1&2 7 42457 21 3 20 30 55 Abert, Colonel J. J., report relative to supplying Washington city with water...... American seamen, registered in the several ports of entry in the United Slates... Contingent expenses of the War Department... State Department. Treasury Department.. Pt. Vol. Doc. Page. Post Office Department. Contracts by the Commissioner of Public Buildings for the year 1850.. by the Treasury Department.. Customs, balances due from officers of. D. Davis, Lieutenant C. H, Nautical Almanac. Dayton, A. O., contingent expenses of the navy. De La Rosa, Luis, Mexican minister, letter from.. Docks and yards, report of Commodore Joseph Smith... Donoho, Thomas, et al., inspectors of the penitentiary, report of. E. Edes, William H., et al., inspectors of the penitentiary, report of......... Indian bureau. Estimates of sums required for the Navy Department.. for expense of the southwest executive building. Estimated receipts and expenditures of the Treasury Department. table of contents to part first.. table of contents to part second.. Expenditure and receipts on account of navy pension fund... Expenses, contingent, of State Department.. Navy Department. War Department G. (aham, William A., Secretary of the Navy, report of. 1 1 193 H. Haines, Townsend, Register of the Treasury, report of...... Hall, N. K., Postmaster General, report of.. .......... Harris, Thomas, chief of Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, report of. Hobbie, S. R., First Assistant Postmaster General, report of... Hughes, Colonel George W., report relative to supplying Washington city with water..... Hydrography and Ordnance, bureau of.. I. sundry lists of pensioners. Interior, annual report of the Secre ary of the.. letter from the Secretary of, transmitting information relative to the 5 45 231 2 10 1 35 25 5 1 19 L. Land Office, annual report of the Commissioner.. Light-houses, letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a re- McCulloh, J. W., report relative to the claim of C. F. Sibbald.. general estimates for the support of...... 30 43 First Assistant Postmaster General. Message, transmitting a letter from the Mexican minister, relative to Indian incursions upon the frontier of Mexico..... transmitting the agreement of Texas to the propositions of Con- transmitting reports relative to rank in the army and navy.... mint. transmitting opinions of the Attorneys General.. pension fund, receipts and expenditures on account of.. Navy Department and the several bureaus, estimate of sums for support of appropriations for the service of, for the fiscal year end- 386 389 Penitentiary, report of the inspectors.. Pensions, report of the Commissioner. Pension, receipts and expenditures on account of the navy pension fund. Pensioners, sundry lists of..... Perry, Commodore M. C., letters relative to war steamers Pleasonton, S., report relative to the light-house establishment....... R. Receipts and expenditures on account of navy pension fund.... Repair and Construction, Bureau of.... Revenue, frauds upon.. frauds upon, (an abstract)... ............ Rockwell, C. W., letter transmitting a list of balances due from officers of S. Pt. Vol. Doc. Page. Smith, Commodore Joseph, report of, relative to yards and docks.. Naval Asylum Smith, Captain G. W., report on General Patterson's route from Matamo- ...... Southwest Executive building, estimate of expense. clerks and others employed in .... State, Secretary of, letter transmitting a statement showing the number of emigrants to this country.... letter transmitting abstract of returns of registered Ameri- can seamen Stuart, Alexander H. H., annual report of...... Texas boundary, agreement to.... T. Towers, John T., and others, inspectors of the penitentiary, report of..... letter transmitting copies of receipts and disbursements of the Treasury, annual report of the Secretary of the... annual report of the Sixth Auditor of the list of balances (see Doc. 40). Chickasaw fund.... ....... balances due from officers of the customs report of J. W. McCulloh, relative to the claim of C. F. Sibbald Treasury Department, clerks in the............. .... contingent expenses of the.. ........... |