Sivut kuvina
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MAY 24, 1939

Entered, according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1870.


In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District
of New York.





Electrotyped by SMITH & MCDOUGAL, 82 and 84 Beekman St., N. Y.

Printed by S. W. GREEN, 16 Jacob St., N. Y.

hos 23, 30, 15.71. 58



TWENTY-THREE years of the most varied practical experience, have established convictions and formed opinions which few can cavil at. During these years I have directed Chorus-choirs of men and women, paid and volunteer; Quartet-choirs, paid and volunteer; choirs of children, as in the late Beekman Street St. George's Chapel, where the choir was composed of 69 boys and girls; choirs of men and boys, surpliced in the chancel as well as without surplices in the organ loft. My acquaintance with the Reverend the clergy has been almost equally varied. I have enjoyed the ministrations of some who were, in truth, excellent amateur musicians; of others whose estimation of Church Music was only in so far as it served to rest their own voices; of others, again, who persisted in regarding the Organist and Choir as irritating competitors with the clergyman in the race for popular admiration, and who systematically snubbed and mortified them by bobtailing their performances in consequence. Then again, I have served under the same consecrated roof with clergymen who were so apathetic and indifferent to the music that they would give out the same hymn three Lord's Days in succession, and never know it: others, again, who could not tell the difference between a Psalm-tune and an isosceles triangle if they were to die for it; from all of which I have deduced the following conclusions:

I. That the Congregations of the period are musically sick.

II. That the majority of the Clergymen of the period are musically indisposed. III. That most Organists and Choir-masters of the period are out of order in their musical economies.

IV. That Choir-singers of the period, either in professions or performance, are far from healthy.

V. That they all need physic. And, consequently,

VI. That I ought to assume the by no means pleasant but necessary office of "Gallipot-bearer extraordinary" to their Clerical, Musical, Organic, Vocal, Religious, Sincere, or Hypocritical Highnesses.

The compositions in this book, with but few exceptions, have been tried "like as silver is tried," so as by the fire of many years' service, either in public or in private. To persons who may not at once fancy certain tunes, I would respectfully repeat Mr. John Hullah's forcible remark, that "time is a surer guide than our fancy, for we often now love many tunes which we most disliked on a first hearing." I can but urge my sick friends to take my physic often and in large doses, and see if it does not do them good. Before such as are helplessly, hopelessly, incurably unmusical, I am mute; but to so-called musical persons who can hear such tunes as York, Crucifixion, The Old Hundredth (as here arranged from Havergal), Luther, Heber, Consolation, S. Saviour's, Seymour, Abasement, Hursely, S. Alphege, Ewing, Benediction, The War-song, S. Bride, Hullah, Cornell, and hear them unmoved, I would say that they are in a very bad state, and had better take even stronger or weaker physic than is here provided for them.

Many will object to the low keys of the entire book, but this is indispensably needed by boy-choirs. A capable organist can, of course, transpose to higher keys to suit women's voices, if desired, while choirs who employ blockheads for organists, to the injury of Artists, deserve to be bothered.

In conclusion, I would state that I have no idea that my physic is the best, purest, strongest, most palatable or most efficacious in market, but it is the best at my command, and I shall feel sincerely grateful for any suggestions for its improvement from Clergymen, Editors, Organists, Choir-masters or Choralists who may consider the subject of Church Music and the elevation of its general (not exceptional) tone as worthy of careful, nay, prayerful study and close attention.



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1 Joy is a fruit that will not grow
In nature's barren soil;

All we can boast, till Christ we know,
Is vanity and toil.

2 A bleeding Saviour, seen by faith,
A sense of pardoning love,

A hope that triumphs over death,
Give joys like those above.

3 These are the joys which satisfy
And purify the mind;

Which make the spirit mount on high,
And leave the world behind.

4 No more, believer, mourn thy lot; O thou who art the Lord's, Resign to those who know him not, Such joy as earth affords.

Psalm 96.

From the cxviii. Psalm of David.

1 Он, praise the Lord, for he is good,
His mercies ne'er decay;
That his kind favors ever last,
Let thankful Israel say.

2 Their sense of his eternal love

Let Aaron's house express; And that it never fails, let all

That fear the Lord confess.

3 Far better 'tis to trust in God,

And have the Lord our friend,
Than on the greatest human power
For safety to depend.

4 The Lord has been my help; the praise To him alone belongs;

He is my Saviour and my strength,
He only claims my songs.

Psalm 73. PART II.

From the xciv. Psalm of David.

1 BLESS'D is the man whom thou, O Lord,

In kindness dost chastise,

And by thy sacred rules to walk
Dost lovingly advise.

2 This man shall rest and safety find
In seasons of distress;
Whilst God prepares a pit for those
That stubbornly transgress.

3 For God will never from his saints
His favor wholly take;
His own possession and his lot
He will not quite forsake.

4 The world shall yet confess thee just In all that thou hast done;

[blocks in formation]

1 AWAKE, my soul, stretch every nerve, And press with vigor on;

A heavenly race demands thy zeal,
And an immortal crown.

2 A cloud of witnesses around,
Hold thee in full survey;
Forget the steps already trod,
And onward urge thy way.

And those that choose thy upright ways 3 'Tis God's all-animating voice

Shall in those paths go on.

Hymn 71.

1 Cor. xv. 20, 21, 22. Col. iii. 1.

1 CHRIST from the dead is raised, and made
The First-Fruits of the tomb;
For, as by man came death, by man
Did resurrection come.

2 For, as in Adam all mankind

Did guilt and death derive:
So, by the righteousness of Christ,
Shall all be made alive.

That calls thee from on high; 'Tis his own hand presents the prize To thine uplifted eye.

4 Then wake, my soul, stretch every nerve, And press with vigor on;

A heavenly race demands thy zeal,
And an immortal crown.


To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
The God whom we adore,
Be glory, as it was, is now,
And shall be evermore.

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