Sivut kuvina

How fearful

And dizzy 'tis to cast one's eyes so low!
Shakspeare. King Lear.

Not the dreadful spout,

Which shipmen do the hurricano call,
Shall dizzy with more clamour Neptune's ear
In his descent, than shall my prompted sword
Falling on Diomede. Id. Troilus and Cressida.
All on a sudden miserable pain
Surprised thee, dim thine eyes and dizzy swam
In darkness.
Milton's Paradise Lost.

Fixed seriousness heats the brain in some to distraction, and causeth an aching and dizziness in sounder heads. Glanville.

You who have stood all storms and never sunk,
And climbed up to the pinnacle of power,
And never fainted by the way, and stand
Upon it, and can look down steadily
Along the depth beneath, and ne'er feel dizzy.

Byron. DLUGOSS (John Longinus), a Polish divine, was born in 1415. Having received his education at Cracow, he was taken into the service of the bishop, who gave him some considerable preferments, and appointed him one of his executors. In 1450 Dlugoss went to Palestine, and became on his return tutor to the sons of Casimir IV. He was at one time disgraced, but recalled at the end of three years, and employed on many state affairs. At length he became archbishop of Leopold, but died in 1480, before consecration. His principal work is Historia Polonica, 1615, folio; and 1712. His other writings are 1. Vita St. Stanislai, 1611. 2. Polocensium Episcoporum Vitæ, fol. 3. Vitæ Episcoporum Postpasiensium, 4to. DMITROU, a town and circle of European Russia, in the government of Moscow, on the river Jachroma, The environs are celebrated for yellow and white apples, as also for a beautiful palace of the counts of Soltikof, to which the French set fire in 1812. Here are manufactories of cloth, leather, porcelain, and a yearly fair for horses on the 5th of September, which lasts a fortnight. It is thirty-two miles north of Moscow. DNIEPER, DNEPER, or NIEPER, the ancient Boristhenes, a large river of Europe, rising in the government of Smolensko, running a long course in a south direction, and falling into the Black Sea, between Cherson and Ockzakov. From its source to its mouth, it flows entirely through the Russian dominions, a course of above 800 miles, and its navigation is only once interrupted by a series of cataracts which begin below the mouth of the Samara, and continue for about forty miles. They are not so dangerous but they may be passed in spring by loaded barks. At other seasons, the goods are landed at Kemensk, and transported by land to Kitchkase, six miles from Alexandrowsk, where they are again embarked and descend the river to Cherson. These cataracts might be rendered navigable at all seasons; and, although the expense would be considerable, the navigation would soon repay

it. In 1784 the empress Catherine II. caused some of the rocks which occasioned these water

falls to be blown up, but without any material benefit to the navigation. Above its mouth the river widens into a kind of lake or marsh, called

Liman. The lower part of its course has been the scene of many conflicts between the Turks and Russians, and the upper part, in the neighbourhood of Smolensko, was the scene of some severe conflicts in Buonaparte's retreat in November 1812. Its principal tributary streams are the Berezyna, the Priepitz, the Rose and the Bog. The water, though often unfit for domestic use, abounds in fish, particularly shad, sturgeon, pike, and carp. The chief towns which it passes are Smolensko, Orcha, Mohilev, Bobryow, Kiev, Crementchong, Ekaterinoslav, Nicopol, and Cher


DNIESTER, or NIESTER, the ancient Tyras, a fine river of Europe, which rises in Austrian Galicia, and running south-east visits Choczim, dividing Podolia from Moldavia: it then separates the Turkish province of Bessarabia, from the Russian government of Catherinenslaf, and after watering Egerlik, Bender, &c., falls into the Black Sea, between the mouths of the Dnieper and the Danube. At its mouth it forms a large bay, and though somewhat dangerous to navigate, on account of rocks, the improvements lately made in it by the Russian government have induced the Poles to send a considerable portion of the produce of their soil through its medium, to the port of Odessa.

DO, v. a. & v. n.
DO'ER, n. s.

Sax. don; Teut. thuen; Goth. doga, from Goth. taujan; Gr. τεύχω, το build. Coming into our language in modern times from the same root as to, Mr. Tooke (Diversions of Purley) contends that it is the same word; and that, as we still put to before the infinitive, do used formerly to mark other parts of a verb not distinguished by their terminations. See To. We still, indeed, often say, when we wish to speak emphatically or formally, I do love; I did go, &c. Its present office, as an auxiliary verb, is, however, as Mr. Tyrwhitt observes, not very easy to define. But if a distinguishing termination is used with a verb, it is always omitted. It has a peculiar expletive use: thus it will perform the office of a substitute for other verbs, expressed or understood, as, I shall go, but if I Do not, will you? and beside giving emphasis on other occasions, as we have noticed, it adds vehemence to a command or entreaty, as, Do come, do; and strength to a question or negative, as, Do you love him? I do not believe him. As an active verb it signifies to practise; perform; execute with any degree of success; as also to finish and complete: Spen

ser uses it for to cause to be done. As a neuter

verb it signifies to behave in any manner; to fare in regard to health; to succeed; to cease. The meaning of the nouns obviously follows.

Therfore whanne thou doist almes, nyle thou trumpe bifore thee as ypocrites don in synagogis and stretis, that thei be worschippid of men.

Wiclif. Matt. vi.
To him not without desert was ghouun power to
write the doyngis of apostlis in her mynysterie.
Wiclif. Prologe to Dedis.

Unto this day they do after the former manners: they fear not the Lord, neither do they after the law and commandment which the Lord commanded the 2 Kings. children of Jacob.


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My lute, adieu! perform the last Labour that thou and I shall waste, And end that I have now begun; For when this song is sung and past, My lute, be still, for I have done. For steward was excessive Gluttony, That of his plenty poured forth to all: Which doen, the chamberlain Slowth did to rest them call. Spenser. Faerie Queene.

A fatal plague which many did to dye. Spenser. In this we shew ourselves weak, and unapt to be doers of his will, in that we take upon us to be controllers of his wisdom. Hooker. Dangerous it were for the feeble brains of man to wade far into the doings of the most High. Id. They are great speakers but small doers; greater in

show than in deed.

Thou canst not say I did it.

Knolles's History. Shakspeare.

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No man, who hath to do with the king, will think himself safe, unless you be his good angel and guide him. Bacon.

The jury prayed of the senate a guard, that they might do their consciences. Id.

The Turks do acknowledge God the Father creator of heaven and earth, being the first Person in the Trinity, though they deny the rest.

Bacon's Holy War. Too much thinking doth consume the spirits; and oft it falls out, that while one thinks too much of doing, he leaves to do the effect of his thinking.

Sir P. Sidney.

Hitherto appertaineth the saying of St. John, how that the children of God cannot sin; speaking not of the present time only, but finally and perpetually, no less attributing to God's seed, which he saith doth

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I have been deterred by an indisposition from having much to do with steams of so dangerous a Boyle. Men are many times brought to that extremity, that, if it were not for God, they would not know what to do with themselves, or how to enjoy themselves for one hour. Tillotson. When all is done, there is no man can serve his own interest better than by serving God. Id. No men would make use of disunited parties to destroy one body, unless they were sure to master them when they had done with them. Stillingfleet.

It may be indeed a public crime, or a national mischief; yet it is but a private act, and the doer of it may chance to pay his head for his presumption.


As every prince should govern as he would desire to be governed, so every subject ought to obey as he would desire to be obeyed, according to the maxim of doing as we would be done by. Temple.

-Loose me.-I will free thee.
-Do, and I'll be thy slave.

Dryden's King Arthur.
When did his pen on learning fix a brand,
Or rail at arts he did not understand? Dryden.
Gigantick hinds, as soon as work was done,
To their huge pots of boiling pulse would run. Id.
Though lending to foreigners, upon use, doth not
at all alter the balance of trade between those coun-

tries, yet it does alter the exchange between those Locke.


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Part of the work being already done, more care is naturally bestowed on the other part. Johnson.

O my soul, look back but a few years, and thou wast nothing-And how didst thou spring out of that nothing?--Thou couldst not make thyself. Mason.

What I have done is done; I bear within

A torture which could nothing gain from thine :
The mind which is immortal makes itself
Requital for its good or ill.

DO, in music, a note of the Italian scale, cor-
responding to ut of the common gamut. See

DOAB; a name which, according to Mr. Hamilton, should include all the territory between the Jumna and the Ganges; but the term is usually restricted to the southern portion of it, comprehended, for the most part, in the province of Agra, and, during the Mogul government, subdivided into the districts of Furruckabad, Kanoge, Etaweh, Korah, Currah, and Allahabad. There are several Doabs in Hindostan, the name meaning any tract of country included between two rivers.

The cultivated part of this country is very fertile. Tamarind and mango trees abound every where; the millet is also raised, and, although a small-eared grain, furnishes straw ten feet long, which is of great use as provender. Barley and the sugar-cane are likewise cultivated; and, in the neighbourhood of Kanoge, considerable quantities of tobacco. Indigo is found in a wild state, and of superior quality. The cattle are generally small. The climate of the Doab is excessively sultry in April and May, before the commencement of the rains; and even in the winter season it is the morning only that is cool. The natives manufacture a coarse cotton cloth, dyed red with cheap materials. Dowlet Row Sindia on the 30th December 1803, ceded his part of this country to the British. The southern part of the Doab was ceded, during the administration of the marquis Wellesley, in 1801, by the reigning Nabob of Oude, Saadet Ali.

DOABEH BARRY, or BARI RESIDENCE, a district in the province of Lahore, situated between the Beyah and Ravey rivers, and the thirtieth and thirty-first degrees of north latitude. In modern maps this territory is placed in Mooltan; but, according to Abul Fazel's arrangement, in 1582, says Mr. Hamilton, it belonged to Lahore. This country, named also Manjha, contains the cities of Lahore and Amritseer; and becomes, in consequence, the great centre of the power of the seiks. It is of the same general climate and soil as

DOABEH JALLINDER, another district in the province of Lahore, included between the

Sutuleje and Beyah rivers, and for the most part between the thirtieth and thirty-first degrees of north latitude. This is the most fruitful of all the possessions of the seiks. The soil is light, but well watered and very productive; and the country, which is open and level, abounds in grain. The principal towns are Jalindra and Sultanpoor. This territory is principally occupied by the Malawa Singh Seiks, who are called the Doabeh Singhs, or Singhs who dwell betwixt two rivers.

DOAT, v.n. See DOTE.

DOBSON (William), an eminent English portrait and historical painter, born at London in 1610. He served an apprenticeship with cne Peck, a stationer and picture dealer; and owed his improvement to the copying some pictures of Titian and Van Dyck, whose manner he always retained. A picture of Dobson's being exposed at a shop in Snowhill, Van Dyck passing by was struck with it; and enquiring after the author, found him at work in a garret. Van Dyck generously equipped him in a manner suitable to his merit; and presented him to king Charles I. who took him under his protection, kept him with him at Oxford all the time he continued in that city, and not only sat to him several times for his picture, but caused the prince of Wales, prince Rupert, and most of the lords of his court, to do so too. Dobson, however, being extravagant, did not improve the many opportunities he had of making his fortune; and died very poor in 1647, at his house in St. Martin's Lane.

DOBUNI, or BODUNI, an ancient people of Britain, who possessed the territory which now forms the counties of Oxford and Gloucester. Both the names of this British people seem to have been derived from the low situation of a great part of the country which they inhabited: for both Duvn and Bodun, signify profound, or low, in the ancient language of Gaul and Britain. The Dobuni are not mentioned among the British nations who resisted the Romans under Julius Cæsar, which was probably owing to the distance of their country from the scene of action; and before the next invasion under Claudius, they had been so much oppressed by their ambitious neighbours the Cattivellauni, that they willingly submitted to the Romans. Cogidunus, who was at that time prince of the Dobuni, recommended himself so effectually to the favor of Claudius, by his ready submission, that he was not only continued in the government of his own territories, but had other states put under his authority. This prince remained so steady a friend and ally to the Romans, that his subjects never revolted, nor stood in need of forts or forces to keep them in subjection. So that we meet with very few Roman towns and stations in the country anciently inhabited by the Dobuni. The Durocornovium of Antoninus, and the Corinium of Ptolemy, are believed by antiquaries to have been the same place, the capital of the Dobuni, aud situated at Cirencester, in Gloucestershire, where there are many marks of a Roman station. Clevum or Glevum, in the thirteenth iter of Antoninus, stood where the city of Gloucester now stands; and Abone, in the fourteenth iter, was probably situated at Avinton on the Severn.

The country of the Dobuni was comprehended in the Roman province, Britannia Prima.

DOCE Rio, a river of Brasil, which rises near the town of Villa Rica, and after a north course, through a fine country, turns eastward and discharges itself into the Atlantic, in lat. 19° 30' S. It has a course of about 500 miles. Until lately the fertile neighbourhood of this river has been totally neglected: otherwise the abun dance of timber, cotton, and sugar, it is capable of yielding, would long since have found their way to European markets. There is another river of this name, which falls into the ocean in lat. 8° 10′ S.

DOCETÆ, from doke, to appear, in ecclesiastical history, the followers of Julius Cassianus, one of the Valentinian sect, towards the close of the second century, who revived a notion that had been adopted by a branch of the Gnostics, against whom St. John, Ignatius, and Polycarp, had asserted the truth of the incarnation. They believed and taught, as their name imports, that the actions and sufferings of Jesus Christ were not in reality, but only in appearance. DOCILITY, n. s. Fr. docile; Span. and Do'CILE, adj. Portug. docil; Ital. and Do'CIBLE, adj. Lat. docibile, docile, from Do'CIBLENESS, n.s. facilis easy, and doceo to teach; Gr. dokεw, to judge, pr, à Chald. to observe. Teachableness; aptness to receive instruction. The adjectives and substantives are respectively, synonymous.

The asinine feast of sow-thistles and brambles is commonly set before them, as all the food and entertainment of their tenderest and most docible age.


I might enlarge in commendation of the noble hound, as also of the docibleness of dogs in general. Walton's Angler.

What is more admirable than the fitness of every creature for our use? the docility of an elephant, and the insitiency of a camel for travelling in deserts? Grew.

All the perfection they allowed his understanding was aptness and docility, and all that they attributed to his will was a possibility to be virtuous.

Soon docile to the secret acts of ill, With smiles I could betray, with temper kill.



Dogs soon grow accustomed to whatever they are taught, and, being docile and tractable, are very useful. Ellis's Voyage.

DOCIMASIA, in Greek antiquity, a probation of the magistrates and persons employed in public business at Athens. It was performed publicly in the forum, where they were obliged to give account of themselves and their past lives before certain judges. Among several questions proposed to them, we find the following: whether they had been dutiful to their parents, had served in the wars, and had a competent estate?

DOCIMASTIC ART, a name given to the art of assaying by operations in small, the nature and quantity of metallic or other matters which may be obtained from mineral or other compound bodies. See METALLURGY and REFINING. DOCIMENUM MARMOR, a name given by the ancients to a species of marble of a bright and clear white, much used in large and sump

tuous buildings. It had its name from Docime-
nos, a city of Phrygia, near which it was dug,
and whence it was sent to Rome. It was ac-
counted little inferior to the Parian in color, but
not capable of so elegant a polish; whence it
was less used by the statuaries, or in the
smaller works. Adrian used this marble in
building the temple of Jupiter; and many other
of the great Roman buildings are formed of it.
DOCK, n. s. Sax. bocca.
A plant; a weed.

Nothing teems
But hateful docks, rough thistles, kecksies, burs,
Losing both beauty and utility.

Shakspeare. Henry V. My love for gentle Dermot faster grows Than yon tall dock that rises to thy nose: Cut down the dock, 'twill sprout again; but know, Love rooted out again will never grow. Swift. several of them being used in medicine The species are seventeen, ten of which grow wild, ; and the sort called the oriental burdock, is said to be the true rhubarb.

Dock, in botany. See RUMEX.


Dock, v. a. & n. s. Į From Fr.ecouer, decouer, DOCK'ET, n. s. Sto dock, à Lat.cauda, a tail. To cut short, or trim: as a substantive, the thing trimmed or cut short: a docket is an abridged writing, a summary of legal proceedings.

The Rove was a slendre colerike man,
His berd was shave as neighe as ever he can,
His here was by his eres round yshorne;
His top was docked like a priest beforne.

Chaucer. Prologue to Cant. Tales. The tail of a great rhinoceros is not well described by Bontius. The dock is about half an inch thick, and two inches broad, like an apothecary's spatula. Grew's Museum.

One or two stood constant century, who docked all favours handed down; and spread a huge invisible net between the prince and subject, through which nothing of value could pass. Swift's Examiner.

Dock, n. s. & v. a. Flem. dok; Teut. dock; Swed. docka; Suid-Goth, docka; perhaps from dekken, to cover, protect, secure; and all these from Gr. doxtov, a receptacle; vwdToikog (the ship-house), a dock. An enclosed receptacle for ships: see the article. Also an enclosed place for prisoners in a court of justice. As a verb, to put in dock.

The boatswain and mariner may bring religion to what dock they please. Howel.

There are docks for their gallies and men of war, as well as work-houses for all land and naval preparations.


Dock, in the manege, is used for a large case of leather, as long as the dock of a horse's tail, which serves it for a cover. The French call the dock troussequeue. It is made fast by straps to the crupper, and has leathern thongs that pass between his thighs, and along his flanks to the saddle straps, in order to keep the tail tight, and to hinder it from whisking about.

Dоcks, for shipping, are enclosed excavations or basins formed in rivers and harbours, for the receiving, building, or repairing of ships. They are constructed of brick, stone, or timber; with locks or flood-gates, pointed to or from the tide, to keep the water in or out, as the object and nature of the docks require.

WET DOCKS are for the reception of ships to lie afloat while loading or unloading, with gates pointed from the tide, to keep the water in at low water. Locks are attached to them, generally with double gates, for the more easy admission and egress of shipping; and, to aid the operation of opening and shutting these gates, sluices are made within to regulate the water, until the same level is produced within as without. A wet dock without gates is called, both by the French and ourselves, a basin; a dry dock is with them une forme, and a slip, un calle. Wet docks are in fact artificial harbours for the keeping a vessel afloat at all periods of the tide; and to no other modern improvement do our great commercial towns owe so much of their general superiority and opulence. Liverpool, as it has been often remarked, might still have remained a poor fishing village without them.

Basins, or docks open to the tide, are called DRY DOCKS, because the vessels frequenting them ground at low water, and lie dry on the ebb tide, and float again on the next rise of the tide. They are used at Liverpool as entrances to the wet docks, and are frequented by coasters, and small or light vessels, that do not injure by lying on the shore. Dry as well as wet docks are enclosed with gates which exclude the tide as circumstances may require; and often have the interior water completely pumped out by means of horses and machinery, or the steam engine. Here ships are conveniently built and floated out: though generally there are places set apart for this purpose, called slips. The port of Liverpool, from the badness of its harbour, the rapidity of the river Mersey, and the shifting of its sands, resorted to the construction of docks in 1708. The management of the first undertaking of this kind was invested in the corporation for the term of twenty-one years, which gave for this purpose four acres of land; and they were empowered to borrow the sum of £6000. In 1717 the term was prolonged for fourteen years, and they were authorised to borrow £4000 more. In 1737 the term was further extended to thirty-one years, and powers given to make an additional dock, to build a pier in the open harbour, and to light the docks. The corporation on this occa sion gave seven acres of land, and they were empowered to borrow £6000. In 1761 the commerce of Liverpool was so much increased, and its shipping had become so numerous, and so enlarged in size, that further accommodation was wanting. The term of the corporation's management was again extended for twenty-one years, with powers to make another dock, and to erect a light-house for the benefit of the port; for these purposes they were authorised to borrow the sum of £25,000, and to raise the further sum of £2000 on the light-house duties. In 1784 the powers of all the former acts were enlarged, and the term extended to forty-one years, with liberty to make two additional docks and piers, and to borrow for this purpose £70,000. In 1799 an act was passed to alter and enlarge the powers of former acts, and to render the docks and the port more commodious and safe; by which a further extension of term was granted

for thirty years. The corporation again gave some lands, and they were empowered to make two additional docks, and other docks; with liberty to raise the sum of £120,000, and to double the former tolls.

Under the authority of these various acts of parliament the several docks have been constructed, and it has been found that each successive improvement, by affording additional convenience to foreign trade, has been followed by its increase, and prepared the way for the further extension of this excellent system of accommodation. In the course of the last century there were established within this port six wet and three dry docks, and five graving or repairing docks, independent of the Duke of Bridgewater's dock, for canal purposes. In the ten years, ending with 1808, the number of ships that entered these docks was 48,497, tonnage 4,954,204; and the dock duties received £329,566; in the following ten years, ending in 1818, the number of ships was 60,200, the tonnage 6,375,560, and the amount of duties £666,438. Hull, Bristol, and Leith, have successfully emulated this example.

In 1794 a general meeting of merchants was convened, to consider the great inconveniences of the port of London, arising from the crowded state of the river, and the confined extent of the legal quays; when a committee was appointed to consider of the best mode of relief, who took into consideration all the plans which had been suggested, when they approved of the plan for making wet docks in Wapping with wharfs and warehouses on their borders, as the most effectual means of remedying the evils of the port. In consequence of this determination, Mr. Daniel Alexander, an ingenious architect and surveyor, who was conversant with operations connected with the tide, was directed to make a survey, and prepare plans and estimates for forming docks at Wapping, with the addition of a cut or canal leading to them, from that part of Blackwall where the present East India docks are now situated, and a long line where the West India docks have been since constructed. The plan and estimates were laid before a meeting of merchants, held 22d December, 1795, and the sum of £800,000 subscribed towards their completion in a few hours. A committee was appointed to make application to parliament, who presented a petition in January 1796, which was referred to a select committee of the house of commons, who were directed to enquire into the best mode of providing sufficient accommodation for the increased trade and shipping of the port of London.' The project of the merchants experienced great opposition both from the corporation of the city of London and from private interests; and a great variety of plans and projects were brought forward for the extension of the legal quays above and below the bridge, and the improvement of the river with or without docks. At length, through the great exertions and perseverance of William Vaughan, esq. assisted by several other highly respectable mercantile characters, the various obstacles to the plan of the London docks were successively overcome, and in August, 1798,

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