Laws of the State of New York, Nide 11956 |
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Tulokset 1 - 3 kokonaismäärästä 14
Sivu 490
... York State Thru- way and bridges , structures and property incidental thereto and other highways and structures placed by law under the jurisdiction of the New York State Thruway Authority . The above appropriation is made in ...
... York State Thru- way and bridges , structures and property incidental thereto and other highways and structures placed by law under the jurisdiction of the New York State Thruway Authority . The above appropriation is made in ...
Sivu 549
New York (State). CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION FUND - Continued DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES AND EXPENSES NEW YORK STATE THRUWAY The sum of one million , five hundred thousand dollars ( $ 1,500,000 ) or so much thereof as may be necessary ...
New York (State). CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION FUND - Continued DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES AND EXPENSES NEW YORK STATE THRUWAY The sum of one million , five hundred thousand dollars ( $ 1,500,000 ) or so much thereof as may be necessary ...
Sivu 1050
New York (State). route being a portion of the New York state thruway , thence con- tinuing generally northerly passing through or in the vicinity of Saratoga Springs , Glens Falls and Plattsburgh to the United States - Canada border in ...
New York (State). route being a portion of the New York state thruway , thence con- tinuing generally northerly passing through or in the vicinity of Saratoga Springs , Glens Falls and Plattsburgh to the United States - Canada border in ...
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
00 Assistant 00 Associate 00 Clerk SG 00 DEPARTMENT 00 Principal 00 Senior stenographer 00 Stenographer SG 00 Typist SG account clerk SG act shall take ACT to amend Administration amended by chapter amended to read approval Became a law chapter 44 chapter 52 clerk SG 11 commissioner comptroller connections and improvement DEPARTMENT-Continued director district enact as follows engineer SG exceed expenses of maintenance expenses of personal File clerk SG following schedule fund grade crossing hereby amended highway inspector SG laws of nineteen Mail and supply maintenance and operation majority vote nineteen hundred fifty-six offset printing Park personal service pursuant read as follows represented in Senate Senate and Assembly senate finance committee Senior clerk SG Senior stenographer SG services and expenses stenographer SG 11 subd subdivision supplies and expense take effect immediately Temporary and seasonal thereof three-fifths being present Total of schedule York York State Thruway