Sivut kuvina


project was to shorten discourse by cutting polysyl"lables into one *." One thing may be cut into two or more; but it is inconceiveable that by cutting, two or more things should be made one.


Another, still from the same hand, "I solemnly declare, that I have not wilfully committed the least "mistaket." mistake +." The words used here are incompatible. A wrong wilfully committed is no mistake.

Addison hath fallen into an inaccuracy of the same kind, in the following lines:

So the pure limpid stream, when foul with stains
Of rushing torrents and descending rains ‡.

A stream may doubtless be at one time limpid, and at another foul, which is all that the author meant; but we cannot properly call it a pure limpid stream, when it is foul with stains. So much for those improprieties which involve in them some absurdity.

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I shall next illustrate those by which an author is made to say one thing when he means another. Of this kind I shall produce only one example at present, as I shall have occasion afterwards of considering the same fault under the article of perspicuity. "I will instance "in one opinion, which I look upon every man obliged "in conscience to quit, or in prudence to conceal; I mean, that whoever argues in defence of absolute "power in a single person, though he offers the old plausible plea, that it is his opinion, which he cannot help, unless he be convinced, ought in all free states "to be treated as the common enemy of mankind §." From the scope of the discourse, it is evident, he means, that whoever hath it for his opinion, that a single person is entitled to absolute authority, ought to quit or conceal that opinion, because, otherwise, he will in a free state deserve to be treated as a common enemy. Whereas, if he says any thing, he says, that whoever thinks that the advocates for absolute power ought to be treated as common enemies, is obliged to quit


Voyage to Laputa. + Remarks on the Barrier Treaty. + Cate § Sentiments of a Church of England Man.

or conceal that opinion; a sentiment different from the former.



The only species of impropriety that remains to be exemplified, is that wherein there appears some slight incongruity in the combination of the words, as in the quotations following: " When you fall into a man's conversation, the first thing you should consider isProperly," fall into conversation with a man." "I wish, Sir, you would animadvert frequently on the false "taste the town is in, with relation to plays as well as operas t." Properly, "the false taste of the town.”



"The presence of the Deity, and the care such an "august cause is supposed to take about any action ‡." The impropriety here is best corrected by substituting the word being in the place of cause; for though there be nothing improper in calling the Deity an august Cause, the author hath very improperly connected with this appellative some words totally unsuitable; for who ever heard of a cause taking care about an action.

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I shall produce but one other instance." Neither 'implies that there are virtuous habits and accomplish"ments already attained by the possessor, but they certainly show an unprejudiced capacity towards them." In the first clause of this sentence, there is a gross inconsistency; we are informed of habits and accomplishments that are possessed, but not attained; in the second clause there is a double impropriety, the participal adjective is not suited to the substantive with which it is construed; nor is the subsequent preposition expressive of the sense. Supposing, then, the word possessor hath been used inadvertently for person, or some other general term, the sense may be exhibited thus: "Neither implies that there are virtuous habits and accomplish"ments already attained by this person; but they certainly show that his mind is not prejudiced against "them, and that it hath a capacity of attaining them."

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Spect. No. 49.

+ Ib. No. 29.

Pope's View of the Epic Poem.

§ Guardian, No. 34.

Under this head I might consider that impropriety which results from the use of metaphors, or other tropes, wherein the similitude to the subject, or connection with it, is too remote; also, that which results from the construction of words with any trope, which are not applicable in the literal sense. The former errs chiefly against vivacity, the latter against elegance. Of the one, therefore, I shall have occasion to speak, when I consider the catachresis, of the other when I treat of mixed metaphor.

I have now finished what was intended on the subject of grammatical purity; the first, and, in some respect, the most essential of all the virtues of elocution. I have illustrated the three different ways in which it may be violated; the barbarism, when the words employed are not English; the solecism, when the construction is not English; the impropriety, when the meaning in which any English word or phrase is used, by a writer or speaker, is not the sense which good use hath assigned to it.



Some Grammatical Doubts in regard English
Construction stated and examined.

BEFORE I dismiss this article altogether, it will not be amiss to consider a little some dubious points in construction, on which our critics appear not to be agreed. One of the most eminent of them makes this remark upon the neuter verbs: "A neuter verb cannot become a passive. In a neuter verb the agent and the object are "the same, and cannot be separated even in imagination, "as in the examples to sleep, to walk; but when the "verb is passive, one thing is acted upon by another, "really or by supposition different from it." To this is subjoined in the margin the following note: "That

• Short Introduction, &c. Sentences.



"some neuter verbs take a passive form, but without a "passive signification, has been observed above, Here "we speak of their becoming both in form and signifi"cation passive, and shall endeavour farther to illustrate "the rule by example. To split, like many other English verbs, has both an active and a neuter signi"fication; according to the former we say, The force "of gun-powder split the rock; according to the latter, "The ship split upon the rock-and converting the "verb active into a passive, we may say, The rock was "split by the force of gun-powder; or, The ship was split upon the rock. But we cannot say with any propriety, turning the verb neuter into a passive, The rock was split upon by the ship."

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This author's reasoning, so far as concerns verbs properly neuter, is so manifestly just, that it commands a full assent from every one that understands it. I differ from him only in regard to the application. In my apprehension, what may grammatically be named the neuter verbs, are not near so numerous in our tongue as he 11gines. I do not enter into the difference between verbs absolutely neuter, and intransitively active. I concur wh him in thinking, that this distinction holds more of me physics than of grammar. But by verbs grammatically euter, I mean such as are not followed either by an accusative, or by a preposition and a noun; for I take this to be the only grammatical criterion with


Of this kind is the simple and primitive verb to laugh; accordingly to say he was laughed, would be repugnant alike to grammar and to sense. But give this verb a regimen, and say, To laugh at, and you alter its nature, by adding to its signification. It were an abuse of words to call this a neuter, being as truly a compound active verb in English, as deridere is in Latin, to which it exactly corresponds in meaning. Nor doth it make any odds that the preposition in the one language precedes the verb, and is conjoined with it, and in the other follows it, and is detatched from it. The real union is the same in both. Accordingly he was laughed at,

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is as evidently good English, as derisus fuit is good La



Let us hear this author himself who, speaking, of verbs compounded with a preposition, says expressly, "In English the preposition is more frequently placed af"ter the verb, and separate from it, like an adverb; in "which situation it is no less apt to affect the sense of it, "and to give it a new meaning; and may still be con"sidered as belonging to the verb, and a part of it. As, "to cast is to throw; but to cass up, or to compute, an "account, is quite a different thing; thus, to fall on, to "bear out, to give over, &c." Innumerable examples might be produced, to show that such verbs have been always used as active or transitive compounds, call them which you please, and therefore as properly susceptible of the passive voice. I shall produce only one authority, which, I am persuaded, the intelligent reader will admit to be a good one.

It is no other than this

ingenious critic himself, and the passage of his which I have in view will be found in the very quotation above made. "When the verb is passive, one thing is acted

upon by another." Here the verb to act upon is undoubtedly neuter, if the verb to split upon be neuter in the expression censured, and conversely, the verb to split upon is undoubtedly active, if the verb to act upon be active in the passage quoted. Nor can any thing be more similar than the construction. One thing is acted upon by another."—" The rock is split upon by the ship."

After all, I am sensible that the latter expression is liable to an exception, which cannot be made against the former. I therefore agree with the author in condemning it, but not in the reason of pronouncing this sentence. The only reason that weighs with me is this: The active sense of the simple verb to split, and the sense of the compound to split upon, are, in such a phrase as that above mentioned, apt to be confounded. Nay, what is more, the false sense is that which is first suggested to the mind, as if the rock and not the ship had been split. And though the sebsequent words remove the ambigui ty, yet the very hesitancy which it occasions, renders the

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