Sivut kuvina



Darnley, they said, was determined to be present at the slaying of Riccio, insisting on his adultery with Mary. Besides the nobles mentioned already, Murray, said Randolph, was privy to the plots, as were Lethington, Kirkcaldy of Grange, Randolph, and Bedford. 56 On March 8 Bedford and Randolph reported that Murray would arrive in Berwick on the 9th, and reach Edinburgh on Sunday. "But that which is intended shall be executed before his coming there." The stainless Murray had provided his alibi as usual. March 11 Bedford reported the death of Riccio.57


In the interval between March 6 and the murder, Mary, as we saw, had arranged to reintroduce to Parliament members of the Spiritual Estate, and (according to Ruthven's narrative) had herself named the Lords of the Articles. Nothing, if this were true, could be more unconstitutional. But, if we believe Ruthven, her nominees


had not consented to the attainder of Murray and of his allies. Froude avers that Mary "carried her point," and cites Knox, but Knox's continuator does not exactly say so. He says "they were still seeking proof, for there was no other way but that the queen would have them" (Murray and his friends) "all attainted, albeit the time was very short; the 12th of March should have been the day, which was the Tuesday following." 58

There are many accounts of the murder of Riccio.59 In the evening of March 9, about eight o'clock, Morton was to enter the chief room of Mary's suite by the great stair and gallery of Holyrood. Darnley and Anthony Standen, with Ruthven, George Douglas, and another (Morton later made George Bishop of Moray), invaded the queen's boudoir by way of the privy staircase from Darnley's own room. Mary, Lady Argyll, and Riccio were supping in the tiny boudoir Arthur Erskine was in attendance, with her brother, Lord Robert. Darnley entered and put his arm round Mary's waist. Behind him came the white face of the hated sorcerer lord, the baleful mask of the dying Ruthven. Ruthven bade Riccio go forth, and, by his own tale, gave a long account of the man's offences. Darnley, says Mary, then denied that he knew anything of this enterprise. Apparently his cue was to have entered by accident, while Ruthven had seized the chance to follow him. Riccio sheltered himself behind Mary, "leaning back over the window." Ruthven admits that he himself now drew his dagger, to resist Arthur Erskine, Keith, and others. The crowd of Morton and his accomplices now burst in from the outer chamber; the table was upset, Lady Argyll





seized a candle as it fell; Ruthven thrust Mary into Darnley's arms, saying that no harm was intended to her. But Mary declares that Riccio was stabbed at over her shoulder, and that pistols were pointed at herself. All agree that Riccio was hurled forth of her boudoir, and, though Ruthven says he bade the men take him to Darnley's room, he was dragged to the outer chamber, and "slain at the queen's fore-door in the other chamber." Either the thirst of blood, or some movement below in the court by Huntly, Bothwell, Atholl, Fleming, and Livingstone, caused the murderers to give Riccio short shrift.

Probably she learned this Ruthven, when Riccio had room, where Darnley was, or Darnley,

Mary says that Bothwell and the rest were also aimed at, and that Sir James Balfour was to be hanged. later from Darnley, who may have lied. been hurled forth, returned to Mary's met the pair in Mary's great chamber. A dispute arose. says Ruthven, accused Mary of too great familiarity with Riccio since September: now Mary became pregnant in November: Darnley was thus destroying his son's legitimacy. Bedford, Lennox, and Randolph make him date the sin since November, or since the last two months. According to Ruthven, Mary cried, "I shall never like well till I make you have as sorrowful a heart as I have at this present." Ruthven fell into a chair and cried for wine, being sick : Mary turned and menaced him: he said that Darnley was the cause, "which he confessed to be true." Outside, there was a tumult in the yard, Bothwell and his friends were at sword-strokes with the murderers. They were brought to Bothwell's rooms, where Ruthven told them all; thence he went to Atholl's rooms, while Mary and Darnley wrangled alone. She charged Darnley with having impeded Murray's return, which is probable enough, especially if Murray (as is said) had bribed Riccio with a diamond. Then the town tocsin tolled to arms, and the citizens marched by torchlight on the palace. Thereon in her chamber threats of "cutting her to collops," she says, were uttered. Darnley bade the burgesses disperse, all was well. Mary and Ruthven disputed over an enchanted ring which he had given to her, and over her nomination of the Lords of the Articles. How Darnley and Mary passed the night is differently narrated: Bedford and Randolph have a tale based on a misunderstanding of Ruthven, and not worthy of notice. Atholl withdrew to his fastnesses. Bothwell and Huntly had escaped by a window. Darnley now dismissed the Parliament: it is Ruthven who says



that his dagger was found in Riccio's side. So passed this night.

of horror.

That Mary did not die, considering her condition, may have been a disappointment to the assassins. In an age when palace floors often ran with blood, no ghastlier or more needlessly cruel deed was wrought under pretence of religion. Mary is said, in many versions, to have threatened revenge. Doubtless she meditated revenge in her heart. But first she must escape. On the morning after the murder she got leave to have her ladies with her. Ruthven and Morton foresaw the result: she wrote and passed her letters through to Argyll, Huntly, Bothwell, Atholl, and others. After dinner she feared, or affected to fear, a miscarriage. In the evening the banished Lords arrived, and Mary had a not unfriendly interview with Murray.60 Next day Mary persuaded Darnley that she was in a mood for general amnesties. Darnley had come to calling Mary "a true princess, and he would set his life for what she promised." Articles were drawn up, which Mary was to subscribe. The Lords were induced, reluctantly, to remove their men from the palace. On Tuesday morning they woke to find that the bird had flown: Mary had extracted from Darnley all that he knew, had cajoled him, and had escaped with him, by a secret way, among the royal tombs. Lennox avers, in an unpublished MS., that, pausing at Riccio's new-made grave, Mary promised Darnley that "a fatter than he should lie as low ere the year was out." At a place near the ruined Abbey of Holyrood Arthur Erskine, Standen, an English squire, Traquair, and another were waiting with horses. Shortly they were within Dunbar, after a wild ride through the night, and were safe. In a few days Mary had pardoned and gained over Glencairn and Rothes: Ruthven and Morton sped to Berwick, Bothwell and Huntly had joined her in force, the country was summoned to meet her in arms, Murray was forgiven (his accomplices bidding him act without regard to them), the godly were filled with terror and amazement, and Knox fled into Ayrshire. It is not worth while to discuss his knowledge of the conspiracy: the evidence to that effect is valueless. Darnley declared his own entire innocence. In Bothwell Mary saw her preserver.

Presently, early in April or late in March, Randolph reports that Mary has seen Darnley's bands with the Lords.61 Darnley was thus at deadly feud both with the nobles whom he had



betrayed and with the wife whom his insults had outraged.

His doom was sealed. Meantime the wretched lad was reaping the contempt of mankind. He had denounced certain men, whose guilt was known to him alone, and one of them was hanged on April 2.62 Lethington, who had certainly been in the plot, had fled to Atholl at Dunkeld.63 "All that belonged to Lethington is given to Bothwell." 64 The lords murderers were put to the horn on March 30, which they regarded as highly unconstitutional. The queen was reconciling all feuds, and chiefly (ill omen for Darnley) that between Murray and Bothwell. Randolph believed that Mary was sending to Rome to sue for a divorce (April 4). Worse still for Darnley, Joseph Riccio, David's brother, with an Italian vendetta in his heart, became Mary's private secretary. Some strange secret there was between them as to diamonds of the queen's: a romance which hangs thereon allures and evades the most curious research. On April 26 the Privy Council accepted sureties for poor, mad, forgotten Arran, the friend of Knox, the wooer of two queens, the accuser of Bothwell. He was to dwell in Hamilton, not passing beyond a fourmile radius.6 65 He was suffering from aphasia, and had to write what he could not speak.66 On May 6 Darnley wrote, in French, to Charles IX. He denied the rumour accusing him of Riccio's murder, "lequel j'aborre tant." 67 Vain falsehood! Darnley was detested, and rumour said that he would fly to Flanders. On May 16 Morton, at Alnwick, reported the death of Ruthven, "so godly that all men that saw it did rejoice." 68 The piety of these men is more admirable than their crimes. Ruthven may have been very godly. He only did what Knox calls "a just act and most worthy of all praise." There is nothing to show that Knox foreknew the deed; but, far from reckoning it discreditable to the Reformed Church, Knox deemed it "most worthy of all praise." 69

As Mary's hour was approaching, she and Darnley, so Randolph heard (June 7), were reconciled. She made her will, and left, said her accusers later, nothing to her husband. The will is not known to exist, but an inventory of her personal jewels was discovered in 1854. Many bequests are therein made to Darnley, including her wedding-ring.70 The contempt into which Darnley had fallen, the hatred which pursued him, were infinite. If he had an ally for a week, it was Bothwell. "Murray and Argyll," wrote Randolph,



have "such misliking of their king as never was more of man (May 13).71 Claude Nau, Mary's secretary, inspired by her, says that Huntly and Bothwell urged Darnley to ruin Murray, and Lethington, who was unpardoned and in hiding. Morton, in a letter from his English exile, corroborates Nau. Bothwell and Darnley were trying to bring home the murderer, George Douglas, to implicate Murray in the outrage of Holyrood. "The queen likes nothing their desire," adds Morton.72 We must observe that though Bothwell, who had organised a guard of musketeers for the queen, was now high in favour, Mary was working in unison with Murray. She protected him from Bothwell and Darnley; despite Bothwell's fury she restored Lethington (Murray siding with her) to favour; she would not let Bothwell lodge in the castle while she lay in child-bed, but admitted Murray, Mar, Atholl, and Argyll.73 Though the jealous complained of Bothwell's favour with the queen, history proves that at this period she invariably took Murray's side when Murray and Bothwell differed in opinion.

Not in the blood-stained chambers of Holyrood, but in Scotland's securest place, within the walls of the Castle of the Maiden, did Mary give birth to her son. Sir James Melville had been waiting, with horses saddled. On Wednesday, June 19, he was told the news by Mary Beaton (herself now a bride), and he galloped out of the gates to London. On Sunday he carried in the tidings: Cecil told Elizabeth, and she moaned that "the Queen of Scotland was lighter of a fair son, while she was but a barren stock." But Elizabeth (June 13) had wished Mary "brief pain and happy hour" in accents that, for once, seem to ring true. Elizabeth's heir was born at last, though scarce acknowledged till her awful hour of haunted death. By June 24 an envoy of Elizabeth's, Killigrew, reported on affairs in Edinburgh. Matters and men were "uncertain and disquieted." Bothwell was in one of his Liddesdale holds, not liking the junction of Mar, Murray, Atholl, and Argyll. Lethington had been bound for Flanders, but retired to Argyll, as Bothwell, the High Admiral, had vessels watching for him on the seas. Sir James Balfour was being superseded by Lesley, Bishop of Ross, the historian.74

About June 25 the General Assembly met: it was the usual date, and they complained of unpaid stipends.75 Poor Paul Methven (who, we know, had an ancient woman to wife, and preferred younger lady) was bidden to appear, bareheaded, barefooted, and in

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