Sivut kuvina

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son: and to the Holy Ghoft,

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever fhall be: world without end. Amen.



Or this Pfalm. Jubilate Deo. Pfalm C.

Be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands: ferve the Lord with gladnefs, and come before his prefence with a

2. Be ye fure that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourfelves, we are his people, and the fheep of his pasture.

3. O go your way into his gates with thankfgiving, and into his courts with praife: be thankful unto him, and speak good of his Name.

4. For the Lord is gracious, his mercy is everlafting: and his truth endureth from generation to generation.


fhadow of death, and have had nothing else to direct them but the imperfect revelation of the Mofaic law, by the glorious light of the gofpel guiding their feet with certainty in the paths to everlafting happiness.

The title, in the original Hebrew, implies a Pfalm of praife: the Jews sell us, that it was cuftomary to fing it at the Euchariftical Sacrifices, just as the priest was entering the temple.

1. O give thanks unto God, all ye heathen nations, join with us in the praife and adoration of the one true God, and prefent yourselves before him in his holy temple.

2. Doubt not that the Lord our God, Jehovah, is the only true God: for it was he that called us into exiftence, which is the undoubted proof of omnipotent power; by which power he governs the whole univerfe which he created; but having fingled out the pofterity of Abraham to be his flock and his peculiar people, we are become his by election, and he is our God in a particular manner.

3. Now, fince we have received thefe extraordinary fivours, do you, ye facred minifters who are entitled, by your office, to make the nearest approach to the divine prefence, enter the temple-gates with fongs of thanksgiving and do you, O people, who are not permitted to go any farther than the court, join, on your part, in the universal praise.

4. For what can be stronger inducements to praife, than the goodness, the mercy, and the truth of God; his goodness, in creating us, his mercy in fparing us, and his truth revealed unto us, and for ever to remain with us.

1 here

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son: and to the Holy Ghost:

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever fhall be: world without end. Amen.

Then fhall be fung or faid the Apoftles Creed by the Minifter, and the People, flanding. Except only on fuch Days as the Creed of St. Athanafius ir appointed to be read.

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Believe in God 2. the Father Almighty, 4. Maker of
Heaven and Earth:

5. And in Jefus Chrift his only Son our Lord; 6. Who was conceived by the Holy Ghoft, Born of the Virgin


I bere make confeffion of my faith, with regard to those truths which are revealed unto me by God himself, and supported by the divine teftimony.

1. I believe that there is one only God. Deut. iv. 35. 1 Cor. viii. 4. 2. That he is Father of all men by being their Creator.

But in a peculiar manner the Father of our bleffed Lord by eternal generation.

4. I moreover believe that this one God is poffeffed of an infinite power of doing all things, and governing all things by his will and pleasure, that he was the Maker of Heaven and Earth, i. e. the whole universe. and every thing contained in it.

5. I alfo believe in Jefus Chrift, being thoroughly convinced that he is what his name implies, i. e. the Saviour of the world; that he is Chrift, ar the Meffiah, concerning whom prophecies were delivered fo long before in the Old Teftament. That he is the only Son of God, begotten from all eternity; it being faid concerning him that he came down from heaven, (John vi. 22.) and likewife that he made the world, (Heb. i. 2. Col. i. 15.) He is moreover, in many parts of fcripture, called the Son of God, and we are exprefly told that the Divine effence was communicated to him, (John xvi. 15.) and that in a manner entirely different from all created beings. (Heb. i. 13.) Who is likewife our Lord, by being the true Jehovah, or Lord. (Hef. i. 7. Matt. iii. 1.) All things were fubjected to his dominion. (Pfalm cx. 5.) By him we were redeemed from the power of the devil, who had formerly enslaved us. (Heb. ii, 44. Col. ii. 15.) By his blood he purchafed us, and we voluntarily became his fervants and followers by baptifm.

6. We moreover believe that tho' Chrift was literaily man, yet he was not produced after the ordinary methods of conception, but by the miraculous influence of the Holy Ghoft: (Luke i. 35.) Was born of Mary, a poor maid of David's race, who continued a virgin after that fupernatural birth. Luke i. 27.

7. That

Mary, 7. Suffered under Pontius Pilate, Was crucified, dead, and buried, 8. He defcended into Hell; 9. The third day he rofe again from the dead; 10. He afcended into Heaven, 11. and fitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; 12. From thence he fhall come to judge the quick and the dead.

13. I believe in the Holy Ghoft; 14. The holy Catho


That he fuffered an ignomenious death upon the cross, as was foretold by the prophet Isaiah; and that this came to pafs when Pontius Pilate was imperial procurator of Judea; that he was nailed to a cross, a dreadful and infamous punishment by which the Romans ufed to put their wicked flaves to death: that in this grievous torment he really expired; (Luke xxiii. 46. Mark xv. 37.) and after that was buried by a faithful difciple.

8. And defcended into hell or Hades, the abode destined for separate fouls

9. Three days after his crucifixion he rofe again, according to his own prediction, delivered in the xxvth chapter of the gofpel according to St Matthew.

10. After that, in the prefence of a great many witnefes worthy of credit, he afcended in a most glorious manner up into heaven, as the prophet had long before foretold, and was fhortly after promoted to a particular honour, which was never conferred upon any perfon before him.

11. He was admitted to fit on the right hand of God, which is the moft honourable place in heaven, wherein his fpiritual kingdom commences, and where he tramples upon the necks of his principal adverfaries, Sin, Satan, and Death.

12. Whence, at the end of the world, he shall come in a triumphant and glorious proceffion, accompanied with the angels, and have univerfal power conferred upon him to judge thofe who fhall then be alive, (1 Theff. iv. 15.) and those who shall be rescued from the tomb and reBored to life. Matt. xxv. 31.

13. I am thoroughly convinced that the Holy Ghost is God himself, and the third perfon of the blessed trinity; that he is not merely a virtue or grace, according to the erroneous opinion of fome, but a perfon (Epb. . 30.) who, in fcripture, generally goes by the name of the Comforter; and is exprefly named GOD in the vth chapter of the Acts, ver. the 4th. 14. I moreover believe that there are a number of men separated from the world by faith in Jesus Christ, that have remained from thee, and shall remain till the coming of Chrift; the collective body of thefe, I call the Catholic Church, which is, in fcripture, ftiled holy, on account of the boly profeffion of its members, tho' all do not live up to the purity enjoined by it. (Matt. xiii. 24.) It is likewife catholic, or univerfal, because it obtains generally in all parts of the world.

15, I be

lick Church; 15. The Communion of Saints; 16. The forgiveness of fins; 17. The refurrection of the body; 18. And the life everlafting. Amen.

And after that, thefe Prayers following, all devoutly kneeling; the Minifter firft pronouncing with a loud voice.

1. The Lord be with you. Anfw. 2. And with thy Spirit. Minifter 3. Let us pray.

4. Lord, have mercy upon us. 5. Chrift, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us,


15. I believe that there is a communion of the faints and chofen people of God, with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, and with all the faints in all the churches, now established in different parts of the earth; as alfo with all the faints departed this life.

16. I believe moreover, that, whereas we have by our fins incurred the difpleasure of the Almighty, we may, by the blood of Chrift, by which they are expiated, obtain the remiffion of them, not only in baptifm, but afterwards if our repentance be unfeigned.

17. I believe likewife the refurrection of the body, not only as a thing which may be effected by an omnipotent Being, to whom all things are poffible, but as a thing which was generally expected by the Jews: Job, xix. 25. Dan. xii. 2.) that this is clearly promifed under the Gospel, (Rom. xiv. 9.) and moreover, that the fame identical body fhall rife again. And finally, that the refurrection fhall be common, both to bad and good men, 1 Cor. xv. 23.

18. I moreover acknowledge, that bad men fhall exift to all eternity in torments; (Matt. xxv. 41, 46.) and that good men fhall enjoy a state of glory exempt from all forrow and inquietude; (Rev. xxi. 4.) that they hall be bleffed with the beatific vifion, (1 Cor. xiii. 12.) and enjoy ineffable pleafures, which furpafs the conceptions of mankind. (1 Cor. ii. 9.) Amen.

1. I now commend you, any good people, to the bleffing of the Almighty, in a form of salutation cuftomary among devout people under the old law. Ruth ii. 4.

2. And we, O facred Paftor, pray in the words of St Paul, that the Lord Jefus may be with your fpirit. 2 Tim. iv. 22.

3. I now advertise you, that after having liftened to the several parts of God's word, which have been repeated to you, and having made an open confeffion of your faith, you should with fervour, betake yourselves to devotion.

4. Lord be merciful to us in the remiffion of our fins. 5. Chrift be merciful to us, &c.


Then the Minifter, Clerks, and People, fhall fay the Lord's Prayer with a loud voice.

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UR Father, which art in Heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in Earth, As it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trefpaffes, as we forgive them that trefpafs against us. And lead us not into temptation;

but deliver us from evil.


See the Paraphrafe on the Lord's Prayer, Page 8, 9.

Then the Prieft ftanding up, shall say,

1. O Lord, fhew thy mercy upon us. Anfw. 2. And grant us thy falvation. Prieft. 3. O Lord, fave the King.

fw. 4. And mercifully hear us when we call upon thee. Prieft. 5. Endue thy minifters with righteoufnefs. Anfw. 6. And make thy chofen people joyful.

Pricft. 7. O Lord, fave thy people.

Anfw. 8. And blefs thine inheritance.

Pricft. 9. Give peace in our time, O Lord.

Anfw. 10. Because there is none other that fighteth for us, but only thou, O God.


Min. 1. We implore thee, O God, in the words of the Pfalmift, to fhew thy mercy upon us.

People. 2. And grant us thy falvation, that our fouls may enjoy everlafting happiness in heaven.

Prieft. 3. O Lord, preferve the life of our fovereign Lord the King. Prople. 4. And hear us favourably, when we call upon thy name, and intreat thee to afford him thy protection.

Min. 5. Let thy priests be clothed with the garment of righteousness. 1 Chron. vi. 41.

6. And let thy priefts exult with joy, and fing praifes to thy honour, ibid. Min. 7. O Lord, be gracious to the laity who are here affembled to pay thee adoration.

People. 8. And blefs the clergy, the lot of thine inheritance.

Min. 9. We apply to thee, O God, after the example of the virtuous princes of the paft ages, Solomon, Hezekiah, Jofiah, to give us peace and tranquillity, during our existence upon earth.

People. 10. For we are unable to procure it for ourselves; it is a blef

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