Sivut kuvina


given by Him who, respecting the very object this spirit and disposition have in view, has declared, "I JEHOVAH WILL ACCOMPLISH IT IN ITS TIME."

The Report of the Church Missionary Society now before us, unless we are greatly mistaken, will tend, if duly weighed, to substantiate most of the ideas we have described as connected with a genuine missionary spirit, a Review of which we hoped to present to our readers in our Number for this month. But the impossibility of doing any thing like justice to its contents with. in the compass of a page or two, constrains us to defer it to the next Number.

(To be continued.)

XII. Anecdotes relative to Prince Gallitzin and the Emperor

The following anecdotes said to have been communicated by the Rev. Mr. Paterson, to a preacher belonging to the society of Friends in London, and by him related to the person from whose letter the intelligence was copied, are selected from the American Baptist Magazine for March, 1818.

"For many years a great friendship subsisted between the Emperor of Russia and Prince Gallitzin. It is said they had been unbelievers. It is however, beyond a doubt, that they were both opposed to the influence of vital religion, as may be observed from the following relation:

"The office of Minister of religion' being vacant, the Emperor was desirous of disposing of it to a certain individual whom he esteemed; but understanding that he was from principle attached to the BIBLE, he altered his intention, and, with some difficulty, prevailed upon the Prince to accept the situation. The Prince very early felt himself in an awkward predicament, not knowing how -to discharge with propriety, the duties which now devolved on him, He therefore applied to the bishop of the diocese, agd asked his advice how he should proceed in his arduous undertak

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ing. The bishop referred him to a certain book, whore he said he would find every necessary instruction, and which he entreated him to study, observing if he faithfully did so, he would find no difficulty in rightly proceeding in his new situation.' This book was the BIBLE. To this he made some opposition, but in a short time he secretly obtained a Bible; read it with much attention; and the more he read, the more his understanding became enlight ened, and his mind satisfied. This was a short period pre


vious to the entrance of the French army into Russia.
the account of that event reached Petersburgh, the Russian court
were in great alarm. Every one appeared to carry terror in his
countenance. Prince Gallitzin alone seemed calm and composed.
This circumstance caused universal surprise. Knowing the sin
cere attachment which subsisted between the Emperor and him.
self, the former had noticed it, and could hardly suppose that any
person could be thus tranquil under circumstances which seemed
to threaten ruin to the Russian nation. Neither would he be-

lieve his friend was a traitor, or insensible to the present difficul
ties. The Emperor one day called on the Prince, and asked him
'how it was that he was so composed while every one else was in
dismay?' To which he replied, that he had of late read the Scrip-
tures, and that they had fortified his mind against every danger,
and given him a firm trust in divine help and protection. The
Bible lying on the table, he urged the Emperor's perusal of it,
believing if he did, it would have the same calming influence on
his mind. At these remarks the Emperor appeared displeased, and,
with some violence, pushed the Bible from him; it fell open on
the floor. The Prince took it up, and intreated the Emperor to
let him read the part which was then open. At length he con-
sented. It was the 94 st Psalm. The Emperor was much struck
with its appropriate and consoling language.

"When the Russian army was about to depart from Petersburgh to meet Bonaparte, the Emperor and officers went to church, as is the usual custom previously to an army's going on an expedition. The Emperor was greatly astonished when that

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part of the service of the Greek Church was read, (which was a portion of the Scriptures) which contained the 91st Psalm. apprehended that Prince Gallitzin (who was with him) had desired this, and, on questioning him, he declared that he had not seen the person who had read the service, nor had he directly or indirectly any communication with him, since the conversation they had together about the Scriptures.

"The Emperor now became, in some measure, sensible of the value of the Scriptures, and while in the camp with his army, he sent for a chaplain of one of the regiments to read to him. His surprise may be readily imagined when the chaplain commenced reading the same Psalm. He immediately asked him 'who told him to read that particular Psalm.' To which he replied, 'God ;' for on being informed on what account the Emperor had sent for him, he had most earnestly implored divine direction in selecting such a portion as would benefit the Emperor; and that it was from a divine impulse he had selected that part. The Emperor now became more and more delighted with the Bible, and his subsequent conduct proves the influence its sacred truths had on his mind."

XIII. Mission to Irkutsk in Siberia, 3000 miles N. E. of Pe


The following particulars relative to a Mission undertaken in January this year to Irkutsk, about three thousand miles from Petersburgh, by Mr. Stallybrass and Mr. Rahmn, discover both in Prince Gallitzin and the Emperor himself, a disposition highly favorable to undertakings of this nature.

"Letters lately received from Russia afford great encouragement with regard to the commencement of this arduous mission. Messrs. Stallybrass and Rahmn have been greatly assisted by the counsel and influence of Drs. Pinkerton and Paterson, by whom they have been introduced to his Excellency Mr. Papoff, and have obtained the patronage of the Emperor, through the good

offices of Prinee Gallitzin, the zealous promoter of every good work.

"A respectful letter from our missionaries to the Prince, wa translated by Mr. Papoff into Russ, and forwarded to Moscow, where the Court then was. Soon after which, Mr. Papoff, who

had proceeded to Moscow, wrote to the following effect to Dr. Paterson :


"I have only time to tell you, that the Emperor has graciously agreed to every thing which concerns our friends Mr. Rahmn, and Mr. Stally brass. Letters of recommendation will be sent every where a courier will accompany them to Irkutsk, for which purpose the Prince (Gallitzin, writes to the Minister of the Interior: you must present these letters to him, and inform him when they will commence their journey, and what more is necessary for them. I mentioned also in my letter to his Excellency, that when they arrive at Moscow, they must wait on the Prince immediately, who will present them to the Emperor, who is willing to make their acquaintance. God, the Almighty, to

whose honour they devote their lives and services, shews openly his protection for their undertaking. Make to them both, as also to their dear partners, my best compliments. I greatly wish to see them once more in their passage through Moscow."

"In another letter, he says, 'His Imperial Majesty, as well as Prince Gallitzin, takes a deep interest in our friends, and in the mission which they are about to undertake.' "

XIV. Dig-durshuna, No. VI.

No. VI. of the Dig-durshuna, the Monthly Publication for Native Youth, will contain two of the articles mentioned as intended for insertion in No. V. which the length of the other articles however prevented. These are, 1. A concise View of the present Population of the world, and the probable average number attached to the various Religions professed by mankind. 2. On the cause of Thunder and Lightning. The uncertainty attending the other articles, will not permit us to insert them this time, as the Number isomewhat delayed by circumstances.


No. VI.

IN tracing the progress of benevolence at this Presidency, we have now arrived at the year 1815; and in drawing nearer to the present time it is a satisfaction to observe that the spirit has not evaporated and become extinct, especially when we consider its happy effects. A spirit of benevolence may, it is acknowledged, be in some instances ill-directed; but as its exertions are always voluntary, there is little to apprehend from this, as the real state of things must eventually appear, and the remedy is in the hands of every individual, who, without even assigning a reason, has at The mere recol. all times the power of withholding his support.

lection of this, therefore, will ever be a check upon temerity and imprudence, and lead those who have an object of this nature in view, to seek information relative to the best mode of accomplishing it if not possessed of it already. Thus, there is no fear that = benevolence wil long remain ill-directed, or be lavished on use. less plans, as long as it remains, as it ever should be to deserve the name, a perfectly voluntary act of the mind.

As this is the case then, the efforts of benevolence bless in every way. They bless the giver, they do good to the recipient, and They shed a mild they in many ways benefit society at large.

and pleasing lustre around each individual, which while it renders him in some degree distinguished, endears him to all who cherish the same feelings; and thus they unite men together by new ties, pleasing because voluntary, and which grow stronger by every successive effort; ties which resist the little jealousies incident to human nature, triumph over all the acrimony of party, and often unite in the most cordial affection, those who have never seen each

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