Sivut kuvina

FOR MARCH, 1832.


The Directors have engaged the following ministers to preach at the next Annual Meetings in May:

Rev. JOHN JONES, Birmingham.

Rev. JOHN MORISON, D. D., Chelsea.
Rev. JAMES THOMPSON, D. D., Paisley.

(Further particulars in a future Number.)


The Officers of the Ladies' Auxiliary Societies in London and its vicinity are respectfully requested to meet at the Mission House, Austin Friars, on Wednesday, the 28th instant (March), at twelve o'clock, to pay in their subscriptions and collections for the year. The Rev. Dr. COLLYER, who was prevented last year by relative affliction, has kindly engaged to preside, and deliver an address on the occasion.




London Mission House, Austin Friars, Feb. 15th, 1832.

I am instructed by the Directors of the London Missionary Society, most respectfully to invite your attention to the notice addressed to Treasurers and Secretaries of Auxiliary Institutions, published in the Missionary Chronicle for the present month. The Society's Annual Accounts have been, in former years, kept open for some time after the fixed period for closing them—the 31st of March but such has been the difficulty experienced, under those circumstances, in obtaining the Lists of Contributions for publication in the Society's Report, immediately after the annual meeting in May, that the Directors have been constrained to adopt this resolution, of which, they are assured, you will at once see the propriety, of having the accounts for the year finally closed on Saturday, the 31st of March. All monies, therefore, received at the Mission House, or at the banking-house of Messrs. Hankey, after that day, will be passed to the account of the year ensuing. I beg also to state, that all Lists of Contributions must be forwarded to the Mission House before the 31st of March, otherwise they cannot be inserted in the Report for 1832.

I have it also in charge from the Directors, to state to you that there is at present a considerable excess in the expenditure over the Contributions of the Society for the current year. Several faithful and devoted labourers, who had returned to this country for the restoration of their health, have again gone forth to resume their labours; others have been sent out to occupy important stations, which, by the visitations of death, and other circumstances, were ready to languish; and an unusually large number of missionary candidates have been accepted during the year; in this the Directors behold, with gratitude and joy, the hand of God; they made known to the churches their want of pious, zealous, devoted men, and called upon their friends to unite with them in praying the Lord of the harvest, that he send forth labourers into his harvest;" and, in this respect, God has graciously answered prayer. The Directors have, therefore, the utmost confidence in the cordial affection, holy zeal, and liberality of their Christian friends, that they will now furnish the means for sustaining and extending those labours of love in which the Society is successfully engaged.


I am, my dear Sir,

Your faithful friend and servant,


JOHN ARUNDEL, Home Secretary.


In the Missionary Chronicle for the month of January last, it was stated that the inhabitants of Pitcairn's Island had been removed to Tahiti. Of this event an account entirely unsupported, in many respects, by actual occurrences, and calculated to excite strong prejudice against the missionaries in Tahiti, has been widely circulated by several of the public journals.

The Directors of the London Missionary Society deem it quite unnecessary to reply to every anonymous criminator, who may choose to give vent to his disappointment or illnature, by attempts to bring discredit on their missionaries; but they are, at all times, olicitous to furnish such information as they possess, that may be suited to counteract any unfavourable impression which misrepresentations may have produced on the minds of the friends of the missionaries, and the supporters of the Society.

In the account above referred to, it is insinuated that the Pitcairn islanders were removed through the representations of the missionaries, and contrary to their own wishes. How far such was the fact will appear, when it is remembered that almost every one, who has visited the retreat of the mutineers, has spoken of the inconvenience to which the increasing number of their descendants were exposed, from the circumscribed extent of the ground capable of cultivation, and especially from the scanty supply of water which the island afforded. On these accounts the inhabitants themselves requested to be conveyed to some other place, where the means of subsistence might be obtained in greater abundance. This request was made, in the first instance, to government, through the medium of a captain in his Majesty's navy, by whom they were visited, and was acceded to before the missionaries in Tahiti were even acquainted with the desire of the Pitcairn islanders to remove.

One of the senior missionaries, Mr. Nott, who was in England at the time when the subject was under the consideration of government, expressed, when solicited, his opinion, that for the benefit of the islanders, Tahiti would be preferable to New South Wales; and, on his return, was the bearer of a letter from his Majesty's government to Pomare, soliciting, from the king and chiefs of Tahiti, a favourable reception for the Pitcairn islanders, should they be disposed to remove to their territory.

When Captain Laws, of the Satellite, was at Tahiti, in 1829, he received from the late Pomare, in a public assembly of chiefs and others, an assurance of protection for the Pitcairn islanders, and of an allotment of land for their support, should they remove to Tahiti. Captain Sandiland, of H. M. S. Comet, having been directed to carry into effect the bene volent intentions of Government, reached Pitcairn's Island in the month of February 1831, when he found the inhabitants distressed for want of water. As soon as informed that there was an opportunity for emigrating to Tahiti, one half of them immediately declared their determination to do so, and, on the ensuing day, the remainder came to the same resolution. They embarked accordingly without delay, and reached Tahiti in the close of the month of March last. It has been already announced that they arrived at an exceedingly critical time; the inhabitants of that island were apparently on the eve of civil war, in consequence of some differences which existed between the queen and the hereditary chiefs. But, notwithstanding these unfavourable circumstances, both parties welcomed the arrival of the strangers, and assured the commander of the Comet that the promise of protection and aid which had been made by the late king, Pomare, should be faithfully performed. The differences between the queen and her chiefs were, at length, amicably adjusted. On this occasion Captain Sandiland addressed to the missionaries the letter already referred to, in which he observes,

"Gentlemen, I return you iny most cordial expression of thanks for the promptitude with which you were pleased to make known my sentiments, to the queen and her chiefs, upon the existing differences, in which I had the happiness to concur with you all; and if they were received with respect, I must sincerely ascribe it, much more to the intelligence and ability displayed by you at so momentous and interesting a

time, than to any intrinsic merit that my proposals possessed; and it is a circumstance affording me the highest satisfaction to observe the great estimation you are all held in by the queen and her chiefs, which could not have been obtained but by a faithful discharge of your duties, as ministers of Christ and teachers of our holy religion; and it will be peculiarly gratifying to me to make known these circumstances most fally to those authorities whom it is my duty to inform of this transaction."

Two days after their arrival on the shores of Tahiti, the Pitcairn islanders were landed, and before the Comet sailed a tract of land was granted by the queen for their use; besides which, an agreement was made by the captain with a respectable settler in Tahiti to supply them with vegetables every day, and with fresh meat three times a week.

The climate of the Society Islands is certainly as salubrious as that of Pitcairn's. The queen of Tahiti gave up a large house for their accommodation; and the people, willing also to second the friendly intentions of the British government, assisted in erecting for the strangers more permanent dwellings : while the ample provision that was made for their support for six months after their arrival, shews the absurdity of the account referred to in the beginning of these re marks, in which, among other things, it is stated, that "the probable consequence (of their removal to Tahiti) will be that these unfortunate people must all die, if some means of restoring them to their island are not soon found." From a statement in the Sydney Gazette, in the month of May last, it appears that some of them were in negociation with a resident in Tahiti for the purpose of establishing a pearl-fishery on Elizabeth Island, situated in the neighbourhood of that which they had left. This individual wished, for this purpose, to purchase, of one of the missionaries, a schooner which had been built to enable the missionaries to visit the islands, to which, by means of native teachers, a knowledge of the gospel has been conveyed. Mr, Williams, the owner of the vessel, was not willing to part with the ship; and this circum. stance will, in some degree, account for the injurious representation which is given of the conduct of the missionaries.

The assertion that the Pitcairn islanders "did not willingly quit their island, but at the instigation of those who went to seek them," is evidently at variance with the facts already stated. No intelligence has yet been received of their dissatisfaction; and the other parts of the account, in reference to which these remarks are offered, are, in all probability, not entitled to greater regard than those which have becn already shown to be entirely without foundation.

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Extracts of a Letter from Rev. George Christie, dated Calcutta, July 19th, 1831, addressed to the Rev. Dr. Morison, of Brompton.

My last communication contained some account of my residence at Kidderpore; the death of my lamented brother Adam, and the sudden breaking up of our humble but peaceful establishment by that event. Hoping this will have been duly received, I shall not enter into repetitions, but commence where it ended. As soon as Mr. Adams's books and furniture, with those things that belonged to us mutually, and for which there seemed no further occasion, could be disposed of, and my own things removed, I took up my residence under the roof of brother Lacroix. Thus apparently settled again, I went on slowly with my work as asual. I sometimes thought even that there was a little improvement in my physical state, that I could do something more, and feel something less from the climate. The

hottest of the season was over, and I thought I had well completed it. But, unexpectedly, early on the 3rd of the present month, I found myself ill of what proved to be a bilious fever. In mercy this kept away from the brain--was soon checked in its progress, and was neither violent nor alarming; but the cause from which it proceeded, proved much more inveterate. Now, however, that also seems to be almost entirely gone, and I scarcely feel any other effect than a great prostration of strength, which was to be expected. The fever confined me to my couch for more than a month, and it was only yesterday I was out

for the first time. This affliction must have been necessary, and my conviction is that it will be beneficial. But it would be in vain to deny, that in the first instance, with a humiliating, it had rather a discouraging, effect. Sometimes the spirit seemed to sink with the body, as I laid upon my couch, and particularly at night, burning with heat and parched with thirst. I felt, with new emphasis, the force of two sentences in your charge: You may be tried, like many of your brethren, with the loss of health; days of languor, and nights of pain, may be

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awaiting you on a far distant shore." I then loathed myself, and all that I had done; I could only have recourse to the great Redeemer for the eternal interests of my immortal spirit, and rejoice that in Him I had an anchor of the soul both sure and steadfast, even if all that I had done, or purposed, or wished to do, should be consumed as wood, hay, and stubble, and I myself escape as from the flames. The weakness of faith, and the languor of zeal, with the smallness of my progress in knowledge and piety, considering the means of improvement I have enjoyed, stung me to the heart. "Yea," I said, if I live I shall not be of any use. It were better for me to die, and then I shall be free from sin, and serve God and the Lamb with all my powers."

I am sorry to have written in a tone that may seem to savour of despondency; but Low could I at present do otherwise? The effect which the present illness may have on my constitution and general health cannot be exactly known as yet. But appearances re considered favourable. No relapse is now apprehended; and it is thought the illness, or, rather, the course of treatment it has required, will probably purify the system, season me to the climate, and render me better than before. I now resign myself into the hands of God, praying for grace to know and to do his will, without seeking my own. In a few days I hope to be able to resume my former course of labour. But there I am much thrown back, particularly at the point where I had begun to hope that a short time more would tell powerfully on the language. Pray for me, dear Sir, that my faith fail not, and my spirit faint not, for this is an awful land. You can hardly conceive how much there is in it that is deadly both as to the soul and body. But I will still endeavour to say, in the language of the psalmist, I am poor and needy; yet the Lord thinketh upon me: thou art my help and my deliverer; make no tarrying, O my God! (Signed) GEORGE CHRISTIE.


Report of Rev. IV. B. Addis, of his residence at Coimbatoor; communicated to the Directors, under date July 19, 1831.

Eight months have now passed since I arrived at this place; and it is requisite, for the information and satisfaction of the Directors and the Christian public generally, that an account for that time should be given.

I and my family arrived at this place on the 20th of October last, and, according

From Travancore, where, at different stations, Mr. Addis had previously laboured for about three years.-ED.

to a kind promise previously made by G. S. Hooper, Esq. (the judge), we were received under his hospitable roof until a temporary place could be erected for our accommodation, there being no house to be rented at this place. Circumstances occurred that prevented the immediate erection of such a place, and we resided in kis family for upwards of three months, during which time every kindness was shown both to us and to our children, for which our most lively and constant gratitude is due.

On my arrival, J. Thomas, Esq., the principal collector and magistrate, offered his large room at the Cutcherry for divine worship in English on Sunday mornings; and, for four months, the Europeans of this station, together with a few Hindoo-Christians here that understand English, attended; and I had a small Tamil congregation in the afternoon and evening. Since that time several changes have taken place here among the Europeans, and nearly the whole have departed, to reside, during the hot season, on the Neilgherries, in consequence of which the service in English has been suspended, and there are at present three Tamil services on the Sabbath.


Itineracies to the villages around this place for a circuit of from ten to fifteen miles have been made, and those in the vicinity of the town of Coimbatoor are daily visited either by the missionary or the two assistants (T. Craig, and E. J. Jones), in justice to whom I am bound to say, they are zealous and prudent in their endeavours among their countrymen, and diligent students. In these excursions the truths of the gospel are in general well received; and, in some places, the desire evinced to obtain information of this (to them) new way, is cheering. Both the missionary and the assistants have been repeatedly requested by the villagers to remain longer than some times practicable, in order that more knowledge of the way salvation, through a crucified Redeemer, might be obtained. Repeated applications for schools have been made, but at present only six are established; there was more, of upwards of forty boys, but in consequence of the inattention of the schoolmaster, the same, for the present, has been discontinued. In none of the schools is there at present that degree of order that is requisite to make them very efficient; the masters, having never been accustomed to method, are slow in learning, and backward in practising, the rules that have been given them. Time, patience, and perseverance, only can overcome this obstacle. In all the schools Christian books alone are read; and many of the inhabitants are daily to be seen in the school-rooms perusing the books there deposited. The school-masters also act as


reiders to those that visit the schools, and are weekly examined as to their ability of afording, where necessary, the required explanation of the sacred Scriptures.

Mission Premises.

The principal collector has kindly promised to obtain a grant of land for mission premises, on which to erect a bungalow, a place of worship, and a school-room. Subscriptions sufficient to commence a place of worship have been obtained, and a few weeks since the foundation was laid; but, as workmanship and materials are both scarce and high, in consequence of the constant demand for building on the Neilgherries; it will require considerably more than has yet been received to complete the building. Should this meet the observation of any benevolent person disposed to contribute towards the same, the smallest sum will be received with thankfulness, and economically applied. The Committee of the Madras Auxiliary Bible Society has granted a liberal supply of the sacred Scriptures in Tamil; but, in consequence of the constant demand for the same, it is rapidly diminishing, as inquirers frequently entreat to be supplied either with a great book or a little one; but prudence forbids an indiscriminate distribution.

Encouraging Circumstances.

Several pleasing and encouraging circum stances have occurred by the distribution of tracts, which have led to application for copies of the gospel; and two men have attended public worship at this place, on the Sabbath, from a distance of upwards of seven miles, in consequence of books received, and a few words of exhortation given them, at a great annual feast, and drawing of the idol's car, which I visited a few months ago. It is also encouraging to find that the small books, when given to those whom, we hope, show a sincere desire to peruse them, are generally attentively read and carefully kept. A circumstance of this nature presented itself, in a village a few miles distant from this place, a short time ago. A man produced a tract which had been given him by a gentleman some years ago, and which bore signs of having been repeatedly perused, and begged that if we had any books which contained more of such like good truths, he might receive one; it is scarcely necessary to add supplied

that he was

Thus, on the whole, gratitude and praise to Almighty God becomes the missionary appointed to labour here, for the past mercies and encouragements afforded in the commencement, and also for the prospect for the


lowers to be pure and holy, because their God is so, and who are required to walk by faith, and not by sight.

Abundant encouragement has been afforded during the past eight months for perseverance for the future, while relying entirely on divine aid, without which the most promising prospects will afford ultimately no real advantage. In order that permanent good may be the result of missionary exertions, it is requisite constantly to remind the Christian church of the apostle's exhortation-Pray without ceasing. Amen.

a wide door is certainly open here for the proclamation of the glorious gospel of Christ, and no obstacle at present is in view, but the usual apathy and prejudice of idolaters to that religion which requires its fol

(Signed) W. B. ADDIS.



Letter from Rev. David Jones, missionary from Madagascar, dated Aberystwith, January 28th, 1832, containing some interesting communications from the seat of the mission there, addressed to the Rev. J. Arundel, Home Secretary.


I have received many letters from Madagascar, which contain very pleasing accounts of the success attending missionary operations in that interesting island, and I ́send you translations of letters, extracts, &c., of what has been addressed to me by Mr. Johns, and by those who have been for years under my tuition in Imerina. I have received also letters from the civil and military officers, which indicate their friendly disposition and their conviction of the good which has been done among them through the labours of the missionaries. I have been favoured likewise with a letter from Her Majesty Queen Ranavalomanjaka, dated April 4th, 1831, who inquires particularly about my health and that of my family. The principal topics she alludes to in the letter, are expressing her desire to live in peace with all, and declaring positively that the slavetrade shall not be renewed by her in all her dominions.

I might send you more extracts, and some outlines of sermons also which have been forwarded to me by the native teachers and preachers; but I think the following will prove sufficiently that the Christian public have not contributed their pence, shillings, and sovereigns in vain, to send the gospel into Madagascar, and that they have not offered up their prayers unto God to no purpose for the success of the gospel among the heathen. Well may the Society, its members, and friends, say now, "The Lord hath done great things for us in Madagascar, whereof we are glad.'

I hope these pleasing accounts will be the means of exciting in the hearts of the friends

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