Parliamentary Papers, Nide 20H.M. Stationery Office, 1959 |
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Tulokset 1 - 3 kokonaismäärästä 41
Sivu iv
... AFTER - CARE OF PRISONERS GENERAL .. .. THE DISCHARGED PRISONERS ' AID SOCIETIES THE CENTRAL AFTER - CARE ASSOCIATION ΜΕΝ Discharges Long - term imprisonment Corrective Training and Preventive Detention Home Leave Discharged under ...
... AFTER - CARE OF PRISONERS GENERAL .. .. THE DISCHARGED PRISONERS ' AID SOCIETIES THE CENTRAL AFTER - CARE ASSOCIATION ΜΕΝ Discharges Long - term imprisonment Corrective Training and Preventive Detention Home Leave Discharged under ...
Sivu 64
... After - Care Association in December , 1959. Miss Long , who has for many years been associated with welfare work , was appointed Director of the Aylesbury After - Care Association in 1943 , after a period of service with the Assistance ...
... After - Care Association in December , 1959. Miss Long , who has for many years been associated with welfare work , was appointed Director of the Aylesbury After - Care Association in 1943 , after a period of service with the Assistance ...
Sivu 69
... after - care to statutory supervision cannot exceed 10,000 discharges in the next few years . Even if there is no increase in the number of committals this will still leave some 30,000 eligible only for voluntary after - care . So that ...
... after - care to statutory supervision cannot exceed 10,000 discharges in the next few years . Even if there is no increase in the number of committals this will still leave some 30,000 eligible only for voluntary after - care . So that ...
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
31st December accidents addition After-Care appeals Appendix arrests Assistant attended Authorised Establishment awards borstal borstal training boys Britain British Empire Medal Byssinosis cadets claims classes Commissioners Committee compared with 1958 Constabulary contributions corrective training course Court crime Criminal Dartmoor death detention centres disablement pensions discharged duty Eastchurch employment Family Allowances figures following table hostel increase indictable offences Industrial Injuries injury benefit inmates Inspector Irish Republic lads Larceny Lionel Fox London Medical Officer ment Metropolitan Police Metropolitan Police District million Ministry months motor vehicles National Health Service National Insurance number of persons Number Per cent organisations paid paragraph payment period Pneumoconiosis police forces prescribed diseases preventive detention received receptions reconvicted record Regulations retirement pensions road scheme Scotland Section senior sentence of imprisonment Sergeants sickness benefit staff total number traffic training prisons United Kingdom visits week widows women Wormwood Scrubs young prisoners