Sivut kuvina

mixed company of rational and intelligent people all over the world, without any fear of being disgusted by coarseness or vulgarity." The great majority, especially of the upper class of Parisians, has been, in fact, educated more with reference to society than to domestic life, if the thronged reunions and liasons de salon can be called society, where there is generally little else than a


"Commerce extérieur, union sans penchant,
Que fait naître l'usage et non le sentiment;"

"L'esprit vole toujours sur la superficie,

Et le cœur ne se voit jamais de la partie."

And this desire of shining in society leads the French (as also foreigners in general) to cultivate the art of pleasing more than the English, though the exercise of the said art is too frequently restricted to society, without being carried into the family circle. Thus, the Frenchman generally possesses a greater variety of information, and can converse more readily upon most subjects (though his knowledge of them may not be very profound) than the Englishman, whose time at college has probably been more occupied by his classical studies, to the neglect of other more available knowledge, or else in more practical occupations.

To the same cause may be ascribed the greater reputation of foreigners for gallantry, and the compliments which they so commonly introduce

(sometimes without much delicacy or discrimination) in their discourse with the fair sex; and though these are seldom adopted by Englishmen, it must be confessed that the introduction of the more easy manners and colloquial powers of the French would go far towards removing the insipidity attendant on some crowded meetings where the company is exclusively English, and the conversation not the most spirituelle. Thus, as may be supposed from their greater disposition to enjoy the present, and effleurer les choses de la vie, the French are more agreeable as acquaintances than the English, who, however, are generally more to be depended upon as friends, or where any service is required.

The influence of religion is almost null among the largest proportion of the population of most parts of France, and that of the moral principle is not very powerful, both good and bad actions being more frequently performed from impulse, or in accordance with the dictates of interest or pleasure, than from reflection, or from a due regard to what is right or wrong, which, from being inculcated at an early age, is more universal in England. Personal courage and an exaggerated idea of the superiority of France and Frenchmen over all other nations, as well as a great susceptibility to anything which is considered to affect the national or individual honour, are universal among all classes; hence the readiness to have recourse to arms, and the greater

frequency of duels to settle disputes and misdeeds affecting society, which in England (where the dread of moral responsibility and of the law operates as a salutary restraint upon personal conflicts) are frequently arranged by apology, or are submitted to the decision of the judicial tribunals. Even among common soldiers in France, when disputes cannot be arranged, a duel with the sword is a frequent consequence.

The love of pleasure, which pervades all classes in France to a much greater extent than in England, is not always of the most refined nature: hence a morbid craving for excitement and novelty is engendered, and a vitiated taste is acquired, to which writers and dramatists of considerable talent have not scrupled to pander and to keep alive, by the reiterated narration of crimes and horrors, which, from the novel and outré combinations in which they were presented to the public, must have called forth not a little inventive power. It must not, however, be supposed that all were thus infected, for there is a large proportion of the upper and middle orders, among the French population, as estimable as could be found in any country, whom these productions inspired with disgust and pity; and the writings of Chateaubriand, Lamartine, and De Vigny, were eagerly perused, even by many of those who delighted in the creations of Victor Hugo or Georges Sand. It is, however, gratifying to perceive that this taste had of late greatly subsided: the dramas of

Lucrèce Borgia, Marion de L'Orme, the Tour de Nesle, and similar performances, having been but seldom exhibited on the stage, being superseded by the historical plays and comedies of Delavigne, Scribe, and others of the same school. The classical drama of Racine and Corneille has also been more in favour of late, which, however, is mainly to be attributed to the talent of Madlle. Rachel; but the taste is not likely to last long, unless actors should arise, capable, like Talma, of embodying the characters represented by these great poets, whose productions are better adapted for reading in the closet than for exhibition on the stage, where the lengthy recitations are apt to be monotonous.

A thirst of military renown and acquisition by force of arms, is strong in the minds of a large section of the population of France (independently of the army,) who have the recollection of the brilliant career of Napoleon, and of individuals raised from obscure stations to the rank of colonels, generals, and field-marshals, without the accompanying reflection of the devastation and misery inflicted upon other nations, and which the conscription and occupation by foreign armies subsequently entailed upon their own country. Such persons, many of whom may be likened to the conspirators against Augustus, referred to by Corneille, who,

"Si tout n'est renversé ne sauraient subsister,"

dazzled by their ideas of national superiority, are led to entertain the supposition of a successful career of conquest as heretofore: a circumstance not likely to happen in the present day, even were another Napoleon to arise and take the command of their armies. A large proportion of the upper, and almost the whole of the commercial class, are, however, well disposed towards England, being well aware of the advantage to both countries, but especially to their own, of the continuance of peace; and also knowing that they could not expect to meet with firm allies in either of the other three great powers. The peace party, though perhaps the most numerous, are unfortunately the least active (in a political point of view) portion of the community; and few persons who have marked the course of events, can doubt that the preservation of peace since the revolution of 1830 was in great measure owing to the sagacity and firmness of the King, who, however, so far availed himself of the war cry a few years ago, as to obtain the completion of his project of surrounding Paris by fortifications, under the pretext of defence in the event of the approach of hostile armies, but in truth as a means of ensuring the durability of his dynasty, by the power of controlling the fauxbourgs, and of commanding the city. These works were completed with great rapidity, before many of those who were in favour of their erection could become awakened to their true purpose, which they did not fail to be when

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