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" Cincinnatus, who went from the plough to the command of the Roman army ; and, having brought home victory, retired to his cottage ; for, when the Samnite... "
Bell's Edition - Sivu 44
tekijä(t) John Bell - 1781
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A Collection of Scarce, Curious and Valuable Pieces: Both in Verse and Prose

Walter Ruddiman - 1773 - 430 sivua
...of honour, juftice and integrity were found to lye hid in turnips, as appears in that great ditfator Cincinnatus, who went from the plough to the command...to his cottage : For when the' Samnite ambaffadors came thither to him, with a large btibe, and • i found found him dreffing turnips for his repaft,...

A Collection of Scarce, Curious and Valuable Pieces: Both in Verse and Prose

Walter Ruddiman - 1773 - 432 sivua
...of honour, juftice and integrity were found to lye hid in turnips, as appears in that great diflator Cincinnatus, who went from the plough to the command...victory, retired to his cottage : For when the Samnite ambafladors caiue thither to him, wilh a large bribe, and found him dreffing turnips for his repaft,...

A Collection of Scarce, Curious and Valuable Pieces, Both in Verse and Prose ...

Walter Ruddiman - 1773 - 426 sivua
...juftice and integrity were found to lye hid in turnips, as appears in that great dictator Ciucinnatus, who w-ent from the plough to the command of the Roman...to his cottage : For when the Samnite ambaffadors came thither to him, with a large bribe, and v - " found found -him drefiing turnips for hi* repaft,...

The Original Works of William King,: LL. D. Advocate of Doctors ..., Nide 3

William King - 1776 - 326 sivua
...honour, juftice, and integrity, were found to lye hid in turnips ; as appears in that great Diftator, Cincinnatus, who went from the plough to the command of the Roman army ; and, having brought home viftory, retired to his cottage : for, when the Samnite ambafladors came thither to him, with a large...

The Original Works of William King ...: Now First Collected ... With ..., Nide 3

William King - 1776 - 330 sivua
...honour, juftice, and integrity, were found to lye hid in turnips ; as appears in that great Diftator, Cincinnatus, who went from -the plough to the command of the Roman army j and, having brought home viftory, retired to his cottage : for, when the Samnite ambalTadors came...

The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and ..., Nide 20

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 466 sivua
...his chief principles of morality to abftain from teans. The nobleft foundations of honour, juftice, and integrity, were found to lie hid in turnips ;...that great Dictator, Cincinnatus, who went from the piough to the command of the Roman army ; acd, having brought home viftory, retired to liis cottage...

The Works of the English Poets: Garth and King

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 452 sivua
...chief principles of morality to abflain frora tcans. The nobleft foundations of honour, juflice, aim! integrity, were found to lie hid in turnips ; as appears...that great Dictator, Cincinnatus, who went from the piough to the command of the Roman army ; and, having brought home victory, retired to liis cottage...

The Works of the English Poets: Garth and King

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 452 sivua
...his chief principles of morality to abftair. from beam. The nobleft foundations of honour, juftice, and integrity, were found to lie hid in turnips ; as appears in that great Diftator, Cincinnatus, who went from the plough to the command of the Roman army ; and, having brought...

The Works of the English Poets: Garth; King

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 450 sivua
...chief principles of morality to abflain from t..,iu\ The nobkft foundations of honour, juftice, j.,ii integrity, were found to lie hid in turnips ; as appears in that great Diftator, Cincinnatus, who went from the plough to the command of the Roman army ; and, having brought...

The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper: Dryden, Smith, Duke ...

Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - 620 sivua
...his chief principles of morality to abstain from beans. The noblest foundations of honour, justice, and integrity, were found to lie hid in turnips ;...home victory, retired to his cottage : for, when the Samnitc ambassadors came thither to him ivith a large bribe, aixl found him dressing turnips for his...

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