Commentaries On The Laws Of England, Nide 4Clarendon Press, 1769 - 436 sivua |
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Tulokset 1 - 5 kokonaismäärästä 25
Sivu 70
... respect , when violated through wantonnefs or infolence , it is declared by the ftatute 7 Ann . c . 12. that all procefs whereby the perfon of any embaffador , or of his domestic or domestic servant , may be ar- refted , or his goods ...
... respect , when violated through wantonnefs or infolence , it is declared by the ftatute 7 Ann . c . 12. that all procefs whereby the perfon of any embaffador , or of his domestic or domestic servant , may be ar- refted , or his goods ...
Sivu 77
... respect to his title : for it is held , that a king de facto and not de jure , or in other words an ufurper that hath got poffeffion of the throne , is a king within the meaning of the statute ; as there is a temporary allegiance due to ...
... respect to his title : for it is held , that a king de facto and not de jure , or in other words an ufurper that hath got poffeffion of the throne , is a king within the meaning of the statute ; as there is a temporary allegiance due to ...
Sivu 88
... respecting the coinage , which are made treason by the statute 25 Edw . III . are the actual counterfeiting the gold and filver coin of this king- dom ; or the importing fuch counterfeit money with intent to utter it , knowing it to be ...
... respecting the coinage , which are made treason by the statute 25 Edw . III . are the actual counterfeiting the gold and filver coin of this king- dom ; or the importing fuch counterfeit money with intent to utter it , knowing it to be ...
Sivu 145
... respect to the particular place ought to restrain and regulate men's behaviour , more than in common ones ; as în the king's court , and the like . And upon the fame account also all affrays in a church or church - yard are esteemed ...
... respect to the particular place ought to restrain and regulate men's behaviour , more than in common ones ; as în the king's court , and the like . And upon the fame account also all affrays in a church or church - yard are esteemed ...
Sivu 150
... respect to the effence of a libel , whether the matter of it be true or falfe " ; fince the provocation , and not the falfity , is the thing to be punished criminally : though , doubtless , the falfhood of it may aggravate it's guilt ...
... respect to the effence of a libel , whether the matter of it be true or falfe " ; fince the provocation , and not the falfity , is the thing to be punished criminally : though , doubtless , the falfhood of it may aggravate it's guilt ...
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
acceffory accuſed act of parliament alfo alſo anſwer antient attainder becauſe benefit of clergy cafe caſe cauſe circumſtances civil commiffion committed common law confequence conftitution conviction courſe court court-leet crime criminal crown death Edward Coke Eliz England Engliſh eſcape eſtabliſhed execution faid fame fecond feems felony fhall fince firſt fome forfeit forfeiture fpecies fuch fuffer fufficient guilty hath Hawk high treaſon himſelf houſe huſband iffue impriſonment indictment inflicted Inft inſtances itſelf judge judgment juriſdiction jury juſtice kill king king's kingdom larciny laſt leaſt lord ment miſdemefnors moſt murder muſt neceffary oath obſerved occafioned offence againſt otherwiſe pardon parliament party peace penalties perfon plea praemunire preſent principal priſoner proceſs profecution puniſhment purpoſe reign reſpect ſame ſeems ſeveral ſhall ſhe ſheriff ſhould ſome ſpecies ſtanding ſtate ſtatute ſtealing ſtill ſubject ſuch themſelves theſe thoſe trial univerfal unleſs uſe uſually weregild writ