The Acts of the Parliament of Western Australia, Nide 1Government Printer, South Africa, 1961 |
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Tulokset 1 - 3 kokonaismäärästä 61
Sivu 282
... passage , " on the ground of seniority to the teacher who is promoted and such other grounds as are prescribed " in lines five , six and seven of paragraph ( a ) , a passage as follows- on the ground of- ( i ) superior efficiency to ...
... passage , " on the ground of seniority to the teacher who is promoted and such other grounds as are prescribed " in lines five , six and seven of paragraph ( a ) , a passage as follows- on the ground of- ( i ) superior efficiency to ...
Sivu 294
... passage commencing with the words , " with tables " in lines four and five of paragraph ( c ) and ending with the word , " separately " , being the last word in that paragraph ; ( b ) by deleting the passage commencing with the words ...
... passage commencing with the words , " with tables " in lines four and five of paragraph ( c ) and ending with the word , " separately " , being the last word in that paragraph ; ( b ) by deleting the passage commencing with the words ...
Sivu 484
... passage , " sixty - two " ; ( c ) by substituting for the passage , " Board's " in line four of paragraph ( a ) and again in line one of paragraph ( b ) of subsection ( 5 ) , the passage , " Authority's " ; ( d ) by substituting for ...
... passage , " sixty - two " ; ( c ) by substituting for the passage , " Board's " in line four of paragraph ( a ) and again in line one of paragraph ( b ) of subsection ( 5 ) , the passage , " Authority's " ; ( d ) by substituting for ...
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Act Amendment Act Act is amended advice and consent Agreement amended by adding amount apply appointed approved Assembly of Western Assented authorised authority birth Board body corporate certificate cited City of Fremantle clause coming into operation commence Commissioner Committee COMMON SEAL Commonwealth Company Company's construction court DAVID BRAND death deemed district registrar Elizabeth II enacted Excellent Majesty explosives or dangerous Folio follows Fremantle Trust Fund Geraldton Governor grower hereby hundred Kalgoorlie Kwinana land Legislative Assembly Legislative Council liable license loan marriage means ment Mines Minister moneys notice in writing offence owner paragraph passage payable payment person Perth portion pounds prescribed present Parliament assembled principal Act purposes Queen's Most Excellent railway referred Registered Volume regulations repealed and re-enacted Reserve respect road Salaries and Allowances Schedule Short title society standard gauge subclause thereof tion Totalisator Agency Board Transport Treasurer Victoria Location Western Australia wharf word