Sivut kuvina

CHRIST tells them, that in a little while they should not fee him.


Our LORD concludes his Difcourfe, with assuring his Difciples, that his Separation from them would not be final, but that he would fill act in their Favour as their Guardian, and make them finally victorious. John XVI. 16, to the End.



Little while and ye fhall not see me and again,

a little while and ye fhall




UR Lord continued and concluded this Sect. 178. excellent Difcourfe to his Apostles, in

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fee me, because I go to the Words to the following Purpose: It is yet but John XVI. a little while, and you shall not fee me any more converfing with you upon Earth, as I have hitherto done And yet again, for your Encouragement and Comfort I affure you, that it is but a little while longer, and you shall fee me again, on Terms of much greater Advantage, because I go to the Father; plainly intimating thereby, that he would be fo mindful of their Interest with the Father, as e'er long to bring them to an Eternal Abode with him (a).

17 Then faid fome of his Difciples among themselves, unto us, A little while and ye fhall not fee me: and again, a little while and ye fhall fee me and, Because I go to the Father?

What is this that he faith


But their Thoughts were fo taken up about
other Things, that, tho" this Expreffion was far
from being obfcure, they did not at first pene-
trate into the Meaning of it: [Some] of his Difci-
ples therefore faid one to another, What is this
that he fays to us? A little while and ye shall not
fee me; and again, a little while and ye shall fee
me? and why does he add, Because I go to the
They Said therefore, What is 18

18 They said therefore, Father (b) ?



(a) Intimating, that he would bring them to an Eternal Abode, &c.] As this Senfe is evidently much more important, fo it appears to me more natural and eafy, than that of Monf. Le Clerc, who understands it, as if Chrift had faid, "Tho' I am quickly to disappear "from you, and be lodged in the Grave, Ifhall foon come again, and make you another "Vifit of fome length, before I return to Heaven by my Afcenfion." His going to the Father was no Proof of this, tho' it ftrongly proved his Ability to introduce them to the Heavenly World. I apprehend, that the whole Joy which Chrift's Refurrection and Afcenfion, as connected with each other, gave them, is referred to in the following Difcourfe, which therefore is fo paraphrafed, as to include all that is pertinent and material in the Explication above.

(b) What is this that he fays, &c.] There are fo many Paffages in the preceding Parts of this Difcourfe, which relate to Chrift's going to his Father, (Chap. xiv. 2, 12, 28. xv. 26. xvi. 10.) that it is a ftrange Inftance of the Dulness of the Apostles, that they did not


478 Sect. 178. this little while of which he speaks? We know not what he fays, and cannot apprehend what he means by it.

He would fee them again, and their Hearts fhould rejoice.

John XVI. 18.



Now Jefus knew that they were defirous to
afk him for fome farther Explication of it, and
yet that they were afraid of being upbraided for
the Slowness of their Apprehenfions; and there-
fore kindly prevented their Confufion, and faid
to them, Do you enquire of one another concerning
this which I faid, A little while and ye shall not fee
me; and again, a little while and ye shall fee me?
Surely if you reflect a little, it cannot be very diffi-
cult to understand the Meaning of that. Verily,
verily I fay unto you, that ye shall fhortly weep
and lament for a while, on Account of my being
taken away from
you (c), and in the mean Time
the World fhall rejoice; and you shall be forrow-
ful, but then you have this to comfort you in
that Interval of Diftrefs, that your Sorrow shall
21 quickly be turned into Joy. Juft as a Woman,
when he is in Labour, has Sorrow, because her
Hour of Diftrefs and Agony is come; but when
She has brought forth a Child, fhe rejoices, and re-
membereth [her] Tribulation no more, for Joy that
a Man is born into the World, and added to


What is this that he faith,
A little while? we cannot

tell what he faith.

19 Now Jefus knew that

they were defirous to afk

him, and faid unto them, Do you enquire among yourfelves of that I faid, A little while and ye shall not fee and ye fhall fee me?

me: and again, a little while

20 Verily, verily I fay unand lament, but the World to you, that ye fhall weep fhall rejoice: and ye fhall be forrowful, but your Sorrow fhall be turned into Joy.

21 A Woman, when she

is in Travail, hath Sorrow, but as foon as the is deliver

because her Hour is come:

ed of the Child, she remem

breth no more the Anguish,
into the World.
for Joy that a Man is born

underftand him here. Perhaps it is recorded on Purpofe, to fhew what an Alteration the Spirit afterwards made in them. It is indeed difficult to imagine what could perplex them, unless it were that they fufpected, the Words A little while and ye shall not fee me; and again, a little while and ye fhall fee me, &c. might intimate, that after he had gone to the Father, and made a fhort Stay there, he would come again, and fettle an Earthly Kingdom: and they might defire an Explication in this View. Accordingly, after having told them, that tho' they were forrowful, he would come and fee them again after his Refurrection, (ver. 20, 22.) and would introduce them to a State of comfortable Converse with GOD by Prayer, and a Joy of which none should deprive them; (ver. 23,-27.) he adds, (ver. 28.) that he was quickly leaving the World, to go and refide with the Father, from whom he came; thereby gently intimating, that no Temporal Reign was to be expected. And if we fuppofe him thus to have glanced obliquely at the moft fecret Sentiments of their Hearts, it will account for that Confeffion of his Omnifcience, which immediately follows this 28th Verfe; (ver. 29, 30.) the Reason of which would not appear merely from his Difcovery, that they doubted about fomething, which their Countenances and Whispers might fhew.

(c) Ye shall weep and lament, &c.] Whatever immediate Reference this may have to the Sorrows of the Apostles, immediately on the Death of Chrift, before his Refurrection, I queftion not but it includes all their fubfequent Afflictions in the Days of Fafting, when the Bridegroom was taken away from them, as it is elfewhere expreffed in a parallel Phrafe; (Mat. ix. 15.) which must exprefs much more, than the Abftinence of the one Day he lay in the Grave, fuppofing (which is very poffible,) they had then but little Relish to their Food. See Vol. i. pag. 436.

Whatever they asked in his Name, the Father would give it.

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John XVI.


her Family for its future Honour and Support. Sect. 178.
And fo it is, that you indeed have Sorrow now,
in Expectation of the melancholy Scene which is
approaching; and it will very much increase
your Trouble, to fee me in a few Hours more
torn away from you with inhumane Violence,
and hung upon the Crofs, and laid in the Tomb:
But when your Hopes are at the lowest Ebb, I
will quickly fee you again, after my Refurrection,
and your Hearts shall rejoice; and afterwards, tho'
I am abfent from you in the Body, yet I will
fill you with fuch Confolation by my Spirit, that
no one fhall, by any Means whatever, deprive you
of your foy, which fhall fweetly mingle itself
even with your heaviest Afflictions (d).

And in that Day, when I have fent the Comfor- 23.
ter, you shall not enquire any Thing of me (e), nor be
puzzled with much greater Difficulties than those,
which I have now been explaining; but Divine
Illumination shall be poured in upon you in the
richest Abundance, and with it the Spirit of ear-
nest and successful Prayer; for verily, verily I
fay unto you, and repeat the important Affurance
which I before gave you, (chap. xiv. 13, 14. and
xv. 16.) that what foever you shall afk the Father
in my Name, he will give [it] you.
Hitherto 24
ye have not been used to regard me under the
Character of a Mediator between GOD and Man,
and therefore have afked nothing in my Name; but
then, having received a fuller Revelation of the
Doctrine of my Interceffion, you may come with
a chear-

(d) No one shall deprive you of your Joy.] As this Promife will be for ever accomplished to all Chrift's faithful Servants, fo it is obfervable how the Apostle Paul in his more abundant Afflictions attefts his Experience of its Truth, when he fays, as forrowful, yet always rejoicing; (2 Cor. vi. 10.) and mentions his Share in the Joy of Chriftians, as a moft important and facred Oath. (1 Cor. xv. 31.)

(e) You shall not enquire any Thing of me.] We render it afk; but I thought it proper to make fome Diftinction between epalaw, which properly fignifies to make an Enquiry, and alew, which is to prefent a Request. (See Dr. Calamy on the Trinity, pag. 154.) Yet I confefs the former is fometimes ufed almost in the fame Senfe with the latter; (fee Mat. xvi. 1.) and the Word feems to have the fame Ambiguity with Demand in English.The Argument fome have drawn from hence against praying to Chrift, on the preceding Criticifi has no Appearance of Weight; and did spela fignify to pray, would prove (if it proved any thing,) that Paul lived, and Stephen died, in a very unwarrantable, and perhaps an idolatrous Practice.


John XVI.


He came from the Father, and was returning to him.

Sect. 178. a chearful Boldness to the Throne of Grace, and and ye fhall receive, that freely afk what fhall be neceffary for you; and your Joy way be full. depend upon it you shall receive fuch a liberal Supply, that, in the midst of all your temporal Difcouragements, your Joy in GoD may still be maintained in its full Height.


Thefe Things I have often spoken to you in the Obfcurity of Parables; but the Hour or Time is coming, when I will speak no more to you in Parables, but I will tell you what relates to the Father with all Opennefs and Plainnefs of Speech. 26 In that Day you shall afk in my Name, and fhall prefent your Supplications to the Father with an exprefs Acknowledgment of your Dependance upon me for the Success of your Petitions; and I do not merely fay to you, that I will ask the Father on your Account, and plead with him for the Acceptance of your Prayers, tho' you may affure yourselves that I fhall always be ready to 27 do it. But I reprefent it not in fuch a View, as if every Favour were obtained, and as it were extorted, merely by my Importunity, from one who has himself no Regard for your Happiness; for, on the contrary, I affure you, that the Father himself most tenderly loves you, and therefore will be ready to grant your Requefts, and to watch over you with Paternal Affection and Care; because you have loved me, and have believed that I came out from GOD, as the Meffenger of his Grace to Men; and have accordingly relied upon me with fuch Stedfastnefs, that you have ventured your All upon that 28 Belief. And you have therein acted a very prudent and happy Part; for I indeed came out from the Father, and am come into the World to fcatter a Divine Light upon it, and to conduct Men into the Paths of Life and Peace: And now again, having difpatched my Errand, I am leaving the World, and am going back to the Father; where I fhall keep my stated Abode, and whither I will fhortly conduct you to a more glorious Kingdom, than you ever expected here. This is the Sum of what I have been telling you, and was particularly my Meaning in what I said be


25 Thefe Things have I spoken unto you in Proverbs: the Time cometh when I shall no more speak unto you in Proverbs, but I fhall fhew you plainly of the Father.

26 At that Day ye fhall

afk in my Name: and I lay not unto you, that I will pray the Father for you:

27 For the Father himself loveth you, becaufe ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from GOD.

28 I came forth from the

Father, and am come into the World, and go to the the World: again, I leave Father.

His Difciples would leave him, but the Father was with him.

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481 fore, (ver. 16.) Yet a little while, and you shall Sect. 178. fee me again, because I go to the Father.

John XVI.

And his Difciples, ftruck with the Corre- 29.
fpondence of what he faid to what was fecretly
paffing in their own Minds, faid to him, Lord,
Behold, now thou speakeft very plainly to us, and
ufeft no Parable, or obfcure Form of Expreffion;
fo that we clearly understand thy Meaning, and
rejoice in it. And now we know by this 30
farther Token, even thy difcerning our inmost
Doubts on this Head, that thou knoweft all Things,
and haft no need that any one should ask thee any
particular Questions, to inform thee of thofe
Scruples, which thou feeft when first rifing in
their Minds: On this Account therefore we firmly
believe, that thou cameft out from GOD.


Jefus answered them, Do you now at length 31
believe? and do you apprehend your Faith to be
fo firm, that nothing fhall be able any more to
hake it? Let me advise you not to be too con-
fident; for I affure you, that in a very little Time
you will be found to act, as if you had not any
Faith in me: Pray therefore, that Gop would
fortify you against those Trials, of which I have
warned you once and again. For behold,
the Hour is coming, yea, is fo near at hand, that I
may even fay, it is now come, that you shall all
be fcattered and difperfed, and every one of you
return to your own Habitations and Employments,
or otherwise shift for yourselves as well as you
can; and to confult your own Security, you shall
away and leave me alone; but yet I am not
properly speaking alone, for the Father is with me,
and he will comfort and fupport me, in the Ab-
fence of all Human Friends.

Thefe Things have 1 spoken thus largely to 33
you, that whatever Difficulties may arife in Life,
having been thus warned, and furnished with
fuch Confolations as thefe, you might have lasting
Peace and Serenity of Soul by the Exercise of
your Faith in me. In the World indeed you shall
have, and must expect Affliction; but be coura-
gious and chearful in your Combat, for I have
myself overcome the World; and being poffeffed



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