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and GOD alone

will come to us.

The second property of Death is, that its time, place, and manner is hidden from us, knows how and when it "As a thief in the night," saith our Blessed LORD, so shall the hour of our summons steal upon us. And therefore did He say unto all His followers, "Watch." Watch, not in palsied fear, as those who dread some uncertain, overwhelming danger; but watch rather as they who look to be summoned to the bosom of their loved One, and who would fain have made ready all their concerns, so as to rise up promptly and gladly when at length they are called and go forth. O my soul, gird thee with the mortification of all thy vices and passions, and take in thy hands the burning torches of holiness and charity; and thus watch ever for the coming of CHRIST: for He will come when thou art least thinking thereof: and that hour in which thou art most forgetful shall peradventure be the one which He has appointed. Bethink thee how it will be with thee if He come and find thee unready?

Another property of Death is, that it cometh but once. Once the struggle over -once Satan defeated-once GOD's angels triumphing over the soul set free from sin and peril-once Jordan's cold waters passed-once a safe shelter found in Abra

ham's bosom-once the golden gates open -once the victory over the grave wonand then we shall never again know doubt, or fear, or pain. But also once to the impenitent and hardened: for him once Satan triumphs, GoD's holy angels mourn, and the golden gates close: for "where the tree falleth, there it must lie."

O my soul, make ready while it is yet time; consider, mourn for, and confess thy sins now, so that when thine hour cometh, thou mayest be found ready. If the house of thine heart be not put in order, how wilt thou then long for one little hour of time, and yet long in vain. Send thy goods before thee to that unknown land, that thou be not all unfurnished in thy need. Store up thy treasure of time, wealth, affections, talents, whatsoever they be, there, where nothing can change or damage it, and where tenfold interest is ever laid to all thou hast, through the merits of Thy SAVIOUR and Master.

O Eternal LORD and GOD, in Whose Hands are the souls of the just, and under Whose loving care and protection the anguish of death cannot reach them; take from my soul all inordinate love of the things of this life; that I may be ready to rise up and meet Thy call whenever it please Thee to summon me. Teach me how to die

daily to all earthly delights and longings. Grant me ever to have my soul in my hand, and O do Thou receive her into Thy loving Hands, whence no power of the devil can ever wrest her. Help me so to benefit by the holy life and death of Thy most dear SON JESUS CHRIST, that in the hour of my death I may be received into His pierced Hands, and borne by them to the repose of His glory, Who with Thee and the HOLY GHOST liveth and reigneth One GOD, world without end. Amen.

Receive, O LORD, Thy servant into the place of Salvation, of which I have no hope save in Thy mercy. Amen.

Deliver, O LORD, the soul of Thy servant from all the dangers of hell, and from all tribulations. Amen.

Deliver, O LORD, the soul of Thy servant, as Thou didst deliver Enoch and Elias from the death common to all men. Amen. Deliver, O LORD, the soul of Thy servant, as Thou didst deliver Noah from the flood. Amen.

Deliver, O LORD, the soul of Thy servant, as Thou didst deliver Abraham from Ur of the Chaldees. Amen.

Deliver, O LORD, the soul of Thy servant, as Thou didst deliver Job from all his sufferings. Amen.

Deliver, O LORD, the soul of Thy servant,

as Thou didst deliver Isaac from being sacrificed by the hand of his father. Amen.

Deliver, O LORD, the soul of Thy servant, as Thou didst deliver Lot from the flames of Sodom. Amen.

Deliver, O LORD, the soul of Thy servant, as Thou didst deliver Moses from the hand of the Egyptians. Amen.

Deliver, O LORD, the soul of Thy servant, as Thou didst deliver Daniel from the lions' den. Amen.

Deliver, O LORD, the soul of Thy servant, as Thou didst deliver the Three Children from the burning fiery furnace. Amen. Deliver, O LORD, the soul of Thy servant, as Thou didst deliver Peter and Paul out of prison. Amen.

Vouchsafe, O LORD, to deliver the soul of Thy servant, and make it to rejoice with Thee in the delights of Heaven for ever. Amen.

O GOD, Who in condemning us to death hast concealed from us the moment of its occurrence; Grant, that spending all the days of my life in holiness and righteousness, I may have the happiness to breathe my last in Thy love; through JESUS CHRIST our LORD. Amen.

Our FATHER, &c.


Voce mea.

I will cry unto GOD with my voice : even unto GOD will I cry with my voice, and He shall hearken unto me.

In the time of my trouble I sought the LORD my sore ran, and ceased not in the night season; my soul refused comfort.

When I am in heaviness, I will think upon GOD: when my heart is vexed, I will complain.

Thou holdest mine eyes waking: I am so feeble, that I cannot speak.

I have considered the days of old : and the years that are past.

I call to remembrance my song: and in the night I commune with mine own heart, and search out my spirit.

Will the LORD absent Himself for ever: and will He be no more intreated ?

Is His mercy clean gone for ever : and is His promise come utterly to an end for evermore?

Hath GOD forgotten to be gracious: and will He shut up His loving-kindness in displeasure?

And I said, it is mine own infirmity: but I will remember the years of the right hand of the Most Highest.

I will remember the works of the LORD: and call to mind Thy wonders of old time.


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