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International shipping

& shipbuilding directory



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Books of Rates, Tolls and Bye-Laws, and all other information, will be furnished on application to J. S. ADAM, Secretary.


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Roath Dock

Timber Floats..

Graving Docks and Floating)

Six to eight feet, with railway communication from alongside to all parts.

Nine at work and one more in course of construction, some capable of docking the largest vessels afloat.

The Bute Docks are replete with Machinery and Appliances of the most improved type, Movable Coal Staiths and Movable Cranes are used, whereby Coal, Iron Ore, &c, can be shipped and unshipped from two or more hatchways at the same time.

The Roath Dock, which was opened on 24th August, 1887, will accommodate the largest sized vessels, and has excellent provision for an Import and Export Trade. The London and North Wes'ern, Midland, and Great Western Railways, in addition to the local Railways, have direct communication from the Ship's side. There is upwards of 7,000 feet of quay space, with ample depth, available for Deal Yards, &c., and Storage of other Goods. Ware houses and Transit Sheds are being erected for the Storage of Provisions and other valuable articles.

Cardiff is the Third Largest Port for the quantity of Shipping cleared, and the Premier Port in the World for the Shipment of Coal.

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The Dock Charges at the Bute Docks are much below the average of our great ports; and as vessels can always procure an outward cargo to nearly any Port in the World without changing docks, the advantages are obvious.

Cardiff is the Natural Port for Birmingham and the Midland District, and the Bute Docks Company are prepared to receive, warehouse, issue warrants, and forward any goods consigned to them for shipment or unshipment.

Cold Storage.-Good accommodation is provided for the storage of Dead Meat, &c., &c.


The Bute Docks are the only docks situated in the Town of Cardiff. Vessels using the Bute Docks thereby save their Owners and Captains from loss of time ią making journeys between their Vessels and the Consul's, Merchants' and Brokers' Offices, Banks, Custom House, Post Office, &c., &c., all of which offices are adjacent to the Bute Docks.

The fullest information on all matters will be readily given on application to



Swansea, you may depend upon it, is destined to become the Ocean Port
of England."-Sir H. HUSSEY VIVIAN, Bart., M.P.


The affairs of the Port of Swansea are administered by a Public Trust, and
the Rates are charged alike to all Persons in respect of the same description of
Vessels and of Goods.

The Prince of Wales' Dock possesses one of the largest and deepest Locks in
the Bristol Channel. The North and South Docks, though of older date, are
supplied with the most modern Hydraulic Appliances. The Docks are surrounded
by over twenty miles of Railway (the property of the Trustees), connecting them
with the great Railway systems, viz., the Great Western, London and North-
Western, and Midland, which enter Swansea by independent routes. The Quays,
upwards of three miles in length, are furnished with 19 Hydraulic Coal Tips, and
Hydraulic and other Cranes.

The Number of Vessels that entered and cleared in 1888 was 9,066, of 2,491,666
net reg. tons.

The total Trade of the Port in imports and exports in 1888 amounted to
2,607,358 tons, of the estimated value of £10,181,307. The Tonnage of Imports
shews an increase of 45°19 per cent., and of Exports 85'74 per cent., whilst the
Gross Revenue resulting from the foregcing discloses an increase of 70-83 per cent.,
compared with the corresponding figures for 1878.

These important increases are, to a very great extent, due to the excellent
accommodation provided by the Prince of Wales' Deep Sea Docks, which were
opened in 1882, and which are 40 miles nearer the open sea than Cardiff or Barry.

The quantity of Copper smelted in the Local Works in a year is about
21,000 tons, of the value of £1,631,250; Steel, 500,000 tons, of the value of
£2,500,000. The Spelter, or Zinc, manufactured in Swansea forms 19'20th of the
whole production of the Kingdom, of the total value of £500,oco, one year's make
of Tin and Terne Plates in the neighbourhood of Swansea is about six million
boxes, valued at £4,000,000 sterling. The total shipment of Tin Plates at
Swansea in 1878 was 211,225 boxes, weighing 12,425 tons, which had increased in
1888 to 3,370,803 boxes of 201,896 tons weight, of the value of £2,826,544. The
manufacture of Chemicals, Patent Fuel, Welsh Woollen Goods, and Railway and
Engineering Plant are also among the Staple trades of the Town and Port.
There are over 140 Works of 36 varieties, employing upwards of 30,000 hands,
within a radius of four miles from Swansea Harbour.

On the completion of the Rhondda and Swansea Bay Railway, Swansea will be
the nearest Port to the celebrated Rhondda Valley. The boring of the Tunnel
through the Mountain, the last link of this important line, has been effected, and
during the coming summer the line will be open for traffic. Coal of the same
quality as that known as "Cardiff Coal" will then be shipped under the most
favourable conditions. In addition the line also passes through the Avan Valley,
a virgin coal field, to which shippers are already directing their attention in view
of the partial exhaustion of the older Rhondda Workings. This Valley lies
between Swansea and the Rhondda district, and is therefore MANY MILES NEARER

The Mumbles Lighthouse Signal Station is connected with the Post Office
system of Telegraphs. Vessels calling for orders can communicate with their
owners without lowering a boat-good and sheltered anchorage being found under
the Mumbles Head at any state of the tide free of charge. Registered Telegraphic
Address: "Swansea Bay Signal Station."

For information on any point connected with the Port and Harbour apply to

General Superintendent.

Registered Address of Telegrams: "DIXON," SWANSEA.

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