Works of art, collections in illustration of the progress of the arts, sciences, agriculture, or manufactures, photographs, works in terra cotta, parian, pottery, or porcelain, antiquities and artistic copies thereof in metal or other... The Tariff Law of 1897: Fifty-fifth Congress, First Session - Sivu 58tekijä(t) United States - 1897 - 70 sivuaKoko teos - Tietoja tästä kirjasta
 | 1898 - 514 sivua
...customs at the port of importation shall be satisfied that the Photographers' Association of America is a society or institution established for the encouragement of the arts, science or education within the meaning of paragraph 702 of the Act of July 24, 1897, free entry under bond for temporary... | |
 | Lewis Heyl - 1879 - 496 sivua
...metal or other material hereafter imported in good faith for permanent exhibition at a fixed place by any society or institution established for the encouragement of the arts or science, and not intended for sale, nor for any other purpose than is hereinbefore expressed, and... | |
 | United States - 1881 - 746 sivua
...metal or other material hereafter imported in good fail h for permanent exhibition at a fixed place by any society or institution established for the encouragement of the arts or science, and not intended for sale, nor for any other purpose than is hereiubefore expressed, and... | |
 | Lewis Heyl - 1883 - 484 sivua
...metal or other material, hereafter imported in good faith for permanent exhibition at a fixed place by any society or institution established for the encouragement of the arts or science, and not intended for sale, nor for any other purpose than is hereinbefore expressed, and... | |
 | 1883 - 104 sivua
...metal or other' material, hereafter imported in good faith for permanent exhibition at a fixed place by any society or institution established for the encouragement of the arts or science, and not intended for sale, nor for any other purpose than is hereinbefore expressed, and... | |
 | Charles Frederic Williams - 1883 - 214 sivua
...metal or other material, hereafter imported in good faith for permanent exhibition at a fixed place by any society or institution established for the encouragement of the arts or science, and not intended for sale, nor for any other purpose than is hereinbefore expressed, and... | |
 | United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Finance - 1884 - 430 sivua
...metal or other material, hereafter imported in good faith for permanent exhibition at a fixed place by any society or institution established for the encouragement of the arts or science, and not intended for sale, nor for any other purpose than is hereinbefore expressed, and... | |
 | 1884 - 900 sivua
...metal or other material, hereafter imported in good faith for permanent exhibition at a fixed place by any society or institution established for the encouragement of the arts or science, and not intended for sale, nor for any other purpose than is hereinbefore expressed, and... | |
 | Lewis Heyl - 1886 - 518 sivua
...metal or other material, hereafter imported in good faith for permanent exhibition at a fixed place by any society or institution established for the encouragement of the arts or science, and not intended for sale, nor for any other purpose than is hereinbefore expressed, and... | |
 | United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Finance - 1888 - 928 sivua
...metal or other material, hereafter imported in good faith for permanent exhibition at a fixed place by any society or institution established for the encouragement of the arts or science, and all like articles imported in good faith by any society or association for the purpose... | |
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