Sivut kuvina

Foxes were in the faction join'd,
Who waited their approach to ground.

By ev'ry hand from common fame
The frightful face of danger came.
One cries, "What help now-who can tell?
"I'm glad the Eagle is here and well!"
Another out of breath with fear

Says "Thousands more near sea appear;
"They 'll fweep our chicken from the door;
"We never were so set before:

"We 're glad the Eagle will forget,
"And the invaders kill or beat."

Reserv'd and great, his noble mind,
Above all petty things inclin'd,
Abhorr'd the thoughts of any thing
But what his lady's peace could bring,
Who bless'd him first, and bad him do
As he was wont, and beat the foe.

Burning and restless as the fun
Until this willing work was done,
He whets his talons, stretch'd his wings,
His light'ning darts, and terrour flings,
Tow'rs with a flight into the sky
These million monsters to descry,
Prepar'd to conquer or to die.

The party that fo far was come
Thought not the Eagle was at home;

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To fame and danger us'd in field
They knew he'd quickly make them yield:

But on affurance he was near,

Incumber'd, faint, and dead with fear,
They made with hurry tow'rds the lakes,


And he his pinions o'er them shakes.

They had not (with fuch horrour fill'd)

The courage to let one be kill'd:

They fied, and left no foe behind
Unless it were the fleeting wind;
Only-a man by water took
Two fine young merlins and a rook.


The family had now repose,
But with the fun the Eagle rose;
Th' imperial bird pursu'd the foe,
More toil than rest inur'd to know.
He wing'd his way to Latian land
Where first was hatch'd this murd'ring band;
He darted death where'er he came,



Some of them dying at his name.
Their mighty foe-a fatal pledge,
Their bowels tore thro' ev'ry hedge;
They flutter, shriek, and caw, and hifs,
Their strength decays and fears increase,
But most the chevaliers the geesfe.
So many flaughter'd fowl there was
Their carcaffes block'd up the ways;

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The rest he drove, half spent, pellmell,
Quite to the walls of Pontifell.

Robin at home, tho' mad to hear

He shou'd so conquer ev'ry where,
Expoftulated thus with fear:

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Ungrateful I that so have stirr'd
"Against this gen'rous noble bird :
"Wast thou not first by him preferr'd?
"Let's leave him in his gall to burn,
"And back to Pontifell return."

There some to chimneytops aspire,
To turrets some that could fly higher;
Some 'bove a hundred miles were gone
To rooft them at Byzantium.
Alas! in vain was their pretence;
He broke thro' all their strong defence:
Down went their fences, wires, and all;
Perches and birds together fall.





None hop'd his power to withstand,
But gave the neft to his command;
They told him of ten thousand more
In flocks along the Ganges' shore,
Safe in their furrows, free from trouble,


Like partridges among the stubble.
He spreads himself and cuts the air,

And steady flight foon brought him there.
Lord, how deceiv'd and vex'd he was

To find they were but mere jackdaws!


A hundred thousand all in flight,
They all could chatter, not one fight.
"I'll deal by them as is their due:

"Shough!" cry'd the Eagle; "off they flew:"
His flashing eyes their heart confounds,
Tho' by their flight fecure from wounds,
Which was a signal, fatal baulk
To a late fwift Italian hawk.

The Eagle would no rest afford
Till he had fent my lady word,
Who when the heard the dear surprise
Wonder and joy stood in her eyes.

"My faithful Eagle! haft thou then
" My mortal foes destroy'd again?
"Return, return, and on me wait;
"Be thou the guardian of my gate:
"Thee and thy friends are worth my care;
"Thy foes (if any fuch there are)
"Shall my avenging anger share."
So-left new ills shou'd intervene
She turn'd the Robin out again.

The Samians now in vast delight






Bless their good lady day and night,
Wish that her life might ne'er be done,

But everlasting as the fun.
The Eagle high again did foar,


The lady was disturb'd no more,

But all things flourish'd as before.




Taken out of an old Copy of Verfes supposed to be writ by John Lidgate, a Monk of Bury.

ONE that had in her infant state,
While playing at her father's gate,
Seen and was most hugely smitten
With young Dog and dirty Kitten,
Had took them up and lugg'd them in,
And made the fervants wash them clean.


When she to a fit age was grown
To be fole mistress of her own,
Then to her favour and strange trust
She rais'd these two; in rank the first
The Dog, who with gilt collar grąc'd
Strutted about. The Cat was plac'd
O'er all the house to domineer,
And kept each wight of her in fear,
While he o'er all the plains had pow'r,
That favage wolves might not devour
Her flocks. She gave him charge great care
To take; but beasts uncertain are!

Now fee by these what troubles rise

To those who in their choice unwife




* The political drift of this pretended Prophecy is ftill more evident than that of the preceding poem, the fatire being abun dantly more perfonal.

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