Sivut kuvina
[blocks in formation]

limited or special. II. 506.

Administrator. II. 496. IV. 421.

Admiralty causes. III. 106.

-, court of. III. 69. IV. 265.

Admiffion of a clerk. I. 390.
Admittance to copyholds. II. 370.
Admittendum clericum, writ ad. III. 250.
Ad quod damnum, writ of. II. 271.
Advertising for stolen goods. IV. 133.
Adultery. I. 441. III. 139. IV. 64,65.191.

Advocate. III. 26.

Advocatus fifci. III. 27.

Advowson. II. 21. IV. 419.

Aequitas fequitur legem. II. 330. III. 441.
Affectum, challenge propter. III. 363. IV.


Affeerors of amercements. IV. 373.

Affidavit. III. 304.

Affinity. I. 434-

Affirmance of judgments. III. 411.

Affray. IV. 145-

Age, action fufpended by. III. 300.



of confent to marriage. I. 436.

- -, withdrawing from. IV. 87.

Allodial property. II. 47. 60.
Allodium. II. 105.

Allowance of franchise. III. 263.

- pardons. IV. 394.

to bankrupts. II. 483.

Alluvion. II. 261.

Almanac, it's authority. III. 333.
Alteration of deeds. II. 308.
Amended bill in equity. III. 448.
Amendments at law. III. 406. IV. 432.
Amercement. II. xix. III. 376. III. v. vi.

xxiv. xxvi. IV. 372. 416.

-, action for. III. 159.

American colonies. I. 106.
Ancestor. II. 209.
Ancestors, how numerous. II. 203.
Ancestrel actions. III. 186.-

Animals, larciny of. IV. 235.
-, property in. II. 5.

Animus furandi. IV. 230. 232.


revertendi. II. 392.

Annual parliaments. I. 153.

perfons, how reckoned. I. 463. IV. Annuities. II. 40.

Aggregate corporation. I. 469.


fund. I. 328.

Agistment. II. 452.

Agnati. II. 234.

Agnus Dei, &c. IV. 115.

Agriculture, it's original. II. 7.

Aid-prayer. III. 299.

Aids, feodal. II. 63. 87. IV. 411.

- - -, parliamentary. I. 307.

Air, right to. II. 14.

Albinatus, jus. Ι. 372.374.

Alderman. 1. 116.

Alderney, ifland of. I. 106.

Alehouses. IV. 64. 168.

Alfred, his dome-book. I. 64. IV. 404.
Alias writ. III. 283. xv. IV. 314.

Alienation. II. 287.

---, fine for. II. 71. IV. 411.
-, forfeiture by. II. 268.

Alien-priories. I. 386. IV. 112.
Aliens. I. 366. 372. II. 249. 274. 293. IV.


----duty. I. 316. 372. 374-
Alimony. I. 441. III. 94.

Annulum et baculum, investiture per. I. 378.

Annus luctus. I. 457.

Answer in chancery. III. 446.

upon oath. III. 100.

[blocks in formation]

Antient demesne. I. 286. II. 99.

Apparent, heir. II. 208.

Appeal by approvers. IV. 324.

how differing from writ of error.


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

dean of. III. 65.

[blocks in formation]

of arms. II. 66.

bread, breaking. IV. 157.

-, rent of. II. 42.


writ of. III. 184. IV. 415.

-, implied. III. 161.

Areopagus, court of. III. 365. IV. 169. 342. Assumpfit, express. III. 157.

Aristocracy. I. 49.

Armed, being unusually. IV. 148.

Armies. I. 262.

standing. I. 413. IV. 412.432.434.

Armorial ensigns. II. 428. III. 105.

Armour, &c. embezzling the king's. IV.


[blocks in formation]


-, refiding abroad. IV. 160.

Afsurances, common. II. 294.

Attachment against witnesses. III. 369.

-, covenant for farther. II. xi.



for contempts. IV. 280.

in chancery. III. 443, 444.

[blocks in formation]

with proclama-

-, writ of. III. 280. xiii.
Attachments, court of. III. 71.
Attainder. II. 251. IV. 373.

-, act of. IV. 256.
Attaint, grand jury in. III. 351.

-, writ of. III. 402. IV. 354.

Attempt to rob. IV. 242.

Attainted persons. II. 290. IV. 373.

steal fish. IV. 235.

Attestation of deeds. II. 307. i. iii. xii. xiii.

devises. II. 376.

Attorney at law. III. 25.

Attorney-general. III. 27.

-, action againft. III. 164.

-, information by. III. 261.

-, transporting them. IV. 160.

As, Roman, divisions of. II. 462.

427. IV. 304.

Attornment. II. 72. 288.

Aubaine, droit de. I. 372.

Afcendants excluded from inheriting. II. Audita querela, writ of. III. 404.


Asportation. IV. 231.

Affault. III. 120. IV. 145. 216.

- -, costs in actions for. III. 400.

Assembly of estates. I. 147.

- - - - -, riotous or unlawful. IV. 146.

Auditors in account. III. 163.

Averium. II. 424.

Averment. III. 308. 312. IV. 334.
Augmentation of vicarages and curacies.

I. 388.

Aula regia, or regis. III. 37. IV. 409.415.


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Bounties on exportation. I. 315.

Canons of a church. I. 383.

inheritance. II. 208.

1603. I. 83.


Bourdeaux, mayor of, his certificate. III. Capacity of guilt. IV. 20.

to purchase or convey. II. 290.

Bracton. I. 72. IV. 418.

Capias ad audiendum judicium. IV. 368.

Branding, in the hand or face. IV. 360.

[blocks in formation]

refpondendum. III. 281. xiv. IV.

Breach of clofe. III. 209.

covenant. III. 155.

[blocks in formation]

duty, action for. III. 163.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

314. 422. iii.

fatisfaciendum. III. 414. xxvi.

in withernam. III. 129. 148. 413.

pro fine. III. 398.

- utlagatum. III. 284 xvii. IV. 315.

Capiatur, judgment quod. III. 398. xii.

Capita, distribution per. II. 517.

-, fucceffion per. II. 218.

Capital punishment. IV. 9. 18. 237. 370.

Bribery in elections. I. 178.


magifrates. IV. 139.

Capite, tenants in. II. 60.

Bridges. I. 357. IV. 417.

Captives. II. 402.

[blocks in formation]

Captures at fea. II. 401.

British conftitution. I. 50.

Caput lupinum. IV. 315.


iflands. I. 104.

Carnal knowlege of infants. IV. 212.

Britons, antient, their laws. I. 63. IV. 401. Carrier, action against. III. 164.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

trial by. III. 333.

[ocr errors]

Children, their duties. I. 453.

Certiorari facias. IV. 259. 262. 269. 315. Chirograph. II. 296.

Ceffavit, writ of. III. 232.

Ceffio bonorum. II. 473. 483.

Ceffion of a benefice. I. 392.

Ceftuy que trust. II. 328.


vie. II. 123.

[blocks in formation]

of a fine. II. xv.

[blocks in formation]

part of the law of England.

Church, marriage in. I. 439.




-, offences against. IV. 50.

-, or churchyard, affrays in. IV. 145-

rate. I. 395. III. 92.

-, repairs of. III. 92.

university, his court. III. Churchwardens. I. 394.

Chance-medley. IV. 184.

Chancery, court of. III. 46. IV. 429.

[blocks in formation]

Cinque ports, courts of. III. 79-

Circuits. III. 58. IV. 415. 417.

Circumstantial evidence. III. 371.

Citation. III. 100.

[blocks in formation]

- law. I. IV. 414.415.

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