The Acts of the Parliament of Western Australia, Nide 1Government Printer, South Africa, 1973 |
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Tulokset 1 - 3 kokonaismäärästä 91
Sivu 51
... amended amended . by adding after subsection ( 2 ) the following subsection- ( 2a ) In any prosecution or proceedings for an offence against this Act or the regulations an averment in the complaint that the person by whom the ...
... amended amended . by adding after subsection ( 2 ) the following subsection- ( 2a ) In any prosecution or proceedings for an offence against this Act or the regulations an averment in the complaint that the person by whom the ...
Sivu 102
... adding after the word " the " in line one of subsection ( 3 ) , the word " First " ; and ( e ) by adding after ... amended . 3. The Schedule to the principal Act is amended by adding the word " FIRST " immediately before the ...
... adding after the word " the " in line one of subsection ( 3 ) , the word " First " ; and ( e ) by adding after ... amended . 3. The Schedule to the principal Act is amended by adding the word " FIRST " immediately before the ...
Sivu 310
... amended by adding after the word " Judge ” , in line five , the word " thereof " . 28. Section 54 of the principal Act is amended ( Offences by by adding after the word " Judge " , in line one , the to s . 54 . Sheriff and others . ) ...
... amended by adding after the word " Judge ” , in line five , the word " thereof " . 28. Section 54 of the principal Act is amended ( Offences by by adding after the word " Judge " , in line one , the to s . 54 . Sheriff and others . ) ...
Acts Nos 1112 | 1 |
Government Employees Housing Act Amendment Act 1973 | 13 |
Government Railways Act Amendment Act 1973 | 56 |
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acre Act Amendment Act Act is amended advice and consent Agreement Authorization amended 19 Section amended by adding amended by deleting application appointed Assembly of Western auctioneer bauxite Board Bunbury citation cited Clause Commence Commissioner of Police commits an offence Company Company's Court Delete Commissioner deleting the words Evaporites Excellent Majesty firearm or ammunition Governor granted hectares hereunder hundred dollars iron Joint Venturers kilometres Lake MacLeod land Legislative Assembly Legislative Council line four line three means ment millimetres mineral lease Minister moneys paragraph parties payable Penalty person Perth Police Force powers prescribed present Parliament assembled principal Act proposals purposes pursuant Queen's Most Excellent referred regulations relation repealed and re-enacted respect road Schedule amended Second Schedule Section 25 Senate Short title specified square metres Statute subclause substi substitute Director substituting the word taxi-car thereof tion Traffic Trust tute Director University Western Australia Western Australian Marine