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The lea ing articles on Shipping and Commercial topics have made this paper a specialité and with its Answers to Correspondents enormously increased its circulation. THE LIVERPOOL JOURNAL OF COMMERCE IS NOW ENLARGED TO EIGHT PAGES. Contains more Commercial and Shipping News than any other Morning Paper. The Journal of Commerce has for many years occupied the leading position among the Shipping and Commercial Journals of this country, and is indispensable to all engaged in mercantile business. No effort is spared to make THE LIVERPOOL JOURNAL OF COMMERCE a faithful record of all Shipping, Commercial, and current events of the day for that purpose responsible Agents have been appointed at all the principal seaports at home and abroad, also Correspondents at all the chief commercial centres, from whom the latest and most reliable EXCLUSIVE Shipping and Commercial intelligence is obtained. 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TO MERCHANTS AND SHIPPERS seeking to extend their export trade, and to increase their foreign business relations, this journal offers unequalled advantages, as it is circulated in all parts of the United States, the Colonies, and other distant markets of the world. All communications should be addressed to CHARLES BIRCHALL, 32, Castle St., LIVERPOOL, To whom also all Cheques and Post Office Orders should be made payable. London Office for Advertisements-38, GRACECHURCH STREET. THE GREAT NEWSPAPER OF THE NORTH. NEWCASTLE CHRONICLE. ESTABLISHED 1764. NEWCASTLE DAILY CHRONICLE. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. NEWCASTLE WEEKLY CHRONICLE PUBLISHED FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING. Chief Office-WESTGATE ROAD, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. London Office-22, ESSEX STREET, STRAND. Post-Office Orders may be made payable to R. B. REED. Registered Telegraphic Address" CHRONICLE, Newcastle-on-Tyne." Newcastle Daily Leader. 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"The most complete modern book dealing with harbour and dock engineering, from a theoretical and practical point of view, now published in the English language."-Engineer. Full Clarendon Press Catalogues sent on application. LONDON HENRY FROWDE, Clarendon Press Warehouse, Amen Corner. Now Ready, in one Demy Octavo Volume of 510 pages, with twelve full-page Plates, price 12s. 6d. An enlarged and much improved edition of CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, Popularly and Socially considered. By J. W. C. HALDANE, Consulting Engineer. London: E. and F. N. SPON. "A work of great value, written with conspicuous ability, and rich in instructive and entertaining matter."-Morning Post. "May at once be pronounced an eminent success."—Journal of Commerce. A most interesting volume."-Scientific American. "A welcome novelty in the field of engineering literature."-American Engineering News, "A most valuable book."--Shipping Telegraph. "Mr. Haldane has a very lively imagination, which enables him to dress his sober subjec in a striking garb."— 1 he Shipping World. "Should be in the library of every engineer and machinery user,”—Machinery Market. DISPERSION OF WRECKS BY JOHN JAMES FLETCHER, 73, Gracechurch Street, London, E.C. ESTIMATES FOR CLEARING AWAY WRECKS IN HARBOURS OR NAVIGABLE WATERS, IN SUCH MANNER AS TO GIVE THE ORICINAL DEPTH OF WATER FREE OF OBSTRUCTION. Among those already dispersed by J. 7. Fletcher are the following: Iron Barque, Craig Ard, off Grimsby. Iron s.s., Silkstone, at Waterford. Iron Barque, Fiona, off the Sand, Schooner, Pearl, in the Humber. Estimates given for the Removal of Rocks or other Obstructions, or for any kind of Diving work. Surveys of Damage to Pier or Harbour Works Among Claims for Damage recently investigated by J. J. FLETCHER have been cases at Antwerp, Calais, Dieppe, Dunkirk, Ghent, Havre, Honfleur, Rochefort, Terneuzen, Trouville, Noirmoutier, Trouville, and other Continental Ports. |