Sivut kuvina


Gold and Silver Wares-continued.




wares of gold, platinum or silver gilt 8d, jewellery of gold or platinum with or without precious stones 2/3, silver unwrought in pieces, broken articles of silver, silver leaf free, silver hammered and wire 2d, silversmiths' wares 8d, jewellery of silver, with or Rus. without precious stones 1/4; Rus. Articles of gold of all kinds, gold jewellery, &c., not otherwise enumerated 8/81,† articles of silver or of silver gilt, of all kinds, silver jewellery, &c., not otherwise enumerated 6'98dt, gold and silver lace, silver drawn and spun, spangles, and other ornaments, and gold and silver ribbon 1/5 31,† gold and silver leaf, single or double, including the weight of the books 3'46dt; S. Gold jewellery, or gems set in gold, of whatever kind 6/265, silver jewellery or gems set in silver, of whatever kind 10 45d, all other gold or silver wares 7'76d; Sn. Gold wares 4'85d, gold leaf, real or false (including the weight of book or wrapper), also gold dust '97d, gold and silver wire, lace, fringes, braid, &c., 97d, silver wares, gilt or not, 2'9od, silver leaf, real or not, '58d; Sz. Gold and silver leaf o5d, gold and silver rolled, in plates or bands 06d, wire 15d, jewellery and gold and silversmiths' work, real U.S. or plated 'ogd; T. All kinds of gold and silver wares 8% a v; US. Gold leaf 6/3 per 500 leaves, silver ditto 3'14, ditto silver wire 45% a v, gold and silver jewellery, watch chains, &c. 25%, gold or silver embroideries 45%, plated wares 35%, all other gold or silver wares USC. 45%; USC. In bars 1d per kilo, other form 5, coins not inferior to Ven. standard 900, fines, free; Ven. 6th class, imitation jewellery, 8th class,gold and silver, precious stones, watch, jewellery,and card cases.


Gold Leaf.-See Gold and Silver Wares. Grease, per cwt.-A. 1/0; B. Free; Br. Tallow, raw or rendered 70 per k., in candles and purified for pomades 320 per k.; Ch. Animal tallow, o'2'o'o 100 catties, vegetable o 300, varnish or crude liquors o'5'o'o; Cor. Varnish 8% a v; D. Refuse of fat or train oil, also carriage grease 2/4, tallow 48; F. Grease of fish 2/5, ditto other kinds free; G. Animal fat (other than lard) 10, carriage grease 1/61; Gr. 641; Hay. tallow 4/8; H. Free. (NOTE.-Cart grease in boxes, pots, and cases, &c., of one kilogramme pays a duty of 5% a v); I. Varnish made with spirits 12/2, with addition of 36 lire per hectol. of alcohol contained on basis of 70° of strength, all other kinds 8 2; Nic. Tallow and all animal fats 2d per lb; N. Fat, train oil, spent fish oil free, varnishes, drying oils and polish 1 11s, wagon grease 2/3; PR. Varnishes 7 peso 54 cts per 100 kilo, grease 5 peso 80 cts per 100 kilo; P. Free; R. Grease of fish 4/1, tallow and all grease employed for industrial purposes free: Rus. 211; S. 4d; Sn. Machine and carriage grease 1/1, tallow free; Sz. Tallow 2d, carriage grease 9fd, varnish and lac of all kinds, also oil varnish 2/10; T. 8% a v; US. Tallow 4/8, grease not enumerated 10% a v. (NOTE.-Grease for soap stocks free); USC. rod per kilo, tallow d.

Grindstones.-A. Free; B. Free; D. Up to 14 inches diameter Id each, From 14 inches to 20 inches wide, id

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of 42 inches diameter and above 44d per cubic foot; F. Free; G. 1jd per cwt; Gr. Free; H. Grindstones small 5%, ditto other kinds and millstones free; I. Free; N. Free; P. 3d per cwt; R. Rough stones for millstones id, millstones, French, of all sizes £1 185 5d each, ditto of Carpathian quartz 1 8s 1od, ditto common of trachite and others 14/5, grindstones 1/3 per cwt, millstones of all kinds 12:2 per pair; Rus. 3d per cwt.; S. 6d per ton; Sn. Free Sz. Millstones 4d per cwt, grindstones unmounted id, ditto mounted 1/7; T. 8% a v; US. Grindstones rough or finished 7/3 per ton, millstones 20% a v.

Gunpowder. See Iron and Steel.

Haberdashery.-See Woven Manufactures.

Hammers. See Iron and Steel.

Hams. See Bacon and Hams.

Handkerchiefs.-See Woven Manufactures.

Hardwares.-See Iron and Steel.

Harness. See Hides and Skins.

Hats, Beavers, Silk, &c., per cwt.-A. Of felt £4 118_5d, of silk £6 125 1d; Ar. Of all sorts 40% a v; B. 10% a v; Br. Of hare, otter, or beaver skin and hair, plain 2'200 each, ditto ornamented 4'500 each, of esparto, with ornaments '600 each, without ornaments 1'200 each, of Chilian, Peruvian, or Manilla straw 2'400, of Italian and similar straws, without ornament rooo, of rice, oat, palm, and similar straws, without ornaments 700, of all other kinds, without ornaments 48% a v, hats of straw 1500 each and 30% (Chili, Peru), ditto Italian '600 and 30%; C. Hats, excepting commons, 35% a v; Ch. Felt caps 1250 per 100, silk caps o'g'o'o per 100; D. Silk 11d each, other kinds £7 10s 7d per cwt; E. 2/1 per kilo, trimmed for ladies 4'2; F. Felt zid each, silk 11d; G. Of silk or half-silk £7 12s 5d per cwt, of felt £4 11s 5d; Gr. High, for men 2/4 each, low, of felt 11d; Hay. Of bearskin, for sappers 2/1 each, cocked, with silver or gold lace 3314 each, other from 2/6 to 37 6 per doz; H. 5% a v; Caps £4 per 100, men's hats, of felt, hair, or wool, trimmed or not £2, ladies' hats, trimmed £20, of silk, pure or mixed with other material £6, of straw (hats of esparto, bark, or palm fibre are considered as of straw) £1; N. Of felt or silk 5d each; PR. All kinds 1 peso 86 cts per doz under foreign flag, and I peso 30 cts under Spanish flag; P. 25'75 a v; R. Silk hats for men, opera hats of all kinds £52, straw hats £26, felt hats, fine or semifine £124s, ditto coarse for peasants and soldiers 8/2; Rus. 3/2 each, men's caps 1/31, with an addition of 20% on each rouble of duty leviable in each case; S. 1/5; Sn. Of silk 18, other kinds 51d; Sz. Women's hats, all kinds, trimmed 12/21, men's hats, all kinds, trimmed £315; T. All kinds 8% a v; US. Of silk or felt 30% a v, of wool, value not exceeding 30 cents per lb 5d per lb,* valued at over 30 and not over 40 cents (1/8) per lb 6d,* valued at over forty and not over 60 cents (2/6) per lb gd,* valued at over 60 and not over 80 cents (3/4) per lb 1, 35% a v,* and valued at over 80 cents per lb (1/5) and 40% a v; USČ. As materials of which composed, straw 5s per kilo; Ur. 48% a v. Hemp.-See Linen.

Herrings.-See Fish.

Hides, Skins and Leather, per cwt.-A. Hides and skins, raw free, sheep or goat skins tanned (not tawed or chamois), also split not dyed 6/1, leather, common, not otherwise specified, cow and horse hide, merely blacked, stretched or grained, in whole or half skins 9/2, fine black leather, except that named above, as glove, cordovan, morocco, sole leather, saffian and all dyed, lacquered and bronzed leather, leather with impressed designs, parchment 18/3, leather wares (1), common, i.e., wares of common leather, not tawed or chamois, also wares of leather cloth or oil-cloth, saddlers', strap-makers' and trunkmakers' wares of hairy skins, sail-cloth, twills, drills, grey packing cloth of unbleached jute or coarse linen tissues, all these wares combined or not with other materials £1 5s 5d, (2) fine, i.e., of cordovan, morocco, saffian, Brussels and Danish leather, of black leather, except cow and horse hide, of chamois or tawed, dyed or lacquered or embossed leather, wares of oiled muslin, oiled silk or parchment, all these wares combined or not with other materials, shoemakers' wares of leather or combined with leather, also saddlers', strapmakers' and trunkmaker's wares, combined with bleached or dyed tissues or carpet £1 155 7d, (3) gloves, made up or merely cut out, combined or not with woven or knitted wares £2 os 8d; Ar. Boots and shoes of all sorts 40% a v, harness, saddlery 40% a v; B. Hides and skins, raw hides free, skins of sheep or goats, tanned with the hair, kid skin tawed with the hair 4/0f, other skins, tanned or curried 6/1, otherwise prepared 12/2, parchment free, leather wares, all kinds 10% a v; Br. Raw hides of every kind, green 100 per kilo, dried and salted 140 per kilo, prepared and tanned, with hair, from 200 to 2'200, boots and shoes from 625 to 12 500 per pair, slippers and sandals 300 to 3'000 per pair, gloves 5'600 to 9'000 per dozen pairs, trunks 3'750 to 25 000 each, saddles 7'500 to 17 500 each; C. Harness, portmanteaus, boots and shoes, gloves Ch. 35% a v; Ch. Hides, buffalo and cow, per 100 catties o'5'0', ditto rhinoceros o'4'2'0, leather o'4'2'o, articles, as pouches, purses 1'5'2'0, green leather 18'o'o, leather, strips 5% a v, trunks Cor. 1'5'00, shoes or boots, leather or satin 3'0 0 0 100 pairs; Cor. Raw, D. 5% a v, tanned 71% a v, leather 7, manufactures 10% a v; D. Hides and skins, undressed free, dressed, dyed, blacked, varnished,






Hides, Skins, and Leather-continued.





lacquered or bronzed, gilt, silvered or embossed, shagreen, cordovan, morocco and Russian leather, parchment and bookbinders' leather £185 3d, other kinds 18/10, leather wares, gloves, combined or not with other materials £8 9s 5d, boots and shoes with uppers wholly or partly of silk £5 125 11d, ditto other kinds £3 155 3d, other kinds of leather wares £1 175 8d; E. Hides and skins 1/0 per kilo, leather, raw and manufactured, 1/o; F. Hides and skins, raw, fresh or dry, small or large, free, prepared hides, sheep skins, dyed 18/3, varnished, dyed or moroccoed £1 45 5d, goat, sheep, lamb or calf skins, not dyed nor varnished 401, other kinds 8/2, manufactures of leather, top boots 1/3 per pair, other boots 94d pair, shoes 41d pair, straps for sabots 1 os 4d per cwt, gloves of lamb or calf skin, simply stitched 4d per doz, ditto quilted (piqués) 74d, gloves of goat or kid, simply stitched old, ditto quilted (piqués) 1/ per doz., saddles for men 49 each, ditto for women 6/5, other fine saddlery £3 55 per cwt, harness 16/3, hose pipes and bands for machinery 1 os 4d, trunks of wood or pasteboard, covered with leather &1 45 5d, morocco leather goods, limp £3 5s, ditto hard £2 8s 9d, other leather wares LI 125 6d; G. Hides and skins, raw (green, salted, limed or dried), without the hair, for making leather, also scrap leather, skins to be prepared for furriers' work free, half-dressed kid, tanned, but not dyed sheep or goat skins 1/61, per cwt. sole leather, Brussels and Danish glove leather, cordovan, morocco and all dyed or varnished leather except Russia leather 183, all other undyed leather, dyed Russia leather, parchment, &c. 9 2, leather wares, coarse, shoemakers', saddlers and trunk-makers wares, and other wares of undyed or merely blackened tanned leather, or of raw hide, plain or in combination with other materials 1 5s 5d, fine, of cordovan, morocco, Brussels or Danish leather, of chamois, white, coloured or lacquered leather and parchment, plain or in combination with other materials, except gloves and those articles which come under the head of "Small Ornamental Wares" £1 15s 7d. (NOTE -Shoemakers' or trunk-makers' wares of canvas or oil-cloth pay as fine leather wares.) Gloves 2 10s 1od; Gr. Hides, raw, dried, salted or not 3/4, in a wet condition, salted or not in large or small pieces, and cow hides not varnished £1 125, 1/8, dressed shoe leather, cow hide, coloured or varnished £4, other leather, varnished £6 8s, calf skins, dyed or not, sheep or goat skin in large or small pieces, morocco and Russia leather, dyed or not, of whatever quality £4, calf and kid skin not otherwise mentioned £9 12, leather wares, boots and shoes, of common leather, for soldiers, workmen or sportsmen £4 6s 5d, other sorts, for men, women or children, also slippers of leather, wool, linen or cotton, including felt shoes 12 16, shoes and slippers of silk or other embroidered tissues, or with threads of gold or silver £48, gloves of leather, without fur 3d per pair, ditto with fur gld, sword belts of leather and leather straps for caps, &c. £7 13 7d per cwt, bands for machinery and linings for hats free, tubes, haversacks, bellows, satchels, blotting-cases, &c. £112, saddles of all sorts 12s each, harness and other saddle-makers' ware, £4 16s. per cwt, other made up (stitched) goods of all kinds 6/5; small wares, as cases, portfolios, purses, pocket-books, and other small articles of ordinary leather, calf skin or Hay. HI. Leather manufactures free; Hay. Cow 2/8 each, buffalo morocco £16; £2 10s. per doz. horse 1/3 each. ox, tanned 8'4, per doz. sheep skins 2/1, do. morocco 4/2, imitation 2/1, do. hog 12/6, calf 8/4, do. varnished 12/6 do. chamois 1/3 each, imitation 2/1 per doz, leather tanned, per doz. sides 12/6, shoes per doz. from 4/2 to 10/5, boot, upper, per pair 1/8, aprons, each 3/14, belts, sword, per doz. 105, ditto, varnished, ditto 6/3, visors for caps, ditto, rod; H. Hides and skins, leather and parchment free, leather wares of all kinds 5% a v; I. Raw, green, or dried, free, tanned, with the hair on fine, and common 24/44, tanned without the hair unfinished (ie., as taken from the tan pit) 10 2, without hair (sewn) £1 8s, varnished £1 16s 6d, dressed for sole leather 18/34, dressed, other 28/7}, dressed kid and lamb skins 8/11, cut in leg pieces, upper leather, &c., as the skin of which composed with 20% additional cut in strips for hats, as the skin of which composed with 50% additional, parings and scraps free, fur manufactures of all kinds £12 135 1od, leather wares, harness, ornamented £11 16s 6jd, saddles 12/- each, groves, cut out or made up 16/- per hundred pairs, bootmakers' wares, boots and buskins £8 per hundred pair other kinds £8. (Boots and shoes of



Hides, Skins, and Leather-continued.








all kinds in leather or stuff, except silk or velvet, will pay a duty of 100 lire per 100 kilos.) Other leather manufactures, bands finished, and sewn for machinery £2 os 71d. All other leather manufactures (including fancy goods and portmanteaus) £2 8s 84d; J. Buffalo and cow 1 boo 20 cents per 100 catties, leather 2 boos 100 catties; M. Leather gloves of all sizes, plain or embroidered, when not lined 1 w 4'50 per kilo, ditto lined 2'75, buckles covered with leather gw o'25; NI. Leather and leather wares 10% a v; Nic. None are imported as skins, but could go as dry animal skin, leather, all kinds 84d, bellows, all kinds 6d, leather and skins, manufactured 1/3, boots and shoes, ordinary, common 1/4, boots and shoes, gentlemen's, and whips, 1/8, boots and shoes, ladies' 2/14, gloves 3/5; N. Hides and skins, undressed raw, dried or salted free, dressed with the hair, other than peltries 18/10 per cwt, tanned, including sole leather 13, ditto other kinds, including morocco, cordovan, &c. £1 6s, leather wares, wares of leather with the hair, other than peltry wares Los 11d, gloves, made up or merely cut out, plain or combined with other materials £5 15 8d, shoemakers' work, wholly or partly silk or L6 125 8d, ditto of other tissues, or of cordovan, morocco, lacquered of dyed leather, plain or combined with other kinds of leather £4 18 10d, ditto of other kinds of leather or of felt, with soles of wood 11/4,ditto with soles of other materials £2 135 8d, saddles, bridles, harness carriage aprons, whips and trusses 1138 11d, small bags, pocket books, &c. £2 5s 2d, all articles of leather not otherwise enumerated 10% above the duty on the leather of which they are manufactured. (NOTE. Leather merely cut out or in the form of boot legs or hat Per. linings is not considered as manufactured leather.) Per. Hides and PR. skins, not specified; leather and manufactures 45% av ; PR. Per kilo, leather and skins, untanned, and sole leather, per 100 kilos 14 p 50 c, leather and skins, tanned as upper leather (baqueta) sheep skin (badana) morocco, and sheep and goat skin, haired, 36 c fine as calf, black and saturated kid, shagreen, buffalo, hog and chamois 5 cs, shoes, all kinds 8o c, harness and saddlery articles 58 c, shoes and leather 5 p 80 c, other articles of leather or lined with same 1 p 15 c; P. Per kilo, skins or hides (fresh) dressed or not 12r, ditto (dried) dressed or not 22r, leather tanned 85r, kid without distinction of colour or finish 860 r, skins dressed or hides coloured, varnished, or morocco 355 r, skins dressed or hides not otherwise mentioned 285 r, kid gloves finished or unfinished 135 r per pair, manufactured skins or leather for personal use 7'000 r per kilo, prepared skins or leather not elsewhere specified, includ ing ornamental brass-work 555 r, boots and shoes with leather soles 450 r per pair, ditto, not otherwise mentioned 215 r per pair, trunks, portmanteaus, bags and game bags 27% a v; R. Hides and skins, raw, fresh, dried, or salted free, tanned, common leather, not specially enumerated 16/3 per cwt, fine, viz., dyed (except simply blackened leather), varnished, gilt or silvered leather, also tawed and chamois leather, glove skins, morocco and cordovan and castor £1 Es 5d, scraps of leather 2 o, leather wares, common, such as bootmakers', saddlers harness and trunkmakers' wares in common leather, combined or not with other materials 18/3, fine (except gloves), viz., articles other than those enumerated above, combined or not with other materials L1 16s 7d, articles of fine leather, ornamented or combined with amber, ivory, tortoise-shell, mother-of-pearl, jet, meerschaum, precious metals and fine or semi-fine stones 7% a v, leather gloves of all kinds 7%, boots and shoes £1 16s 7d, scraps of leather not exceeding 5 centimetres in length 4/1, military gloves, gloves lined, breast pieces and gloves used in fencing, vests and breeches £12, leather wares, boots and shoes of silk or of silk or cotton velvet, also shoes emRus. broidered of gold or silver thread £16 55 4d; Rus.hides and skins, salted or dried of all kinds including shreds of undressed skins of every kind not dressed 4/11, wet salted 2/5, hides, dressed, small, calf, chamois and kid skins, tanned, tawed or prepared with alum, leather shaped for boots and shoes, also morocco leather £4 8s 8d, large ox, cow, or pig-skins, tanned, tawed or prepared with alum, straps of walrus skin, driving bands, belting of all kinds, also parchment £2 98 3d,† lacquered of all kinds £35s.t NOTE.-Leather shreds pay the same duty as the class of leather to which they belong. Leather, wrought boots and shoes of all kinds (except ladies' of silk) £11 165 5d, ladies' boots and shoes of silk tissues £23 125 1od,t gloves, except boxing and fencing gloves, and all articles of chamois leather or kid other



Hides, Skins, and Leather-continued.


than boots or shoes £48 is 6d, gloves, cut out, not sewn £24 os 9d,t bands for lining hats and caps and leather stitched for boots and shoes £8 175 4d.t harness of all kinds, saddles and all kinds of saddlers' work, trunks, travelling bags, leather sporting articles, as game bags, &c., fencing gloves and all articles of leather not otherSal. wise enumerated £8 175 4dt; Sal. Per lb, gw, hides 11d. skins 161, leather, plain, per lb 91d, bridles with single reins, per doz. 118 71d, ditto with double reins £1 108 1od, reins ditto 13s 10jd, harness for plough, each 15/51, ditto for carriage £1 10s 70, saddles, common, £2 6s 3d, fine £3 1s 91, women's £1 10s 11d, leather, varnished for shoes, &c., 11d per lb, shoes 7/91 per pair, for children 3/14. S. Hides and skins untanned 253 Untanned hides and skins when imported salted pay, if fresh salted, 60% less than this duty, and if dry 30% less; also they pay 1/2 less (NOTE.per cwt when imported directly from non-European foreign countries.) Tanned (except calf skins) lacquered or varnished and tanned calf skins £5 and sole leather 3 158 2d, leather wares, saddlers' and trunkmakers' wares, bags, portmanteaux, hat boxes, &c. £4 75 4d, gloves £37 55 2d, boots is 7d, Sn. and shoes 11 9s 8d, other articles £9 6s id; and skins undressed free, dressed, sole leather, tawed and Sn. Hides chamois leather 13/7, other kinds including lacquered hides and skins, also parchment £1 6s 6d, leather wares, bands for machinery free, shoemakers' wares of silk £6 12s 8d, of felt or canvas with or without sole £2 5s 2d, of other tissues or of morocco, cordovan or of dyed, pressed or stamped skins £3 19s 1d, sea boots, waterproof free, other kinds £2 13s 1d, saddlers' wares, portfolios, purses, &c. £1 8s 3d, gloves £5 1s 8d, skins, cut out for gloves £1 19s 6d, other leather wares 20% above the duty of the leather of which they are manufactured; Sz. Manufactures of leather of every kind, except shoes, finished, travelling necessaries (trunks, travelling bags, &c.) made wholly or in part of textile materials (waxed cloth, sailcloth, &c.), also prepared parts 12/14, shoes, of leather of every kind, common, fine, 12/1td, of cloth with soles of leather, of half silk, silk or velvet 60/1d, of other stuffs 20/33, prepared parts of every kind also leather gloves 12/1, hides, skins and leather unmanufactured waste of hides, skins or leather free, hides or skins dried or salted but not tanned 3d, skins tanned or curried with the hair 3/3, leather 3/3, hides and skins sewn together, but not fitted, such as bags or racks, for lining mantles 12/2; T. Leather and leather wares of all kinds 8% a v; harness, shoes of all kinds 48% a v, soles and hides curried 44%; US. Hides and skins, raw, dry, salted or pickled free, leather, unfinished morocco skins 10% a v, band or belting leather and sole leather 15%, calf skins tanned or tanned and dressed, dressed upper leather of all kinds and skins dressed and finished, including finished morocco skins not otherwise mentioned 20%, patent leather 20%, parchment free, leather wares, gloves 50%, boots and shoes 30%, other kinds 30%, driving gloves composed of cotton and leather, leather being the component of chief value 30%, leather (and wooden) cases containing opera glasses, marine glasses and telescopes, which cases are intended for use otherwise than in the bona fide transportation of the contents 100%, chinese shoes composed of cotton, leather, pith, &c., having soles about 1 inch in thickness which are USC. composed largely of hair 1/8 per lb and 35%; USC. Not prepared




except those enamelled rod, per kilo enamelled leather not manufactured 1/3, boots and shoes, etc., 4/2, gloves, caps, skins for adorning dresses, etc., pocket books, cigar cases, satchels, and other Ven. similar articles 5, wares not otherwise mentioned 4/2; Ven. 4th class untanned and sole leather, 5th class, parchment and imitations, 6th class, tanned and manufactured patent leather, and tanned sheep skins. Leather manufactures; 2nd class, harness for coaches and vehicles, not specified, 3rd class, for hearses, carts, wagons, holsters, 5th class, bags, hats boxes, strings, trunks, measures, 6th class, whips, portemonnaies, 7th class, girths, headstalls, reins, saddles, shot pouches, scabbards, patent leather manufactures, 8th class, gloves, 9th class, boots and shoes.

Hinges. See Iron and Steel.

Hollow Ware.-See Iron and Steel.

Hooks.-See Iron and Steel.

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