Laws of the State of New York, Nide 11956 |
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Tulokset 1 - 3 kokonaismäärästä 52
Sivu 39
... amended . is hereby amended to read as follows : 4. Cattaraugus [ 5,000 00 ] 6,500 00 5,000 00 § 2. This act shall take effect immediately . CHAPTER 10 AN ACT to amend the judiciary law , in relation to the compensation of the surrogate ...
... amended . is hereby amended to read as follows : 4. Cattaraugus [ 5,000 00 ] 6,500 00 5,000 00 § 2. This act shall take effect immediately . CHAPTER 10 AN ACT to amend the judiciary law , in relation to the compensation of the surrogate ...
Sivu 93
New York (State). CHAPTER 47 AN ACT to amend the surrogate's court act , in relation to defining the powers of the clerk of the surrogate's court in the county of Richmond Became a law March 2 , 1956 , with the approval of the Governor ...
New York (State). CHAPTER 47 AN ACT to amend the surrogate's court act , in relation to defining the powers of the clerk of the surrogate's court in the county of Richmond Became a law March 2 , 1956 , with the approval of the Governor ...
Sivu 1265
... act shall take effect immediately . CHAPTER 542 AN ACT to amend the conservation law , in relation to the taking of deer and bear Became a law April 11 , 1956 , with the approval of the Governor . Passed , by a majority vote , three ...
... act shall take effect immediately . CHAPTER 542 AN ACT to amend the conservation law , in relation to the taking of deer and bear Became a law April 11 , 1956 , with the approval of the Governor . Passed , by a majority vote , three ...
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
00 Assistant 00 Associate 00 Clerk SG 00 DEPARTMENT 00 Junior 00 SCHEDULE 00 Senior clerk 00 Senior stenographer 00 Stenographer SG 00 Typist SG account clerk SG act shall take ACT to amend Administration amended by chapter amended to read approval Became a law chapter 52 clerk SG 11 commissioner connections and improvement DEPARTMENT-Continued director district enact as follows engineer SG exceed expenses of personal File clerk SG following schedule fund grade crossing hereby amended highway inspector SG laws of nineteen Mail and supply maintenance and operation Maintenance undistributed majority vote nineteen hundred fifty-six offset printing Park personal service pursuant read as follows represented in Senate Senate and Assembly senate finance committee Senior clerk SG Senior stenographer SG services and expenses stenographer SG 11 subd subdivision supplies and expense take effect immediately Temporary and seasonal thereof three-fifths being present Total of schedule York York State Thruway