Bell's Edition, Niteet 45–46

J. Bell, 1781

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Sivu 143 - Thoufands of happy hours you pafs'd with me ; " No mention made of old Penelope. " On adamant our wrongs we all engrave, " But write our benefits upon the wave. " Why then be gone, the feas uncertain truft ; " As I found you, fo may you find them juft. " Dying Calypfo muft be left behind, " And all your vows be wafted with the wind !" Fond are the hopes he fhould be conftant now, Who to his tendereft part had broke his vow.
Sivu 136 - To make your wife and mine a muff.) Thus he frames wings, and nothing lacks To fix the whole, but melted wax : That was the work of the young boy, Pleas'd at the fancy of the toy; Not guessing, ere he was much older, He should have one upon each shoulder.
Sivu 81 - L were a Picture drawn With Cynthia's Face, but with a Neck like Brawn; With Wings of Turkey, and with Feet of Calf, Tho' drawn by Kneller, it would make you laugh!
Sivu 44 - Cincinnatus, who went from the plough to the command of the Roman army ; and, having brought home victory, retired to his cottage ; for, when the Samnite...
Sivu 8 - Which faid, he foon outftript the wind, Whilft puffing Boreas lagg'd behind ; And to Urganda's cave he came, A lady of prodigious fame, Whofe hollow eyes and hopper breech...
Sivu 112 - THE BEGGAR WOMAN. A GENTLEMAN in hunting rode aftray, •**• More out of choice, than that he loft his way, He let his company the Hare purfue, For he himfelf had other game in view. A Beggar by her trade ; yet not fo mean, But that her cheeks were frefh, and linen clean. J' Miftrefs," quoth he, " and what if we two fhou'd * Retire a little way into the wood...
Sivu 43 - I hope it will not be taken ill by the wits, that 1 call my cooks by the title of ingenious; for I cannot imagine why cooks may not be as well read as any other persons.
Sivu 84 - The fate of things lies always in the dark : What cavalier would know St. James's Park '? For locket stands «;i icrc gardens once did spring ; And wild-ducks quack where grasshoppers did sing ; A princely palace on that space does rise, Where Sedley's noble muse found mulberries'.
Sivu 159 - And have you by a rival croft, Only in hopes you may n't be loft. Sometimes they fay that you are faulty, And that they know where...
Sivu 54 - The Art of Cookery, in imitation of Horace's Art of Poetry, with some Letters to Dr. Lister...

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