught merchant vessels afloat, and there is also extensive wharfage accn., and a large landing-stage upwards of 1,000ft long. These docks are in direct communication with the London and St. Katharine's Docks and all the different railways. In the Royal Victoria Dock is special accommodation for receiving and storing Australian and New Zealand sheep and American beef and mutton in refrigerating chambers capable of holding 60,000 carcases at a time. Special facilities also for landing and storing grain. Extensive shed accn. Docks are lighted by electric light, and afford accn. for the largest vessels. In the Albert Docks are two dry docks, one 502ft. in length, the other 410ft. The Gallions Hotel (Albert Dock) is the property of the Dock Co. The Railway Depôt, East Smithfield, is connected with the docks by frequent trains. Here goods are distributed for the warehouses, for London, and for all parts of the kingdom. The Cutler-street warehouses Occupy four acres in the centre of the City, and are largely used for the storage of valuable property. There are cranes of the most approved type provided throughout the entire system of docks, and there is also a floating steam crane capable of lifting 30 tons, available for service at any part of the docks; together with shear-legs, worked by steam, to lift heavy weights up to 60 tons, and a hydraulic crane to lift about 15 tons. The charges of THE LONDON & ST. KATHARINE DOCKS Co. and the EAST AND WEST INDIA Dock Co. include so many different classifications and special descriptions that space does not allow a record of them. Indeed the same remark applies equally to the charges of all the London companies. THE EAST AND WEST INDIA DOCK estate comprises the East India Docks at Blackwall, the West India Docks at Poplar, the Tilbury Docks opposite Gravesend, the Depot in Commercial-road, and the warehouse in Crutched Friars. The East India Docks and West India Docks (213 acres of land and 127 acres of water, with warehouse accommodation for 212,000 tons,) are in direct communication with all the principal railways. The crange power consists of 222 hydraulic and 19 steam cranes-also of two floating derricks (lifting power 20 and 30 tons respectively). At the West India Docks there is extensive accommodation for the timber trade and frozen meat business, also a depôt for wines and spirits (storage capacity 40,000 puncheons). The docks at Tilbury, about 20 miles from London Bridge, in direct communication with all the principal railways, comprise a tidal basin and inner docks, and some 450 acres of land. The quays of the tidal basin (water area 19 acres ; depth from 45ft HWST, to about 26ft LWST.) are fitted with sheds and cranes for the discharge and loading of baggage and cargo. At the NW. quay there is a large business in transhipment and other goods to and from the Continent. On the SW. side of the basin a coaling jetty with hydraulic cranes is provided for the discharge of coal from colliers into barges or railway trucks. A large hotel, fitted with all the most recent improvements and lighted by electricity, stands on the river bank within 100yds of the entrance and the baggage warehouse. The lock leading from the basin to the inner docks is 8oft wide and 700ft long. Parallel with the lock are 4 dry docks, which can be entered from either the basin or inner docks, the two larger (width 70ft, depth on sill 35ft) and the two smaller dry docks (width 60ft, depth on sill 27ft) have a length which can be varied (by means of movable caissons) from 400 to 550ft. The inner docks (depth 38ft) consist of a main dock (1,000ft long, 600ft wide) and three branch docks (1,600ft long. 300ft wide). The quays of these docks (1,300 ft in length) are fitted with 24 sheds (each 300ft long and 120ft wide), with lines of rail in front and at the back of each shed. The cranage power consists of some 60 movable hydraulic cranes and leads, and a floating derrick capable of lifting 50 tons. Electric light is employed throughout the whole dock system. Officials.-Joint Committee: Managers, H. W. Williams and E. H. Baily; Secretary, H. J. Morgan. London and St. Katharine's Dock Company: Secretary, S. J. Becher. East and West India Dock Company: Secretary, J. G Broodbank. Superintendents: G. Cox (London and St. Katharine Docks), T. Beck (East and West India Docks), W. Walker (Royal Victoria Dock), C. H. W. Haynes (Royal Albert Dock), R. Adams (Tilbury Dock), A. Champ (Town Warehouses): Chief Engineer, R. Carr; Dock Masters, Captain J. H. Duckham (East India Dock); Capt. W. E. Dove (West India Dock); Capt. T. F. E. Ayles (Tilbury Dock); Capt. G. D. Taylor (London Dock): Capt. Irvine Ross (St. Katharine's Dock); Capt. C. Hogg (Royal Victoria Dock); Capt. G. B. Linch (Royal Albert Dock). Chief Office, Dock House, 109, Leadenhall Street, E.C. THE SURREY COMMERCIAL DOCKS occupy nearly the whole of a peninsula in the Thames, between the Lower Pool and Limehouse Reach. The principal trade of these docks is in timber, grain, and seed. There are sheds for the storage of prepared wood goods covering about 20 acres, and granary accommodation for 300,000 qrs. The area of piling ground for the storage of wood cargoes is 222 acres. The length of the quayage available for use by vessels is about 5 miles. The Surrey Canal-the property of the Dock Company-which is over 4 miles in extent, and has an area of about 40 acres, runs from the docks at Rotherhithe to Camberwell, with a branch to Peckham. The docks are in communication with the L.B. & S.C. Ry., on the south of the Thames, and with the various railways on the north of the river. Charges.-Tonnage rates on steamers and sailing vessels vary from 3d to 1/ reg. ton. for dues, and d to id reg. ton for rent per week. Special rates for vessels wholly grain laden, and various exceptions and special rates. Officials.-Sec., J. Griffin; Supt., S. Brownfield; Engineer, J. A. McConnochie; Dock Master, Capt. Welch. Chief Office, Dock House, 106, Fenchurch-st., E.C. THE MILLWALL DOCKS are situate on the Isle of Dogs, immediately south of the West India Docks. Land entrance from the Millwall Dock Station of the N. L. & B. Rys. River entrance from Limehouse Reach, just opposite the New (or South) Dock of the Surrey Commercial Dock Company and about two-thirds of a mile south of the entrance to the South West India Dock. The entrance lock is 450ft long and Soft wide, depth on sill, 28ft below Trinity H.W.M. It is crossed by the ferry road, opening on to the outer dock, which occupies the whole of the shorter, and about a. third of the longer limb. The docks are in the form of the rather narrow gnomon of a parallelogram, about 800yds x 600yds. The longer arm, running north and south, is 350ft wide, and the shorter arm, which runs east and west, also 350ft wide. The whole system covers about 204 acres-36 of water and 168 of land. The capacity of the docks is stated at "about 100,000 tons gross register." The docks are in communication with all the principal railway companies north of the Thames. The principal business is with steamers, chiefly to and from European and American ports. The chief Imports are grain and timber. Officials.-Gen. Man., G. R. Birt; Sec., H. J. Robinson; Supts. (outdoor), J. Campbell, (indoor) J. S. Wood; Dock Master, Capt. D. Home. Offices, Dock House, 1, Railway Place, Fenchurch-st., E.C. LONDONDERRY, Ulster. On the river Foyle, 23 miles from the sea. Lat. 55° 1' N; long. 7° 18′ W. Pop. 28,497. Auth. Port and Harbour Commissioners, under Acts 17 and 18 Vict., c. 177; 37 and 38 Vict. c. 49, and 45 and 46 Vict., C. 142. P. C. THW. f. and c. 8h Im; Sp. rise 7ft; N. rise 6ft. D. The channel winds towards Derry, with a depth of about 16ft, deeping as the town is neared from 3 and 4 to 6 and 7 fathoms near the S. end of the city. Rys. B. & N.C., G.N.R. & L. & L.S.R. Tr.-I. Timber, grain, iron, coal, flax, seed, flour, and guano; E. Principally agricultural produce. Accn. Harbour is large and commodious; the quay-side extends for about two miles along the river; vessels may anchor anywhere in front of the town ready for hauling alongside the quays. There is a graving dock 305 ft long (on floor), 50 feet wide at entrance, depth of water HWST. 15ft 6in; NT. 13ft. Large vessels lighten off Quigley's before proceeding to Derry. One 60-ton crane, one 5-ton, and one I-ton. Charges.-Tonnage rates vary from ad to 9d ton. Pilotage.-District. From one mile outside or seaward of the North-east Buoy on the Tuns Bank to Bridge at Londonderry. Rates per vessel. Inwards :-7ft and under, 14/, 7ft and under 8ft, 2/, 8ft and under 9ft, 2/2, 9ft and under 10ft, 2/4, 10ft and under 11ft, 2/8, 11ft and under 12ft, 3/, 12ft and under 13ft, 3/4, 13ft and under 14ft, 3/8, 14ft and under 15ft, 4/, 15ft and upwards 4/4 foot, and inches in proportion. Outwards :-7ft and under, 10/6, 7ft and under 8ft, 1/6, 8ft and under 9ft, 1/9, 9ft and under 10ft, 2/, 10ft and under 11ft, 2/3, 11ft and under 12ft, 2/6, 12ft and under 13ft, 2/9, 13ft and under 14ft, 3/, 14ft and under 15ft 3/3, 15ft and upwards 3/6 foot, and inches in proportion. Vessels of 40 tons register and under, when sailing in ballast, free. Vessels of 30 tons burthen per register and under, pay 10/ inward, and 6/ outward; above 30 tons and not exceeding 40 tons, if bound coastwise sailing in ballast 6/ outwards; windbound vessels half pilotage in and half pilotage out, to or from Moville or Quigley's Point. All vessels laden with bark under 120 tons, pay 6d foot extra pilotage; 120 tons and not ex. 150 tons 9d; exceeding 150 tons 1/ foot extra. All ships from, or if bound to, foreign ports having on board half their reg. tonnage of cargo, or with passengers to pay 4d foot pilotage, in addition to the above rates. Vessels |