Sivut kuvina


3. Stated Supplies, their Rights and Relations to the Church: a, They have not the
Rights of a Pastor; b, They have such only as may be expressly conferred by Pres-
bytery; c, They may not Preach in the Pulpits of a Presbytery without its consent;
d, a Pastor Elect is not, ipso facto, a Stated Supply. 4. The Pastoral Relation Em-
phasized and Encouraged. 5. Ministerial Rights are not affected by being Honor-
ably Retired..........

7. Deacons may distribute the Bread and Wine at Communion; a, b, A Deacon may be
also an Elder.....

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A Pastor Elect is not Moderator by virtue of the Call in Progress......

IV. When a Church is without a Pastor. The Moderator may be the Minister appointed by

the Presbytery for that purpose; or One of the Same Presbytery (see iii., above), or a

Member of the Session. 1. Where a Minister is the Accuser, a Minister should Pre-

side. 2. Who may Moderate the Session in the Absence of a Pastor, a. b, Only a

Member of the same Presbytery, in cases contemplated in Sections III. and IV.,

Chap. IX. c, The Session to judge when it is Impracticable to obtain a Mod-



V. Where there are more Pastors than One, they should Preside Alternately................... 127
VI. The Duties and Powers of the Church Session: To Maintain the Spiritual Government
of the Congregation. 1. The Session has Original Jurisdiction over the Members of
the Church, a, b, c, d. 2. Jurisdiction over a Suspended Member is in the Court
which Suspended him. 3. A Church Member may not be Excommunicated on Con-
fession. Confession may Shorten Process, but does not Dispense with Trial. 4. To
Receive Members to the Church. The vote of the Session admits the Members to the

Church; those unbaptized must be baptized; the Session may prescribe a Public

Profession of the Faith, and employ a Church Covenant; such Covenants Dis-

cretionary. 5. An unbaptized Person must make a Public Profession. 6. A Mem-

ber Received from another Church, should bring a Certificate. 7. Members should

be received only by an Individual Session, regularly constituted, a, For a Session

to Receive those intending to belong to another Congregation, irregular, b, also, to

Receive Members from Churches of our connection who have not been Dismissed.

8. Representation in the Superior Courts Required, a, b. 9. Attendance of Elders

upon Synods Enforced, a, b. 10. The same Elder who Represented his Session at

a Stated Meeting must Represent it an Adjourned Meeting. 11. Session may not

Prohibit Collections Ordered by the Superior Court, a, b..........

12. The Session has Oversight of the Conduct of Church Members. 13. Church Music
is under the Control of the Session. 14. Duty of the Session in the Case of those
who have joined another Church, and are in other respects irregular. 15. Duty of
the Session in Case of those who doubt their Piety. 16. Communion Wine. The
Purest attainable to be used, a, b. 17. The Rebaptism of Converts from Romanism.
Discretionary with the Session in each Case, a; Judicial Case, b. 18. In appointing
Delegates to the Higher Judicatories, the Session should designate the Service to
be Rendered. 19. Discretion of the Session as to Women's part in Meetings for
Prayer, a, b. 20. The Examination of Candidates for Admission to Sealing Ordi-
nances, ordinarily in the Presence of the Session.........

VII. The Pastor may Convene the Session at his own Discretion, and must Convene it when

Requested by Two Elders......

VIII. The Session must keep full Records, and Submit them to Presbytery Annually for

Review. 1. The Records must be full. 2. Testimony in Judicial Cases must be

engrossed. 3. Records approved may not be altered; how an Error may be cor-


IX. Register to be kept of Marriages, Baptisms and Admissions. 1. Reports to show only

Actual Membership. 2. Ministers not to be Enrolled as Members of the Church they


........ 133

3. Rolls of Baptized Children not Communicants to be kept, a; their Names to be
Embraced in Certificates of Dismission, b. 4. The Aggregate Numbers of Elders and
of Deacons to be Reported. 5. Acting Elders only to be Reported, a; all Members
in Communion to be Enrolled. 6. Forms of Blanks for Narratives to Presby-

I. The Need of Mutual Counsel and Assistance; hence Presbyterial and Synodical Assem-


II. What constitutes a Presbytery. All the Ministers, not less than five, and one Elder from

each Church within certain Limits. 1. Presbyteries constituted of Ministers, a, b, c.

2. Presbyteries should be bounded by Geographical lines, a. Elective Affinity dis-

couraged, b. Exceptions, c, d. 3. Ministers, W. C., entitled to a seat. 4. An

Elder, W. C., is not entitled. 5. Ministers living without the Bounds of their Pres-

bytery to give Satisfactory Reasons, or be transferred to the Presbytery within

which they Reside. 6. Ministers, W. C., must unite with the Presbytery within

which they Reside, or are nearest to. 7. The above Rule Defined: Its meaning, that

every Minister should be a Member of the Presbytery in whose bounds he Resides.

8. Presbyteries must be Defined by Geographical lines, or lines of Travel. 9. Pres-

byteries may not be organized so as to cover the same ground.........

10. Presbyteries previously Formed with less than five Ministers will not be Dis-

solved, a; a Presbytery continuing with less than five Ministers Dissolved.

11. The Presbytery to judge in each Case of those Living out of their Bounds, a;

Case of James Smith, b. 12. Presbyteries and Synods in Foreign Missionary


III. Every Congregation having a Pastor has the Right to be Represented in Presbytery by an
Elder, and an additional Elder for every additional Pastor. Term "Collegiate Church
defined. 1. "A Church with more than one Pastor;" 2. "Two or more Churches
united under one Pastor," a; Confirmed, b, 490.....


IV. Two or more Churches, united under one Pastor, are entitled to but one Representative.
1. United Congregations Represented by but one Elder. 2. Where a Minister
serves one Church as Pastor, and another, or others, as Stated Supply, each is en-
titled to a Representative. 3. Churches in different Presbyteries under one Pastor
as permitted by the Reconstruction Act.............

4. Churches in different Presbyteries, under one Pastor, are under the Care of the

Presbytery to which the Pastor belongs while the Relation continues........... 491

VIII. POWERS OF THE PRESBYTERY. 1. To Receive and Issue Appeals and Refer-

ences from Church Sessions, etc. See Book of Discipline, Chap. VII., Secs. I., II., III.

and IV...

2. To Examine and License Candidates for the Ministry. Licentiates should be Regularly
received and with caution; a, Case of John McClean; b, Case of Francis Hind-
man; c, Case of James McCoy. See under Form of Government, Chap. XIV., “Of

Licensing Candidates".

2. The Assembly has no Power over the Functions of Presbytery, in Licensing, but

that of Review.........

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5. To Remove Ministers. 13. The Presbytery may Dissolve a Pastoral Relation at its

own Discretion, a, b. 14. Presbytery Dissolves Pastoral Relation by order of Synod.

15. A Pastor may not be Dismissed to a Body other than that to which his Church


6. To Judge Ministers. 16. The Presbytery is the Judge of the fitness of its Members.

17. It may Reject an Applicant; 18. But not without Sufficient Reason, a, b.

19. When a Presbytery has become extinct, and a Member of it is charged with an

Offence, it is Optional with the Presbytery in whose bounds he lives to Receive and

Try him, or not; in the latter case, the Jurisdiction is in the Synod. 20. How Min-

isters and Licentiates are Received from Corresponding Bodies. 21. Ministers Dis-

missed in Good Standing should be Received on their Testimonials. 22. The Pres-

bytery has the Right to satisfy itself in every Case, and to Decline to Receive. The

"Imperative Rule." 23. A Presbytery may not give a qualified Dismission; Nor

Receive a Member of a Presbytery except upon a Letter of Dismission from his

Presbytery; where the Reception is void, the name should be Stricken from the

Roll. 24. Dismission may be to a Presbytery to be Erected. 25. To Dismiss by a

Committee is Unconstitutional, a, b, c. 26. Rule for Receiving Foreign Ministers.

27. The Rule Enforced, a, b, c. 28. Rule applies to one Seeking to be Restored.

29. Privilege lost by return to Europe. 30. The Rule applies to Canada, a, b.

31. One Educated and Licensed here, but settled abroad, excepted from the Rule.

32. Relaxation of the Rule Refused. 33. Waived in case of a Minister from a body

in Correspondence. 34. The Rule Repealed, as to Ministers from the Presbyterian

Churches of Great Britain. 35. Jurisdiction over Ministers non-resident, a, b, c.

36. A Presbytery may not Restore a Minister Deposed by Another. 37. One who

has withdrawn can be Restored only by the Presbytery from which he withdrew.

38. A Minister neither Suspended nor Dismissed, may not be Stricken from the Roll.

39. The Name of one Suspended is to remain upon the Roll, pending the final issue.

40. Deposition does not necessarily infer Excommunication; Where so Intended, it

should be so Expressed, a, b. 41. If a Deposed Minister persist in exercising the

Functions of the Ministry, his Name to be Published..........

41 a. Examination of one coming from another Presbytery, Discretionary.
isters from other Denominations to be carefully Examined in Theology.

41 b. Min-

41 c. Re-

ception of Foreign Ministers: Rev. Leopold Levasseur, a; Andreas Baumgartner, b; Emil Sage, c. 41 d. The Rule Repealed as to the Presbyterian Churches of Canada. 41 e. The Name of one Suspended to Remain upon the Roll. 41 f. The Presbytery is the Judge of the Character of Ministers......... 493


1. Of those who Withdraw from the Work of the Ministry, a; Case of one Struck from the Roll, b; If Persistent, to be Excluded or Deposed by Discipline, c; Presbytery to Inspect the Fidelity of its Members, d; Reasons for Withdrawal to be Required and Recorded with Approval or Disapproval, e, f; To be Called to Account, g; The Rule of 1834 Enforced, h. 2. When Providentially Incapacitated, Ministerial Privileges Remain. 3. The Right of Ministers, W. C., to sit in Church Courts Unimpaired, a, b, c. 4. May hold civil office, in Special Case. 5. May serve as Chaplain in the Army or Navy, a, b, c, d, e, f. 6. Demission of the Ministry, a; Directed, b; Permitted by Presbytery, Disallowed by Synod, c, d; Similar Action, e; A Full Minute, Denying the Right to Demit. 7. Ministers are not to be Enrolled as Members of the Churches they Serve. 8. One Withdrawing from Presbytery Stricken from the Roll, a, b, c, d......... 161 9. The Names of those who Withdraw Irregularly to be Stricken from the Roll, a; Citation in such Cases not Necessary under the Revised Book, b. 10. Those who have Identified themselves with other Denominations to be Dismissed or Stricken from the Roll, a; But only when he has Recognized the Jurisdiction of some other Denomination, or Declared his Independence, b............

............ 494 7. To Examine and Approve or Censure Church Records. 43. The Presbytery must Review the Records of the Session, a, b................................ 170 170

8. To Resolve Questions of Doctrine or Discipline, Seriously Propounded...

9. To Condemn Erroneous Opinions which injure the Purity or Peace of the Church....... 170 10. To Visit Particular Churches; to Inquire and Redress. 44. The Right of Visitation asserted, a; Acts of Insubordination Null and Void, b. 45. Presbytery may, without petition, Direct an Elder to Cease Acting. 46. A Church may not Withdraw, without Consent of Presbytery, a, b. 47. When a Church wishes to Withdraw-course to pursue. 48. Presbytery, on Visitation, may Dissolve a Church.............

170 48 a. A Church cannot Withdraw Regularly without Consent of Presbytery. 48 b. The Presbytery may Dissolve a Church, a; Dissolution is in the Discretion of the Presbytery, subject to Appeal, b; The Church must have notice of the Proposed Dissolution, c........


11. To Organize, Unite and Divide Churches. 49. To organize Churches is the province of Presbyteries, except in Frontier and Destitute Settlements. 50. Organization on Petition of the Minority. 51. Presbytery Prohibits an Organization. 52. When New Congregations may be Formed. 53. Congregations should not be Divided without the Request of the People...........

....... 173 53 a. Churches should not be Organized where the People can be Supplied with Church Privileges by existing Presbyterian Churches. 53 b. Presbytery has power over the Location of a Church. 53 c. Presbytery has Power to Divide a Church........... 497 12. To Order Whatever Pertains to the Spiritual Welfare of the Churches. 54. Presbytery, in its Discretion, Dissolves a Pastoral Relation, a; Minute in the Case, b. 55. A Presbytery may not Dismiss a Church, without Consent of Synod. 56. Power of Presbytery over Unemployed Ministers and Vacant Churches; Mode of Proceeding

174 56 a. Power of the Presbytery over Unemployed Ministers and Vacant Churches. Plan of 1881, a; The Rule Defined as to Section Three, b. 56 b. The Superior Judicatories may Institute Process. 56 c. Duty of the Presbytery in Case of Members who do not Report, a, b. 56 d. Powers of the Presbytery over the Pulpits of its Churches, a; Presbytery may issue a Certificate of Dismission to a Member of a Church under Special Circumstances, b; It shall give a Letter of Dismission to a Member of an Extinct Church, c....


IX. The Records. To be kept Full and Fair. To Report to Synod every Year all Important Changes. See under Form of Government, Chap. XI., Sec. VI. 1. Narrative and all Important Papers to be Recorded. 2. Rules as to Reports to Synod Modified...

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3. Churches holding Service in Foreign Languages to be Designated. 4. The Stated Clerk may Correct Errors......... 501 X. Meetings of Presbytery. On its own Adjournment; Pro re Nata; How Called; Who may Act; On what Authority; What Notice to be Given, and what Business may be Done. 1. Presbytery may Meet out of its Bounds. 2. A Meeting pro re nata may not be called by a Moderator chosen at a Former Meeting pro re nata, but only by the Moderator chosen at the Stated Meeting. 3. When Meetings pro re nata may be

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