Parliamentary Papers, Nide 20H.M. Stationery Office, 1959 |
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Tulokset 1 - 3 kokonaismäärästä 72
Sivu 32
... classes . This has been done particularly at those prisons where for various reasons it had not so far been possible to provide the number of classes requested . Another useful result has been that the " ceilings " of class hours ...
... classes . This has been done particularly at those prisons where for various reasons it had not so far been possible to provide the number of classes requested . Another useful result has been that the " ceilings " of class hours ...
Sivu 83
... classes is organised four or five evenings a week . Almost every inmate is , during these evenings , occupied in some form of educational study or activity . Unlike the adult prisoner whose attendance at classes is voluntary the borstal ...
... classes is organised four or five evenings a week . Almost every inmate is , during these evenings , occupied in some form of educational study or activity . Unlike the adult prisoner whose attendance at classes is voluntary the borstal ...
Sivu 30
... Class I roads . The proportion of travel on week- days and at the weekend was similar for the two classes of roads . The trunk roads had a higher percentage of the total travel by goods vehicles than the Class I roads ( 25 per cent and ...
... Class I roads . The proportion of travel on week- days and at the weekend was similar for the two classes of roads . The trunk roads had a higher percentage of the total travel by goods vehicles than the Class I roads ( 25 per cent and ...
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31st December accidents addition After-Care appeals Appendix arrests Assistant attended Authorised Establishment awards borstal borstal training boys Britain British Empire Medal Byssinosis cadets claims classes Commissioners Committee compared with 1958 Constabulary contributions corrective training course Court crime Criminal Dartmoor death detention centres disablement pensions discharged duty Eastchurch employment Family Allowances figures following table hostel increase indictable offences Industrial Injuries injury benefit inmates Inspector Irish Republic lads Larceny Lionel Fox London Medical Officer ment Metropolitan Police Metropolitan Police District million Ministry months motor vehicles National Health Service National Insurance number of persons Number Per cent organisations paid paragraph payment period Pneumoconiosis police forces prescribed diseases preventive detention received receptions reconvicted record Regulations retirement pensions road scheme Scotland Section senior sentence of imprisonment Sergeants sickness benefit staff total number traffic training prisons United Kingdom visits week widows women Wormwood Scrubs young prisoners