"XY and Z, hating to be confin'd, "Ramble to the next eatinghouse they find; "Pleasant, good-humour'd, beautiful, and gay, "Sometimeswith musick and sometimes with play "Prolong their pleasures till th' approaching day. "And Per Se And alone, as poets use, "The starving dictates of my rules pursues; "No swinging coachman does afore him shine, "Nor has he any constant place to dine, "But all his notions of a meal are mine. 91 "Haste, haste; to him a blessing give from me, 83 { 88 } 95 100 "Amidst such counsel banish all despair; "Trust me you shall fucceed in this affair: "That project which they Frumentary call "Before next breakfast time shall furely fall." This faid, she quickly vanish'd in a wind Had long within her body been confin'd. Thus Hercules, when he his mistress found, Soon knew her by her scent and by her found. 106 CANTO ΙΙΙ. HUNGER rejoic'd to hear the blest command With speed he to Coffedro's manfion flies, } "To my important mind will cause delight. "How will he conquer nostrils that prefume "To fstand th' attack of his impetuous fume! "Let handsome Teedrumstoo be call'd to arms, 120 以 125 "For he has courage in the midst of charms. "Sago with counsel fills his wakeful brains," "But then his wifdom countervails his pains "'Tis he shall be your guide; he shall effect "That glorious conquest which we all expect. The brave Hectorvus shall command this force; He 'll meet Tubcarrio's foot, or, which is worse, "Oppose the fury of Carmanniel's horse. "For his reward this he shall have each day, "Drink coffee, then strut out, and never pay." 30 66 It was not long ere the grandees were met, And round newspapers in full order fet.. 1 } 135 "That Siren which does Frumentary keep "Long since is risen from the bands of fleep; "Her spoons and porringers with art display'd "Many of Hunger's subjects have betray'd."" 140 "To arms," Hectorvus cry'd: "Coffedro stout, "Ifssue forth liquor from thy scalding spout!" Great One-and-all-i gives the first alarms, Then each man fnatches up offensive arms: To Ditch of Fleet courageously they run, Quicker than thought the battle is begun : Hectorvus first Tubcarrio does attack, And by surprise foon lays him on his back; Thirsto and Drowtho then approaching near Soon overthrow two magazines of beer. The innocent Syrena little thought That all these arms agaimt herself were brought, 145 ISO 155 160 In the meantime Tobacco strives to vex A num'rous squadron of the tender sex : What with strong smoke and with his stronger breath He funks Basketia and her fon to death. Coffedro then with Teedrums and the band Who carry'd scalding liquors in their hand, B L Throw wat'ry ammunition in their eyes, 163 170 175 180 So have I feen at fair that is nam'd from horn Until thro' milky gantlet soundly beat His prudent heels fecure a quick retreat. 186 MULLY OF MOUNTOWN *. FIRST PRINTED BY THE AUTHOR IN 1704. 1. MOUNTOWN! thou sweet retreat from Dublin cares, 5 And be thy turkeys num'rous as thy hens! TO Oh! may thy codlins ever swim in cream! Thy rasp and strawberries in Bourdeaux drown, 15 To add a redder tincture to their own! Thy whitewine, sugar, milk, together club To make that gentle viand fillabub ! * It was taken for a state poem, and to have many mysteries in it, though it was only made, as well as Orpheus and Eurydice, for country diverfion. King. + A pleafant villa to the fouth of Dublin near the fea. "Peace to thy gentle shade, sweet smiling Hemmiver!"would have been our Author's ejaculation if he had lived in |