Sivut kuvina

"And this fame whore shall be a man,
"Who by his lies and cheating can
"Be fuch a trader in all evil

"As to outdo our friend the devil;
"He and his pimps shall fay, that when


"A man is dying, thither then
"The devil comes to take the foul,
"And carry him down to this hole:

"But if a man have store of wealth,
"To get fome pray'rs for his foul's health,


"The devil has then no more to do,

"But must be forc'd to let him go:
"But we are no more fools than they.

"Thus to be bubbled of our prey.
"By these same pious frauds and lies


"Shall many monafteries rise;
"Friars shall get good meat and beer
"To pray folks out that ne'er came here;
"Pans, pots, and kettles, shall be giv'n
"To fetch a man from hence to heav'n.
"Suppose a man has taken purses,
"Or stolen fheep, or cows, or horfes,
"And chances to be hang'd, you'd cry
"Let him be hang'd, and fo good-by.
"Hold, fays the friar; let me alone,
"He is bar to Purgatory gone;
"And if you 'll let our convent keep
"Those purfes, cows, horfes, and fheep,


335 "The fellow shall find no more pain "Than if he were alive again."


Here Orpheus sigh'd, began to take on, Cry'd, "Could I find the whore you spake on "I'd give him my best flitch of bacon; "I'd give him cake and fugar'd fack " If he would bring my Dice back: "Rather than the should longer stay "I'd find some losty man to pray; "And then poor Dice, let him try her, " I dare say would requite the friar." Great Nofnotbocai smil'd to fee



Such goodness and simplicity;
Then kindly led them to a cell,
An outward granary of hell,
A filthy place, that is seldom swept,
Where feeds of villany are kept.

"Orpheus," said he, "I'd have you take

"Some of these seeds here for my fake,
"Which if they are difcreetly hurl'd
"Thro'out the parts of th' other world,
"They may oblige the fiend you fue to,
"And fill the palace of old Pluto.
"Sow pride feed uppermost; then above.
"Envy and scandal plant selflove:





"Here take revenge, and malice without cause,
" And here contempt of honesty and laws;
"This hot feed's anger, and this hotter lufe,
"Best sown with breach of friendship and of trusft:



"These storm, hail, plague, and tempest seeds, " And this a quintessence of weeds;

"This the worst fort of artichoke,


"A plant that Pluto has himself bespoke;

"Nourish it well, it is useful treachery;

"This is a choice tho' little feed, a lie :

"Here take some now from these prodigious loads

"Of tender things that look like toads:


"In future times these finely drest

"Shall each invade a prince's breast;

"""Tis flatt'ry seed; tho' thinly fown
"It is a mighty plant when grown,
"When rooted deep and fully blown:
"Now see these things like bubbles fly,
"These are the feeds of vanity:



"Take tyrant acorns, which will best advance "If sown in eastern climates or in France; "But these are things of most prodigious hopes, "They 're Jesuit bulbs ty'd up with ropes, "And these the devil's grafts for future Popes, "Which with fanaticism are join'd fo clean "You'd scarce believe a knife had pafs'd between! "Falsewitness seed had almost been forgot, ""Twill be your making should there be a plot. "And now, dear Orpheus! scatter these but well, "And you 'll deferve the gratitude of hell."

Quoth Orpheus, "You shall be obey'd

"In ev'ry thing that you have faid, "For mischief is the poet's trade;



"And whatsoever they shall bring "You may affure yourself I 'll fing. "But pray what poets shall we have

"At my returning from the grave?"

"Sad dogs!" quoth Bocai." Let me fee"But since what I say cannot shame them "I'll e'en refolve to never name them."

"But now," says Bocai, " Sir, you may
"Long to be going on your way,
"Unless you 'll drink some arfenick claret;
""Tis burnt, you fee; but Sam can spare it."
Orpheus reply'd, "Kind Sir! it is neither
"Brandy nor whets that brought me hither,
"But love; and I an instance can be

"Love is as hot as pepper'd brandy;
"Yet, gentle Sir! you may command
"A tune from a departing hand;
"The style and paffion both are good,
"'Tis The Three Children in the Wood."





He fang, and pains themselves found ease;
For griefs when well express'd can please.
When he defcrib'd the children's loss,
And how the Robins cover'd them with moss,

To hear the pity of those birds


Ev'n Bocai'stears fell down with Orpheus' words, . BRITAIN'S PALLADIUM,


"Et thure, et fidibus juvat
"Placare, et vituli fanguine debito

"Cuftodes Numidæ Deos."

Hor. lib. I. Od. xxxvi. ad Pomponium Numidam, ob cujus ex Hispania redditum gaudio exultat.

WHAT noife is this that interrupts my fleep?

What echoing shouts rise from the briny deep?
Neptune a folemn festival prepares,

And peace thro' all his flowing orb declares :
That dreadful trident which he us'd to shake,
Make earth's foundations and Jove's palace quake,
Now by his fide on oozy couch reclin'd,
Gives a smooth surface and a gentle wind:

Innumerable Tritons lead the way,


And crowds of Nereids round his chariot play: 10
The ancient sea gods with attention wait
To learn what is now the last result of Fate;
What earthly monarch Neptune now decrees
Alone his great vicegerent of the seas.

By an aufpicious gale Britannia's fleet
On Gallia's coast this shining triumph meet;


* Lord Bolingbroke fet out for France (accompanied by Mr. Hare, one of his Underfecretaries, Mr. Prior, and the Abbe Gualtier) Aug. 2d, and arrived again in London Aug. 21ft 1712.

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