Sivut kuvina


would go and see his father and mo- dances, and they responded before ther in the land of Canaan, and Esau Jacob, Heleah, Heleah.t intermarried with the Horites, and he gave his daughters to the sons of Seir, the Horite.

29. And he gave his elder daughter Marzith to Anah, the son of Zebeon, his wife's brother, and Puith he gave to Azar, the son of Bilhan the Horite; and Esau dwelt in the mountain, he and his children, and they were fruitful and multiplied.


1. And in the seventh year, Jacob's service which he served Laban was completed, and Jacob said unto Laban, give me my wife, for the days of my service are fulfilled; and Laban did so, and Laban and Jacob assembled all the people of that place and they made a feast.

2. And in the evening Laban came to the house, and afterward Jacob came there with the people of the feast, and Laban extinguished all the lights that were there in the house.

3. And Jacob said unto Laban, wherefore dost thou do this thing unto us? and Laban answered, such is our custom to act in this land.

4. And afterward Laban took his daughter Leah, and he brought her to Jacob, and he came to her and Jacob did not know that she was Leah.

8. And Jacob heard their words but did not understand their meaning, but he thought such might be their custom in this land.

9. And the neighbors spoke these words before Jacob during the night, and all the lights that were in the house Laban had that night extinguished.

10. And in the morning, when daylight appeared, Jacob turned to his wife and he saw, and behold it was Leah that had been lying in his bosom, and Jacob said, behold now I know what the neighbors said last night, Heleah they said, and I knew it not.

11. And Jacob called unto Laban, and said unto him, what is this that thou didst unto me? Surely I served thee for Rachel, and why didst thou deceive me and didst give me Leah?

12. And Laban answered Jacob, saying, not so is it done in our place to give the younger before the elder; now therefore if thou desirest to take her sister likewise, take her unto thee for the service which thou wilt serve me for another seven years.

13. And Jacob did so, and he also took Rachel for a wife, and he served Laban seven years more, and Jacob also came to Rachel, and he loved Rachel more than Leah, and Laban gave her his maid Bilhah for a hand

5. And Laban gave his daughter Leah his maid Zilpah for a hand- maid. maid.

6. And all the people at the feast knew what Laban had done to Jacob, but they did not tell the thing to Jacob.

7. And all the neighbors came that night to Jacob's house, and they ate and drank and rejoiced, and played before Leah upon timbrels, and with

14. And when the Lord saw that Leah was hated, the Lord opened her womb, and she conceived and bare Jacob four sons in those days.

* is commonly translated a dance, but it

seems by this book that it must have been a

sort of musical instrument.

+ Composed of two Hebrew words, He Leah, i. e., she is Leah.

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15. And these are their names, becca has sent us to thee that thou Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah, shalt return to thy father's house to and she afterward left bearing. the land of Canaan; and Jacob

16. And at that time Rachel was hearkened unto them in this which barren, and she had no offspring, and his mother had spoken. Rachel envied her sister Leah, and when Rachel saw that she bare no children to Jacob, she took her handmaid Bilhah, and she bare Jacob two sons, Dan and Naphtali.

24. At that time, the other seven years which Jacob served Laban for Rachel were completed, and it was at the end of fourteen years that he had dwelt in Haran that Jacob said 17. And when Leah saw that she unto Laban, give me my wives and had left bearing, she also took her send me away, that I may go to my handmaid Zilpah, and she gave her land, for behold my mother did send to Jacob for a wife, and Jacob also unto me from the land of Canaan came to Zilpah, and she also bare that I should return to my father's Jacob two sons, Gad and Asher. 18. And Leah again conceived 25. And Laban said unto him, and bare Jacob in those days two not so I pray thee; if I have found sons and one daughter, and these are favor in thy sight do not leave me; their names, Issachar, Zebulon, and appoint me thy wages and I will their sister Dinah. give them, and remain with me.


19. And Rachel was still barren in 26, And Jacob said unto him, those days, and Rachel prayed unto this is what thou shalt give me for the Lord at that time, and she said, wages, that I shall this day pass O Lord God remember me and visit through all thy flock and take away me, I beseech thee, for now my from them every lamb that is speckhusband will cast me off, for I have led and spotted and such as are borne him no children. brown amongst the sheep, and

20. Now O Lord God, hear my amongst the goats, and if thou wilt supplication before thee, and see do this thing for me I will return my affliction, and give me children and feed thy flock and keep them like one of the handmaids, that I may as at first. no more bear my reproach.

27. And Laban did so, and Laban removed from his flock all that Jacob had said and gave them to him.

21. And God heard her and opened her womb, and Rachel conceived and bare a son, and she said the 28. And Jacob placed all that he Lord has taken away my reproach, had removed from Laban's flock in and she called his name Joseph, say- the hands of his sons, and Jacob ing, may the Lord add to me another was feeding the remainder of Lason; and Jacob was ninety one years ban's flock. old when she bare him.

22. At that time Jacob's mother Rebecca sent her nurse Deborah the daughter of Uz, and two of Isaac's servants unto Jacob.

29. And when the servants of Isaac which he had sent unto Jacob saw that Jacob would not then return with them to the land of Canaan to his father, they then went away 23. And they came to Jacob to from him, and they returned home Haran and they said unto him, Re- to the land of Canaan.

30. And Deborah remained with at the expiration of the six years, Jacob in Haran, and she did not re- and said unto him, arise go forth out turn with the servants of Isaac to of this land, and return to the land the land of Canaan, and Deborah of thy birth place and I will be with resided with Jacob's wives and child-thee.

ren in Haran.

38. And Jacob rose up at that 31. And Jacob served Laban six time and he mounted his children years longer, and when the sheep and wives and all belonging to him brought forth, Jacob removed from upon camels, and he went forth to them such as were speckled and go to the land of Canaan to his father spotted, as he had determined with Isaac.

Laban, and Jacob did so at Laban's 29. And Laban did not know that for six years, and the man increased Jacob had gone from him, for Laabundantly and he had cattle and ban had been that day sheep shearmaid servants, and men servants, ing.

camels and asses.

40. And Rachel stole her father's 32. And Jacob had two hundred images, and she took them and she drove of cattle, and his cattle were concealed them upon the camel upon of large size and of beautiful appear- which she sat, and she went on. ance and were very productive, and all 41. And this is the manner of the the families of the sons of men desired images; in taking a man who is the to get some of the cattle of Jacob, first born and slaying him and taking for they were exceedingly pros- the hair off his head, then taking salt perous. and salting the head and anointing it 33. And many of the sons of men in oil, then taking a small tablet of came to procure some of Jacob's copper or a tablet of gold and writing flock, and Jacob gave them a sheep the name upon it, and placing the for a man servant or a maid servant tablet under his tongue, and taking or for an ass or a camel, or whatever the head with the tablet under the Jacob desired from them they gave tongue and putting it in the house, him. and lighting up lights before it and bowing down to it.

34. And Jacob obtained riches and honor and possessions by means 42. And at the time when they of these transactions with the sons bow down to it, it speaketh to them of men, and the children of Laban in all matters that they ask of it, envied him of this honor. through the power of the name which is written in it.

35. And in the course of time he heard the words of Laban's sons, 43. And some make them in the saying, Jacob has taken away all figures of men, of gold and silver, that was our father's, and of that and go to them in times known to which was our father's has he acquired all this glory.

36. And Jacob beheld the countenance of Laban and of his children, and behold it was not toward him in those days as it had been before.

them, and the figures receive the influence of the stars, and tell them future things, and in this manner were the images which Rachel stole from her father.

44. And Rachel stole those imAnd the Lord appeared to Jacob ages which were her father's, in

order that Laban might not know | heap is a witness between me and through them where Jacob had gone. thee, therefore he called the name 45. And Laban came home and thereof Gilead. he asked concerning Jacob and his 53. And Jacob and Laban offered household, and he was not to be sacrifice upon the mount, and they found, and Laban sought his images ate there by the heap, and they tarto know where Jacob had gone, and ried in the mount all night, and Lacould not find them, and he went to ban rose up early in the morning, some other images, and he inquired and he wept with his daughters and of them and they told him that Jacob he kissed them, and he returned unhad fled from him to his father's to to his place.

the land of Canaan.

54. And he hastened and sent off

46. And Laban then rose up and his son Beor, who was seventeen he took his brothers and all his ser-years old, with Abichorof the son of vants, and he went forth and pursued Uz, the son of Nahor, and with them Jacob, and he overtook him in mount were ten men. Gilead.

47. And Laban said unto Jacob, what is this thou hast done to me to flee and deceive* me, and lead my daughters and their children as captives taken by the sword?

48. And thou didst not suffer me to kiss them and send them away with joy, and thou didst steal my gods and didst go away.

55. And they hastened and went and passed on the road before Jacob, and they came by another road to the land of Seir.

56. And they came unto Esau and said unto him, thus saith thy brother and relative, thy mother's brother Laban, the son of Bethuel, saying,

57. Hast thou heard what Jacob 49. And Jacob answered Laban, thy brother has done unto me, who saying, because I was afraid lest thou first came to me naked and bare, and wouldst take thy daughters by force I went to meet him, and brought from me; and now with whomso-him to my house with honor, and I ever thou findest thy gods he shall made him great, and I gave him my die. two daughters for wives and also two of my maids.

50. And Laban searched for the images and he examined in all Jacob's tents and furniture, but could not find them.

51. And Laban said unto Jacob, we will make a covenant together and it shall be a testimony between me and thee; if thou shalt afflict my daughters, or shalt take other wives besides my daughters, even God shall be a witness between me and thee in this matter.

52. And they took stones and made a heap, and Laban said, * Hebrew, steal my heart.

58. And God blessed him on my account, and he increased abundantly, and had sons, daughters and maid servants.

59. He has also an immense stock of flocks and herds, camels and asses, also silver and gold in abundance; and when he saw that his wealth increased, he left me whilst I went to shear my sheep, and he rose up and fled in secrecy.

60. And he lifted his wives and this children upon camels, and he led away all his cattle and property

which he acquired in my land, and amongst them toward Jacob, and he he lifted up his countenance to go to conducted them with speed. his father Isaac to the land of Ca


61. And he did not suffer me to kiss my daughters and their children, and he led my daughters as captives taken by the sword, and he also stole my gods and he fled.

62. And now I have left him in the mountain of the brook of Jabuk, him and all belonging to him; he lacketh nothing.

63. If it be thy wish to go to him, go then and there wilt thou find him, and thou canst do unto him as thy soul desireth; and Laban's messengers came and told Esau all these things.

64. And Esau heard all the words of Laban's messengers, and his anger was greatly kindled against Jacob, and he remembered his hatred and his anger burned within him.

69. And Laban's messengers departed from Esau and went to the land of Canaan, and they came to the house of Rebecca the mother of Jacob and Esau.

70. And they told her, saying, behold thy son Esau has gone against his brother Jacob with four hundred men, for he heard that he was coming, and he is gone to make war with him, and to smite him and to take all that he has.

71. And Rebecca hastened and sent seventy two men from the servants of Isaac to meet Jacob on the road; for she said, peradventure, Esau may make war in the road when he meets him.

72. And these messengers went on the road to meet Jacob, and they met him in the road of the brook on the opposite side of the brook Jabuk, and Jacob said when he saw them, this camp is destined to me from God,

65. And Esau hastened and took his children and servants and the souls of his household, being sixty and Jacob called the name of that men, and he went and assembled all place Machnayim.

the children of Seir the Horite and 73. And Jacob knew all his faththeir people, being three hundred er's people, and he kissed them and and forty men, and took all this num- embraced them and came with them, ber of four hundred men with drawn and Jacob asked them concerning swords, and he went unto Jacob to his father and mother, and they said, smite him. they were well.*

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74. And these messengers said unto Jacob, Rebecca thy mother has sent us to thee, saying, I have heard, my son, that thy brother Esau has gone forth against thee on the road with men from the children of Seir the Horite.

75. And therefore, my son, hearken to my voice and see with thy counsel what thou wilt do, and when he cometh up to thee, supplicate him, and do not speak rashly to him, and

* Hebrew, peace.

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