Tariff, Or Rates of Duties Payable on Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, Imported Into the United States of America, from and After the First Day of December, 1846, in Conformity with the Act of Congress, Approved July 30, 1846: Also Containing All the Recent Circulars and Decisions of the Treasury Department, Relating to Commerce and the Revenue. Tables of Foreign Weights, Measures, Currencies, &c., Reduced to the United States Standard

Rich & Loutrel, 1855 - 176 sivua

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Sivu 103 - ... been landed under the supervision of the officers of the customs, to abate or refund, as the case may be, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the amount of impost duties paid or accruing thereupon ; and likewise to cancel any warehouse bond or bonds, or enter satisfaction thereon in whole or in part, as the case maybe.
Sivu 150 - ... be executed by a consul of a nation at the time in amity with the United States, if there...

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