International Shipping & Shipbuilding DirectoryBenn Brothers Limited, 1890 |
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Tulokset 1 - 5 kokonaismäärästä 85
... Quays , upwards of three miles in length , are furnished with 19 Hydraulic Coal Tips , and Hydraulic and other Cranes . The Number of Vessels that entered and cleared in 1888 was 9,066 , of 2,491,666 net reg . tons . The total Trade of ...
... Quays , upwards of three miles in length , are furnished with 19 Hydraulic Coal Tips , and Hydraulic and other Cranes . The Number of Vessels that entered and cleared in 1888 was 9,066 , of 2,491,666 net reg . tons . The total Trade of ...
Sivu 24
... Quay , Dublin . IR . PORTS . F. M. Moore , 23 , " " 1 In Solent if under steam , or at private Buoys ; fee , 10/6 to Harbour Master . Pond , and at Kingston , CT.YARM'TH . Mayston & Son , South Quay , Gt . Yarmouth . In Roads . Day ...
... Quay , Dublin . IR . PORTS . F. M. Moore , 23 , " " 1 In Solent if under steam , or at private Buoys ; fee , 10/6 to Harbour Master . Pond , and at Kingston , CT.YARM'TH . Mayston & Son , South Quay , Gt . Yarmouth . In Roads . Day ...
Sivu 24
... Quay , Bristol . In Dock or in King Roads C. W. Price , 1 , 11 T. L. Ainsley , James - street , Docks , Cardiff . B ... Quay , Dublin . IR . PORTS . F. M. Moore , 23 , In Solent if under steam , or at private Buoys ; fee , 10/6 to ...
... Quay , Bristol . In Dock or in King Roads C. W. Price , 1 , 11 T. L. Ainsley , James - street , Docks , Cardiff . B ... Quay , Dublin . IR . PORTS . F. M. Moore , 23 , In Solent if under steam , or at private Buoys ; fee , 10/6 to ...
Sivu 132
... quays and a wet dock . Dock 630ft x 195ft , has an area of 3 imperial acres , depth ST . 174ft and NT . 13ft , and quayage 1,600ft . There are 400 yds of quayage space in tidal harb . , also dry dock 210ft long , 37ft wide , 11ft deep ...
... quays and a wet dock . Dock 630ft x 195ft , has an area of 3 imperial acres , depth ST . 174ft and NT . 13ft , and quayage 1,600ft . There are 400 yds of quayage space in tidal harb . , also dry dock 210ft long , 37ft wide , 11ft deep ...
Sivu 134
... quay 500ft , south quay 1,000ft . There is a small dock adjoining the north quay , where vessels drawing 9ft can enter at HWST . Charges . - 6d per ton on cargo vessels , 134 SHIPPING WORLD YEAR BOOK . THE 66.
... quay 500ft , south quay 1,000ft . There is a small dock adjoining the north quay , where vessels drawing 9ft can enter at HWST . Charges . - 6d per ton on cargo vessels , 134 SHIPPING WORLD YEAR BOOK . THE 66.
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
1oft 50 tons Accn acres additional anchorage Auth ballast basin bleached Board of Trade boats Buoy Cardiff cargo centimetres Charges Charges.-Harb coal coasting Coll coloured copper cotton cranes deck depth of water discharging ditto docks dry at LW dry dock entrance fish foot foreign freeboard grain graving docks Greenock gutta percha H.M. Cust harb Harbour hemp HWNT HWST inwards Island jute kilo kinds length lifeboat station loading loadline LWST Master Merchant Shipping Act miles millimetres Official.-Harb outwards Owner passengers Patent Slip pier pilot Pilotage Pilotage.-District port Portishead prev quayage quays railway rates rise river sailing vessels salt Section silk sill silver steam steamers sugar threads tide timber tissues tonnage tons reg Towage towed unbleached United Kingdom upwards Vessels drawing vice versa Vict wares wool yarn
Suositut otteet
Sivu 68 - The Passport purports to be a requisition on the part of a Sovereign Power or State to suffer the vessel to pass freely with her company, passengers, goods and merchandise without any hindrance, seizure, or molestation, as being owned by citizens or subjects of such State. It usually contains the name and residence of the master
Sivu 138 - by a steam vessel for a part only of the distance for which any such rate may be payable, the reduction of one-fourth shall be made on such part only of the said rate as shall be proportionate to the distance so propelled or
Sivu 68 - Every merchant vessel should carry on board some official voucher of her nationality, issued by the authorities of the country to which she belongs. The official voucher of a vessel which belongs to a country possessing a register of its mercantile marine, is a certificate of her Registry : in other cases its form varies, and is called
Sivu 69 - of each parcel of goods, with the amount of the freight, duties, and other charges thereon, and specify the name and address of the shippers and consignees. The Manifest is a list of the vessel's cargo, containing the mark
Sivu 89 - from the fore side of the stem to the aft side of the stern post in sailing vessels, and to the aft side of the after post in steamers. 2.
Sivu 518 - iron in slabs, blooms, loops or other forms, less finished than iron in bars and more advanced than pig iron (except castings)
Sivu 24 - Variation of the Compass is the angle between the True North and the Magnetic North. This difference or error arises from the Magnetic Poles not coinciding with the Terrestrial ones, and is due entirely to the influence of the earth on Magnetic Needles, which is the same at few parts of the world.
Sivu 5 - drawn in, but payable out of the United Kingdom. If drawn singly, or otherwise than in a set of three or more, the same duty as
Sivu 28 - Wet dew. . Dot under any letter, an extraordinary degree. By the combination of these letters all the ordinary phenomena of the weather may be recorded with certainty and brevity. BCM—Blue sky, with detached opening clouds,
Sivu 471 - All fabrics composed wholly or in part of wool worsted, the hair of the Alpaca goat or other animal, costing