Sivut kuvina

Opium: import duty on, in China, fixed at 30 taels per chest and lekin tax
at 80 taels per chest..

legislation by Congress to enforce treaty of 1880 with China, 210; objec-
tions of China to third section of law, 238, 242; objections answered,
211, 225, 231, 241, 243; opium law of the United States...
storage of, by Americans in China and acceptance of commissions there-
for held to be contrary to treaty of 1880..




174, 186


Panama Canal: financial condition of .
Passport refused to Moritz Philipp Emden on ground that he has no inten-
tion to return to the United States to reside..


1063, 1065

refused to Alexander Hatchdoorian, born in Turkey of a naturalized
American who has lived there since 1856.

1126, 1131

refused to Henry E. Kern, who was naturalized before the required length
of residence

refused to Charles Laszlo, a naturalized American, on ground that he is
domiciled in Hungary.

[blocks in formation]

refused to Mrs. Antonia Mundè, on ground that she is domiciled in Austria.
refused to Charles G. Richter, claiming as an American citizen, in Bel-





refused to Emil Stucker, who claims naturalization through his father.. 965,967
regulation of Switzerland requiring citizens of the United States to re-
new their passports every two years, 1054, 1059; United States can not
ask recognition of passports more than two years old......
regulations (new) for Americans visiting Cuba
system of Cuba: inconveniences to which American citizens and ship-
ping are subjected thereby, 975, 985, 991, 994, 995; its modification re-
ported, 1002; exaction of passport as a condition to leaving the island,
1030,1031; application of article 26 of the Spanish consular tariff....1026, 1028
Passports directions to diplomatic officers for securing uniformity in appli-




exacted by Portuguese consul at Boston of travelers to the Azores....935, 936, 937
Pears, Edwin, barrister at law: opinion as to effect of naturalization treaty
with Turkey upon rights of American citizens of Turkish origin................
Pelletier, A. (See Claims.)
Persia: American houses establishing agencies should have agents from the
United States..

concessions will be granted Americans who will engage in industrial or
agricultural enterprises in...

missionaries in. (See Missionaries.)

Peru: bequest of José Sevilla for the establishment of a benevolent institu-
tion for girls in New York City

916, 918



932, 933

registration of American citizens for purposes of taxation...
repudiation of contracts of the Pierola and Iglesias governments with for-
.920–925, 926, 927, 934

Petersen, Karl S. (See Germany.)

Petroleum (American): discrimination against in Austria-Hungary.
trade of Russia....

Pork (American): its exclusion from France

.14, 16-17, 18



254, 255



Port Hamilton evacuated by Great Britain and returned to Corea..
Portugal: proposed construction of a free port on the Tagus..
Prison conference (4th) to be held at St. Petersburg in 1890
Proclamation by President suspending collection of discriminating tonnage
and port dues on vessels coming from the Netherlands and the Dutch
East Indies

extending provisions of commercial agreement of October 27, 1886, with
Spain to all Spanish possessions....



Proprietary rights convention and final protocol ratified by President, 633;
exchange of ratifications postponed.


Protection by United States of foreigners in countries where their home gov-
ernment has no representation; scope and nature of such protection..1074-1078
Purcell, Archbishop. (See Debts.)


Railroads in the Argentine Republic.


in China, opposition to, 182; line between Tientsin and Taku, opposition
to its construction being overcome, 191; assent of Emperor obtained,
205; decree authorizing its construction, 208; American system admitted
the best, 219; line to be built from Tamsui to Changhua..........


Railroads in Japan...




1007, 1010, 1015

Railroad supplies: competition in the Argentine Republic between American

and other manufacturers

Richter, Charles G. (See Citizenship.)

Rights of foreigners in the country of a belligerent..

Russia: authentication of documents relating to property of Jews in Russian
Poland denied by Russian minister unless evidence is shown that per-
sons issuing them left Russia with permission..

expatriation law..

imprisonment of Albert Lipszyc, a naturalized American, charged with
having emigrated without permission.....



....943, 948, 956, 958, 965

imprisonment of Abraham Thiessen, a naturalized American, for having
emigrated without permission...




notice of order relative to commerce on Russian Pacific coast..
prize law of..

proposed modification of naturalization laws..........................
..955, 956, 957, 964, 967
petroleum trade of......

rights of foreigners; imperial ukase relative to the acquisition and hold-
ing of property by foreigners.....

seizure and confiscation of the American schooner Eliza. (See Eliza.)
seizure and confiscation of the American schooner Henrietta. (See Hen-


Salvador: discrimination against United States carrying trade, 133, 137; re-




138, 142, 742

law relating to citizenship and status of foreigners in, 70; exceptions
taken by United States thereto, 78,99; Salvadorian interpretation of


Samoa: treaty of political confederation with Hawaii.......
San Juan River: decree of Costa Rica relative to the navigation of.
Sciences and industry: international exposition of, to be held in Brussels in

Seamen (destitute) sent to United States by consul-general at Havana: for-
malities required by local authorities complained of.....
(shipwrecked and distressed) en ronte home from foreign ports not sub-
ject to tax prescribed by law of August 3, 1882.....

Seilliére, Baron. (See France.)

Seizure and confiscation of the American schooner Eliza by Russia. (See

of the American schooner Henrietta. (See Henrietta.)

Sevilla, José: death of, in Peru, and bequest for the establishment of a be-

Shanghai: commercial importance of ...

94, 110





495, 496

nevolent institution for girls in New York City....



of spirituous liquors.....

Siam: law agreed to by treaty powers to regulate the importation and sale

Solomon Islands: their legal status regulated by imperial order..
Somali coast: protectorate over, established by Great Britain


419, 421

544, 545

Spain: alleged excessive tonnage dues levied on Spanish steamer Hernan
Cortes at New Orleans.....

1023, 1024

commercial agreement extended to March 31, 1887, 982; to June 30, 1887,
984; to December 31, 1887, 997, 998; extension of its provisions to all
Spanish possessions, 1031-1035; memorandum of agreement of Septem-
ber 21, 1887, 1034; proclamation by President extending provisions of
agreement to all Spanish possessions....

detention of British steamer Utopia at Malaga with cargo from New

military service, liability of naturalized Americans of Spanish birth on
visiting Spain..

tax on passengers arriving in United States in Spanish vessels; item in
Spanish consular tariff relative to, 1026; operation of item explained..
Staples, Sarah A., American bark: differential duties imposed on, at Havana..
Steamship line (American) between New York and Buenos Ayres proposed;

subsidy granted by Argentine Republic....

(Spanish) between Aspinwall, New York, and New Orleans proposed....
(Spanish) between San Francisco and Panama; modification of original
contract by Salvador, 93, 98; contract with Guatemala, 119; with Salva-
dor, 134; with Mexico...

[blocks in formation]

Submarine cables convention: approval of United States to explanatory pro-
tocol, and declaration requested, 272; United States minister authorized
to sign same, subject to Senate's approval, 274, 361; bill before Con-
gress to carry convention into effect, 277; convention to go into effect
October 1, 1887, 278; explanatory protocol and declaration signed by
United States minister, 291; protocol to suspend operation of conven-
tion as regards States not having adopted requisite legislation to carry
it into effect until such legislation is adopted may be signed by United
States minister, 294, 366; objections to eighth section of bill before
Congress to carry convention into effect, 299, 300, 363; necessity of leg-
islation by United States, 341; modified protocol No. 2, 342; explana-
tory declaration of May 12, 1886, request that United States minister
be instructed to sign, 360; protocol to fix definite date on which con-
vention shall go into operation; United States minister can not sign
until Congress has passed necessary legislation, 364, 366; convention
to go into operation May 1, 1888; United States requested to take ac-
tion to secure its observance.

Subsidy granted by Argentine Republic to a proposed line of American steam-




.................542, 544, 554, 555

Sugar: international conference of sugar-producing powers to be held at



culture in Java..
.885,886, 887
Suits at law right of Americans to litigate in forma pauperis in Germany... 399, 401
Sweden and Norway: claim under treaty of 1827 to same privileges for ves-
sels from Sweden and Norway as are granted to vessels from certain lo-
calities by shipping act of June 26, 1884
import duty imposed on corn and cheese
increased protection sentiment in....
tariff discussion in.....

[ocr errors]

.....1038, 1053




Switzerland: amendment favored by popular vote to .constitution authoriz-
ing the Federal Assembly to enact a law for the protection of industrial


matters before the Federal Assembly...


protection by American representatives of Swiss citizens in countries
where Switzerland has no representation; nature and scope of ......1074-1078
socialists in; stringent measures to be taken against them....



Tax on passengers arriving in United States in Spanish vessels; item in con-
sular tariff relating thereto, 1026; operation of item explained...

Telephone line between Brussels completed
Thiessen, Abraham. (See Russia and Paris.)


Trade of the Argentine Republic and the share of the United States therein..
Trade-mark of the Devoe Manufacturing Company: fraudulent registration
of, in Java..


.898, 901, 903


Trade-marks (British) in the Dutch Indies............

(fraudulent) British act relative to

Treaties: construction of Bancroft treaty of 1868 with Prussia, 369; treaty
held to be applicable to Alsace-Lorraine, 394; construction of two-years'
residence clause..


construction of treaty of 1880 with China

construction of treaty of 1818 with Great Britain.
construction of treaty of 1827 with Sweden and Norway


225, 238
424, 508

supplementary convention to limit duration of reciprocity treaty with

.588, 589, 591, 592

Treaty between France and Belgium concerning the establishment of a tele-
phone service between Paris and Brussels.

between France and China, modifying treaty of commerce of April 25,



between France and certain native Liberian chiefs, by which the latter
cede their territories to the former...


between Great Britain and Brazil, respecting consular rights.
between the Independent State of the Congo and Tippoo Tib
between Mexico and Guatemala, regulating the telegraph service..


between Nicaragua and Costa Rica, to submit to arbitration of President
of United States boundary questions between the two countries.......
between Nicarauga and Costa Rica, settling boundary dispute.....


[ocr errors]



Treaty of peace, friendship, alliance, and commerce between the States of
Central America...

of political confederation between Hawaii and Samoa..
to regulate the police of the North Sea fisheries...

Turkey: law regarding schools..

missionaries in. (See Missionaries.)


Will of José Sevilla, a naturalized American, who died in Peru, bequeathing a large sum for the establishment of a benevolent institution for girls in New York City...








Zululand declared a British possession...



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