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Kingroad, the same rates as between Sharpness and Kingroad. For vessels piloted to and from any place in the river Severn above Sharpness, one-fourth more than the rates between Sharpness and Kingroad. All vessels bound to Lydney or Sharpness, or to any place in the river Severn above Sharpness, requiring and having the services of a pilot, shall also employ on board as assistants to the pilots from Kingroad, the following number of men, at the undermentioned charge:-All vessels of 200 and under 300 tons, I man at 7/6 for the first tide, and 2/6 for every other tide the vessel moves; 300 and under 500 tons, 2 ditto; 500 and under 700 tons, 3 ditto; 700 and upwards, 4 ditto. With English crews: 300 and under 500 tons, I man at 7/6 for the first tide, and 2/6 for every other tide the vessel moves; 500 and under 700, 2 ditto; 700 and upwards, 3 ditto. Any pilot who remains on any vessel by request after he has discharged the duties for which he was engaged, shall be paid 10/ a day or part of a day; and any pilot who shall be required to move any vessel in the dock, harbour, or river, occupying only one tide, shall be paid for any vessel under 300 tons, 5; 300 and under 500, 7/6; 500 and under 800, 10; 800 and upwards 12/6. Any pilot who shall be detained by request on any vessel in Kingroad, waiting for water up the river Severn; or outward bound in any roadstead on account of contrary winds, longer than 24 hours, shall be paid 10 a day for each day's detention, in addition to the pilotage rates. In case any vessel shall be compelled to bear up and return from the westward from stress of weather or accident, the pilot in charge shall be entitled to one-third of the pilotage charge in addition, according to the distance such vessel may have reached before she shall put back. In addition to the foregoing charges, a clerk or collector's fee, as follows, viz. :-- All vessels under 100 tons 6d; 100 and under 300 tons 1/; 300 and under 500 tons 1/6; 500 and under 800 tons 2/; 800 and upwards 2/6.

Towage. (For the whole length of the canal): under 30 tons reg. 8/6; above 30 tons and not ex. 150 tons 4d; above 150 tons -for 150 tons 4d, for the remainder 24d ton each way.

Officials.-Sec., Dock and Canal Co., H. Waddy; Harb. and Pilot Master and Lloyd's Agent, Capt. D. Farrant, R.N.; Harb. Master and Lloyd's Agent (Sharpness), Capt. Calway; Coll. of H.M. Cust., G. T. Luxton.

Hotels. At Glo'ster, "The Albion;" at Sharpness, "Pearce's Railway."

SHEERNESS, Kent. Lat. 51° 26′ 48′′ N; long. 0° 44′ 22′′ E. A seaport and naval station situated on the Island of Sheppey at the mouth of the Medway, 11m NE. from Chatham. Ry. LC. & D. The important government dockyard at this place has an area of about 60 acres. Hotels." Royal,"


Royal Fountain."

SHETLAND ISLANDS, situated about 50m NE. of the Orkney Islands, and 210m from Bergen in Norway. Sunborough Head, the S promontory of the principal island, Mainland or Pomona, is in lat. 59° 49' N.; and the most northern point of Unst, the most remote of the group, is in lat. 60° 51'. The islands are about 30 in number, the principal being Mainland or Pomona, Yell, Unst, Whalsay, Bressa, East Burra, West Burra, Tronda, Fetiar, Papa Stour, Muckle Roe,

Housa, Mousa, and Fair Isle. Area about 558 square miles. The climate is wet and tempestuous, and the ports difficult of access. SHIELDS, SOUTH (see North Shields and Newcastle), situated on the Tyne opposite N. Shields. Ry. NE. The Corporation Quay is 210ft. long, with D. 17ft HW., and dry at LW.; 11 dry and 2 floating docks. Portable steam ballast crane and a 10 cwt. hand crane. A lifeboat station.

SHOREHAM. Lat. 50° 49′ 50′′ N; long. 0° 15′ W. Pop. 3.750. Auth. Shoreham Harbour Trustees, under Acts of Parliament of 1816-1876 P. SC. THW. f. and c. in harb., 11h 20m; Sp. rise 16ft and N. rise 11ft above zero. There is generally a depth of 5ft below zero. W. prev. from SW., most dangerous SE. when blowing a gale. Ry. L.B. & S.C. Tr.-I. and E. General. LV. sailing vessel 1,422 tons, draught 16ft. Accn. The harbour is 4 miles long, and is formed by the outset of the river Adur between two piers. Width of entrance 176ft. It is divided by a third pier into the E. and W. arms. W. arm. -Depth of water 21ft HWST., 16ft HWNT. ST. range from 14ft to 16ft, NT. from 8ft to 11ft, above zero. Good wharves, chiefly used by colliers and timber-laden ships. E. arm.-21ft at HWST., 16ft at HWNT. From this arm there is a floating canal entered by a lock 175ft long, 32ft wide, with depth of water at HWST. 224ft, LWST. 6}ft, HWNT. 17ft, and LWNT. 6ft. Depth of canal 19ft HWST., 14ft HWNT. Vessels drawing 16ft can lie afloat inside the lock. The stream runs as much as 6 knots at Springs, and 3 knots at Neaps. There is in the harbour and under the direction and management of the harb. authority, quay space to the extent of 1,400ft frontage, besides this there are numerous private wharves having frontages to the harb. of about 2,500ft. The Adur slip is 420ft long, 54ft wide, and capable of taking a vessel drawing 11ft forward and 13ft aft. Gridiron, 152ft by 32ft wide.

Charges.-Harb. dues, vessels loading or unloading 3d to 6d ton according to size. Putting in for shelter 4/ each.

Pilotage. District. From Brighthelmstone (exclusive) westward to the Owers, and from the Owers eastward to Brighthelmstone (exclusive). Rates per foot. Inward and outward. Harb. pilotage, 8t dft. and under, 1/6d, above 8ft and not ex. 1oft, 1/9d; above 10ft, 3/. Vessels inward bound, not boarded until they are within the bar at the entrance of the harb., are charged only onefourth of these rates. Ships going into Shoreham, and unloading near the harb. mouth, are subject to half-pilotage only; but if such ships are afterwards removed by pilots to any dock or wharf near the town, for the purpose of taking in a cargo, the full pilotage is to be paid.

Towage.-Rates for the use of the steam tugs plying within harb. limits, in and out of the harb. to and from Kingston, Shoreham, or the Lock :-Vessels under 60 tons reg., 12/6; vessels of 60 tons reg. and upwards, 24d per ton reg. ; towage one way (either in or out), one half of the above mentioned rates; up and down the canal, 2d per ton reg. ; up or down the canal, id per ton reg., with minimum charge of 5/. From the Lock to Kingston or Shoreham, or from Shoreham or Kingston to the Lock :-Vessels under 60 tons reg., 5; vessels of 60 tons and under 100 tons, 8/; vessels of 100 tons and under 200 tons, 12/; vessels of 200 tons and

upwards, 15/; moving a vessel in harb. other than as above mentioned, 5/; use of tow rope in or out of harb., 10/.

Officials.-Clerk to Harb. Trust., T. Hardy; Coll. of Dues, D. Pilmore; Harb. Master, J. Maynard; Supt. H.M. Cust. W. H. Stewardson.

Hotel. The "Burrell Arms," "Buckingham Arms.”

SIDMOUTH, Devonshire. Lat. 50° 40′ 30′′" N; long. 3° 14′ W. A small seaport situated at the mouth of the Sid, 13 miles SE. of Exeter. A lifeboat station. Hotels." Knowle," "Royal York.' SILLOTH, Cumberland, on the eastern side of Solway Firth, about 22 miles from Carlisle. Pop. 3,000. Auth. The North British Ry. Co. THW. f. and c. 11h 40m; Sp. rise 26ft.; N. 20ft. Ry. N.B. Accn. consists of a tidal dock 600ft long by 300ft wide, covering about 4 acres, with a jetty extending 1,000ft towards LW. En. 90ft wide. D. 4ft LWST. The new dock has a water area of 6 acres ; length (W. side) 660ft (E. side) 630ft, width 400ft. Entrance to dock 60ft. Depth on sill 24ft HWOST. Six hydraulic cranes, of powers up to 6 tons, and two staiths to load 100 tons per hour each.

Charges. Buoy and light dues id to 3d per ton.

Ballast 6d per

ton inwards; 1/6 per ton outwards. Dock rates d to 5d per ton. Pilotage. District. In the English Channel of the Solway Frith between the anchorage ground off the harb. of Maryport and the entrance of Port Silloth, and Annan Water Foot, from the Frith. Rates by agreement.

Towage.-Coasting vessels outwards or inwards between the end of jetty and Lee Scar Lighthouse, into or out of dock :-Under 72 reg. tons 3/ each; above 72 reg. tons 3d ton; vessels bound to or from foreign ports, any reg. tonnage id ton. Coasting vessels outwards and inwards, between Lee Scar Lighthouse and Striped Buoy (2 miles) into or out of dock :--Under 72 reg. tons 6/ each; above 72 reg. tons id ton. Vessels bound to or from foreign ports, any reg. tonnage 2d. Coasting vessels outwards from the dock to the lightship:-Vessels of 72 reg. tons and upwards 2d; or when there is more than one vessel of that tonnage on same tide each 14d; vessels under 72 reg. tons each 12; or when more than one vessel under 72 tons same tide 9d. Distances beyond lightship, places not named and foreign-going vessels by agreement. Officials.-Gen. Man. N.B. Ry., J. Walker; Harb. & Dock Master, G. Mundell; Cust. Officer, A. Parker.

Hotels."Queen's," "Solway," "Waverley."

SKATEROW, near Berwick. D. HWST, 5ft, dry at LW. En. 35ft wide.

SKERRIES, co. Dublin, Ireland. Lat. 53° 35' 20" N; long. 6° 6' 20" W. Ry. GN. of Ireland. THW. f. and c. 11h om. Auth. The Dublin Port and Docks Board under a Provisional Order and Acts of 1861 and 1877. A small harb. dry at LW., used by vessels of up to 250 tons and drawing 12ft. Quayage 400ft. A lifeboat station. Officials. See Dublin.


SKIBBEREEN, co. Cork, Ireland, situated on the Ilen. 51° 34' N ; long. 9° 15′ W. No Harb. Auth. Nearest station, Dunmanway, on the W. Cork Ry. (16m). A small harb.; the best entrance is through Baltimore Harb. Channel.

SKIPNESS, Cantire, Argyleshire. Auth. Owner R. C.
Graham of Skipness. Accn. An iron pier with

D. of 8ft at LWST.
SKIPPOOL, Lancaster. Creek of Fleetwood. D. HWST. 15ft.
HWNT. 10ft.

SLIGO, Sligo, on the Garvogue, 5 miles from the outer roads. Lat. 54° 16' N ; long. 8° 28′ W. Pop. 10,764. Auth. Harbour Commissioners, under Statute 40 Vict. c. 35, 1877. P. C. THW. f. and c. 5h 23m; Sp. rise 11ft; N. rise 8ft. D. on bar at LW. 15ft. W. prev. SW. Rys. Mid., G. W., & S. L. & N. Co. Tr.-General. LV. Vessels of 1,540 reg. tons and 21ft dft. have entered the harb. at HW., and vessels of 390 reg. tons and 16ft dft. at LWST. Accn. Good and safe channel up to quays. The ballast quay is about 2,000ft long, with a depth of water alongside at LWOST. of 8ft. Depth up to quays at ST. 16ft; NT. 133ft. Hand cranes. Charges. Harb. dues 6d ton. Mooring buoys if used 3d per ton reg.

Ballast Is 6d to 2s 6d ton.

Pilotage.-District. From Wheaten Rock to Quays. Rates. Outwards: From any place to sea, April 1 to Sept. 30, 2/; Oct. 1 to Mar. 31, 2/6. From April 1 to Sept. 30, Wheaten Rock to Sligo, 2/6 foot inwards; Sligo to sea, 2/ foot outwards.

From Oct.

I to Mar. 31, Wheaten Rock to Sligo, 3/ foot inwards; Sligo to sea 2/6 foot outwards.

Towage.-5d per reg. ton in, and 3d out.

Officials. Sec. and Coll. of Harb. dues, S. M. Cherry; Harb. Master, Capt. J. Keeble.

Hotels."Victoria" and "Imperial."

SOLVA. A small creek near Milford.

SOUTH ALLOA, River Forth, Scotland. A wharf belonging to the Cal. Ry. Co., used for landing coals

and timber. SOUTH BASIN, North Uist. Lat. 57° 35' N; long. 7° 3′ W. A well-sheltered harb., with a pier

having 7ft. at LW. alongside. SOUTHAMPTON, Hampshire. On Southampton Water. Lat. 50° 54′ N; long. 1° 24′ W. Pop. 80,000. Southampton Water forms one of the finest harbours in the kingdom, being quite land-locked, and its approaches so protected that no sea of any consequence can rise. The largest ships arrive at and leave the harb. at all times of tide. The anchorage is remarkably good. There is a second high-water about two hours after the first, the knowledge of which is most important to the mariner. The first high-water at the full and change of the moon is at 10h 30m, the second high-water at 12h 45m, and low water at 4h. To ships using the graving docks this double tide is very advantageous, as the water remains nearly stationary for nearly two hours; thus, without risk, allowing vessels to come out of the dock, and others to enter, without losing a tide. Auth. The Docks are the property of the Southampton Dock Company; there are also Quays where vessels discharge which are under the jurisdiction of the Southampton Harbour Board, together with piers mostly used_by_passenger steamers to and from the Isle of Wight, &c. P. C. THW. 10h 30m, oh 45m; Sp. rise 13 ft; N. rise 9ft. D. at LWST. of 10 acres, 20ft and 16 acres 18ft, 10 acres in close dock 28ft. W. prev. SW.; owing to the land-locked nature of the harb. no winds

are specially dangerous. Ry. L. & S. W. Tr.-I. Coffee, wine, tobacco, and all kinds of foreign and colonial produce; E. Machinery, hardware, and manufactured goods. LV. as follows :—

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The property under the jurisdiction of the Southampton Harb. Board is :-Quay space 101,000 super. ft. There are the following Docks :

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Total length of

Every accommodation-warehouses, cranes, &c. present quay exceeds 7,500ft, in addition to the extension_ quay 1,820 ft long, with 20ft of water at LT., which forms the E. arm of the new Dock of 18 acres, having a depth of 26ft, in course of construction. Shears to lift 100 tons. Cranes to 20 tons. LV. using the Town Quay the Morglay, 1,525 tons, 21ft dft. Larger vessels go to the docks. Vessels using the Town Quay of 131ft dft. can berth at LW. Some steamers do not go into the docks but land their passengers, mails, and specie there by tender. The larger portion of the trade at the Quay of the Commissioners is carried on by vessels not exceeding 1,000 tons. The traffic at the Royal Pier is mainly Isle of Wight passenger traffic.

Charges.-Harb. dues Id ton. Boomage 1/6 to 5/, according to size. Wharfage. The rates at this port have been recently revised, and copy of dues and charges can be had on application to Mr. W. Bowyer, Southampton Harb. Board, Southampton.

to sea.

Pilotage.-District. From a line drawn from Lepe Buoy to Lee Point, to all ports and places within the Southampton Water, and from all ports and places within the Southampton Water Rates per foot. From any place within a line drawn from Lepe Buoy to Lee Point to Southampton, Hamble, or Bursledon :17ft dft. and under, 1/6, above 17ft and not ex. 20ft, 2/6, above 20ft, 3/6; from any place within a line drawn from Lepe Buoy to Lee Point to Eling, Redbridge, Northam, or Chapel, 1/ per foot more than the above rates. If a vessel, inward-bound, be not boarded until she is ENE. of Calshot Castle, the pilot is entitled to one-third

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