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withered and dead, and all creature-dependence is vain, I turn away my eyes from beholding vanity, and look to the hills whence cometh salvation; I lie at the feet of my sovereign God, and say, I have waited for thy salvation. I sometimes say, "Whom have I in heaven but thee?" Sometimes I say, "Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation;" sometimes I say, "I know in whom I have believed, and can trust him ;" and sometimes with Stephen I "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!" and when he says, "6 behold, I come quickly,"




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I say, Even so, come, Lord Jesus." often, in my happiest moments, under a view of my waste life, I wonder how he can put me among his children; I sink down at his feet and cry, Not unto me, Lord, not unto but to thy name shall be all the glory." My affectionate wife desires her love to be mentioned to you both, she is in pretty good health, and I cannot but hope, when I am removed, she will act becoming her character. I have desired her not to wear an inch of black, nor shed a tear on my account. Express our kindest affection for our dear, dear friend Susan H-. I have lately had a visit from my friend, the blessed D. Clanson. Encourage and comfort my son Richard and family; oh, I long that he and they may walk straight on their way, and they and theirs be bound up in the bundle of life. Give my sincerest love to Mr. and Mrs. M-, may he be decided for God, I make no doubt but he is. I only wish him to let his light shine before men, that they, seeing his timidity removed, may glorify our Father which is in heaven. Remember us to our beloved brother and sister Ambler-I rejoice in their Christian love, and in their Christian hospitality. My dear brother and sister, do abstain from the appearance of evil; watch where your danger lies. Oh, maintain a simple, honest heart, with a most precious Redeemer ! Oh, keep your armour tight about you until Jesus comes, then he will not find you idle; and I hope to see you enter into the joy of our Lord, and we together shall bow and bless him for eternity. Praying you may get safely through. We are, dear brother and sister,

With much esteem and gratitude,

JOHN and RUTH OLIPHANT. Give my dying love to brother E. Griffin, -we prayed together-I hope to have his society in eternity.


On the 19th of March, we held a solemn festival here, for the purpose of offering up our humble thanks to Almighty God for

having graciously delivered us from the cholera. The morning was fine, the sun ascended with cheering splendour for the time of the year, in the clear azure sky, and long before the hour of public service, multitudes were seen pressing through the streets to reach the house of prayer, there to join in the general thanksgiving to the Lord. All the churches, without a single exception, were crowded to excess; and, at the conclusion, the "Te Deum," &c., was sung in every one by the whole congregation, accompanied by the trombones. The texts appointed to be preached from were Psalm cvii. 17-22, Psalm cxvi. 1 -9, Jonah xi. 8-10, John v. 14, from which you may easily gather that the solemn and humiliating characteristic of the festival was not thrown into the back ground. I preached in the afternoon at the hospital, where the cholera had chiefly raged, and all who could any way be present made a point of attending; even patients who were unable to come down stairs had themselves carried into the chapel; and a verse, expressly selected for the occasion from that beautiful hymn beginning

"Out of the deep I cried to thee,

My God, with heart's contrition," &c.

was sung with the liveliest emotions, as was also the Te Deum. Oh, that many happy effects of the distressing period which we have witnessed may be manifested at the last great day! I am grieved, however, to inform you, that we are threatened with a new plague, in the shape of a malignant typhus fever, which has caused greater devastations in Galicia than the cholera itself. May God in his mercy grant that the single chastisement which we have received may lead us seriously to repent and be converted, so that our sins may not compel him to visit us still more severely! At the same time it is cheering to see in what a manner the Lord is pleased to open a way for communicating his Spirit to the hearts of men. This is in a particular manner experienced by our Missionary Society for Propagating the Gospel among the heathen, in union with which several auxiliaries and associations have been recently established. Among the rest, a communication from Glogau, in Silesia, states that, at the conclusion of the afternoon's service in the different churches, a short but energetic appeal was made to the respective congregations to co-operate in promoting the missionary cause. The superintendent, with all the clergy, put down their names, as being willing to patronize the undertaking, and many followed their example. A Missionary Society has also been formed at Buntzlau; and in Pomerania so great is the zeal in behalf of missions to evangelize the heathen, that one minister wrote to me from thence, " Only let us know what the Missionary Society requires: tell

us that you want so and so much, and you shall have it." Such an ardour tends to inspirit many here, so that the missionary cause gains an accession of friends. I do not pretend to say that all who take share in it are vital Christians; but thus much I may with truth aver, that every where in the different committees there are decided Christians, who, without imposing a test upon every individual member, unite together in humble faith on Jesus Christ as their only Saviour and Redeemer, who is God over all, blessed for ever!


(See our Number for May, p. 201.)

In addition to those which we have already described, it is with great satisfaction that we can mention the following:

The Beuggen Monthly Paper, published by a Society of Gratuitous School Teachers, at Basle. It consists of matter which appears admirably adapted to interest, instruct, and edify.

The Swabian Church-Friend; but this title was, in September, 1831, changed into the Christian Messenger from Swabia, published by Mr. Steinkopf, at Stuttgart, every Saturday evening. Every number commences with a memoir of some exemplary Christian, and the rest consists of intelligence, short essays, or rather observations, and correspondence.

The Most Recent Accounts of the Progress of the Kingdom of God: Berlin. A pamphlet of the nature of a missionary register; whether published monthly or oftener we do not know.

We committed an error in saying that Dr. Tholuck's Indicator commenced with the present year. This arose from the fact that the numeration of the series begins anew with the first number in January, and that there is no intimation given of the previous course of numbers or volumes. We have since received a complete series for the years 1830 and 1831. It is a work invaluable for ministers or others, who desire to attain a comprehensive and profound acquaintance with biblical and theological learning. Reviews of new books occupy a considerable portion of each number. From that of February 20th, last, we select the following passage, on account of its useful tendency, which we are sure that many of our readers will appreciate. It is a small part of an article, continued in three numbers, upon a work just then published by the Rev. F.G. Lisco, one of the evangelical ministers of Berlin: Dissertations, Exegetical and Practical, on the Parables of Jesus. We have little doubt that the writer of the article is Dr.

Olshausen, Professor of Divinity in the University of Königsberg.

"In the Introduction, the following topics are particularly treated. (1.) The word Parable, and its proper Idea. (2.) The Antiquity of Parables. (3.) The Reference of Parables to the Invisible and to the Visible World. This appears an incongruous mode of expression; for, though a parable is indeed derived from the objects of the visible world, its only proper reference is to spiritual things and their relations. (4.) The Reasons why our Lord employed the method of Instruction by Parables. (5.) The Perfection of a Parable. (6.) The Matter of Parables. (7.) The Elucidation and Treatment of Parables. (8.) The Distribution of the Parts of a Parable. Under these heads we find some things which have given us satisfaction, particularly under the fourth section; only we must remark, that Mr. Lisco has not brought forwards, with sufficient clearness and prominency, what may be called the negative side of the effect which the Redeemer had in view from the parables which he employed. Thus he translates (probably from fear of approaching too closely to the strict doctrine of predestination), Matt. xiii. 15, μηTOTε idwoι, &c., not by lest they should see,' as an expression of the design, but by so that they see not,' denoting merely the result a mode of representing the clause which can neither be maintained on grammatical principles, nor made consistent with what the Bible teaches concerning the designs and ends of the divine government.


"The explanation of the idea, or just conception, of a parable, is particularly deficient. This ought, by all means, to have been clearly determined at the outset; otherwise it is impossible to ascertain what elements must enter into the subsequent investigation, and what do not belong to it.

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"The author lays down the distinction between fable and parable thus that the component matter of the former is something which does not actually exist and act in the way supposed, while the circumstances represented in the latter are such as do, or at least may, readily take place; or, to use his own words, Parable borrows its material only from the domain of possibility and reality.' Hence he infers that parable is employed only upon religious truths, but fable has for its objects to convey lessons of experience and principles of prudence. On this matter the author would have reached his object with much more certainty, if he had been more exact in distinguishing the ideas of the actual and the possible. In fabulous composition, the series of circumstances is represented as if it were actual, though it frequently departs from the idea of possibility; yet, let it be remembered, this is but frequently it is not the constant and necessary constitution of a fable. All fables which repre

sent animals as acting only according to the real character given them by their Creator (without speaking, as in the fables ascribed to Esop,) might actually take place, for they contain nothing but what is in itself possible. We therefore think that the distinction between fable and parable is to be sought in the design and tendency of each. Parable ascends to the upper sphere of existence, and is therefore derived immediately from the intellectual world; while fable employs the circumstances and relations of the animal world, as a mirror to reflect ideas which concern only the lower range of life. Hence, in the New Testament, we find only parables; because the highest phenomena of the soul and its spiritual life have the absolute predominance in the dispensation to which it belongs; on the other hand, in the Old Testament, which approaches more to the lower or earthly sphere of life, yet still possessing its own proper truth, some narratives occur which are analogous to fable. pursuance of this distinction, the author might safely have included in his elucidations every parabolical representation that occurs in the New Testament, without any apprehension of meeting with any thing dissonant to the true character of a parable. But now, as a feeling of difficulty, not wholly erroneous, but obscure and imperfectly apprehended, withheld him from including in his disquisitions some passages [e. g. John x.


and xv.], so his progress has been unsteady, because of his want of clearness in his conception. He has, for instance, entirely overlooked the propriety of distributing the parables of the New Testament according to the form of their presentation, into two classes: "1. Those which are completely finished in all their parts and circumstances.

2. Those which are presented only in detached intimations.

"Had the author accurately distinguished these two classes, he would either have excluded all the parabolical intimations, or have brought them all under consideration : but, instead of that, he has partly excluded and partly included them, and has thus deprived his work of its due congruity.

"Another important circumstance which should have been found in the introduction is, the disposition of the parables considered as a whole. The parables of Jesus contain such a richness and depth of matter, that one may say they form a grand survey of the whole domain of gospel truth. A treatise, therefore, which professes to handle these similitudes, must, in order to satisfy our ideas of completeness, so arrange all our Lord's parables, that they shall mutually supply and fill up each other, and thus appear as forming one whole. But this prolific idea has escaped the respected author's consideration."



Mrs. Boothroyd was the child of a remarkably sensible, pious, and devoted mother, and most probably owed her first serious impressions to her instructions, prayers, and examples. To the same instrument and means, through the blessing of God, is to be ascribed the early serious impressions made upon the minds of five brothers (one of whom died of consumption in his twenty-second year, full of hope) and four sisters, who have all lived under the influence of the gospel, and been active and steady supporters of the Redeemer's cause in different congregational churches. Mrs. B. was the youngest daughter, and even in childhood was more thoughtful and less playful than most others of the same age. As she grew up, the holy principles, planted in her heart by divine grace, became more evident by her constant and serious attendance at the house of God, and on other means of instruction and piety. Though always of a modest and retiring disposition, yet constrained by a sense of duty, she came forward, and in the bloom of youth professed her faith in Christ, and was


united to the church at Pontefract. watchfulness, humility, devotional spirit, cultivating "the hidden man of the heart," threw a spiritual radiance around her conduct and character.

In the providence of God she removed to London, where, though situated in a regular, but not a religious family, she was enabled to hold fast her integrity, and generally attended at the Tabernacle. There she heard many of the popular preachers of that day, to her own great improvement in the divine life, many of whom she was accustomed to mention with pleasure. On the death of her father she returned home; and after some time the connection was formed with her now bereaved husband. She did not enter into this connection from any worldly motives; but having been benefited by his ministry, and attached to him as a pastor, and regarding chiefly her spiritual interest, she hoped in this connection she might pass her days in comfort, and have a companion to advise and assist her in journeying through the wilderness to the promised land-the heavenly Canaan.

She discharged the duties of her new relative situation in a manner not often exceeded. Her husband soon found that he was favoured with one in whom he could confide; who was active, uncommonly industrious, frugal, and managing, in all her domestic affairs. When favoured with an offspring, she exercised the care and superintendence of an affectionete mother. As they advanced in age and capacity, she instructed them, and endeavoured to impress those truths on their minds which were so dear to herself. She took them by the hand into her closet, and by prayer with and for them, commended them to the Redeemer. She lived to follow four children to the grave, with strong grounds to believe that their immortal souls had entered into the joy of the Saviour.

In the survey of providential dispensations, how often may it be said, "God's footsteps are in deep waters, and his ways past finding out!" Such, indeed, is the providence which has removed one so dear to her family, so highly esteemed by all who knew her, and so active and useful in the promotion of the Redeemer's kingdom and glory. This was the atmosphere in which she breathed and lived. The occasion of this event was, an attack of the erysipelas, with which her husband was afflicted; and from her anxiety, care, and watchfulness, and being in a delicate state of health, she caught the same disease; and though medical aid and skill were assiduously employed, they proved ineffectual, and she is gone the way of all flesh.

It may be observed that, it is not the manner in which persons die, but that in which they live, that proves the reality and power of godliness, and shows that they are heirs of the heavenly inheritance. The disease of which she died did not permit her to say much, but what she did say was expressive of the spirituality of her mind, and of her submission to the holy will of God.

At an

early period of the disease, she was fully persuaded that the time of her departure was drawing near, and said that her sickness would prove a sickness unto death; and then added," that she had no fears, no anxieties.' On the arrival of her sister she was collected, and her sister asking her if she could say, "For me to live is Christ," she concluded, saying, "and to die is gain;" but added, "Not by works of righteousness which 1 have done; but according to his mercy he saveth us." On the evening of the following day, she desired her sister to pray, who did so; and, to the various requests made, she repeatedly and heartily said, Amen.

She was frequently engaged in this exercise when she did not, and even could not, speak so as to be heard, as was evident from the motion of her lips. She addressed her children in a most tender and affectionate manner, and especially the youngest, giving

to each, at different times, as she was able, the most suitable advice; and fervently praying that her God might be their God, and her Saviour their Saviour. She had said to her eldest daughter, that, when she should be unable to speak, if sensible, when they asked her a question she would give them a sign by raising her right hand; and it being evident that the taper of life was nearly extinguished, she was asked if she enjoyed comfort in her mind, and in answer she raised her right hand. Her strength being exhausted, she gradually and gently, as to the body, fell asleep in Jesus; and her soul, emancipated from the earthly tabernacle, took its flight to the region of unclouded day and immingled bliss to join the spirits of the just made perfect, and to enjoy the presence of Him who redeemed her by his blood, and called and renewed her by his grace.

She possessed many interesting natural qualities, which an unsanctified heart would have led her to devote to the worldly advan tage of herself and family, but which she consecrated to the service of God. The instances of her self-denying exertions were, indeed, numerous; there being few families in the congregation and church to which she belonged that did not experience her sympa thy and valuable services in scenes of affliction; indeed, all within the sphere of her acquaintance shared her friendly attentions. But the spiritual interest of the church occupied an especial place in her affections, anxieties, and prayers. On her first apprehension of the dangerous nature of her complaint, she thus expressed herself in reference to the church: Prosper, O God, this church, and spare the life of thy servant (the pastor); and may the remainder of his days be more and more useful." She then added, "God only knows how long, often and fervently, I have wrestled at a throne of grace for the prosperity of this church."

The post she occupied in various societies was responsible and laborious; but she cheerfully undertook, and perseveringly attended to them. Her exertions in the Sabbathschool, Bible and Anti-Slavery Societies, were unremitted; and the visiting connected with a benevolent society, devolved almost exclu sively on her, which led her on the approach of winter, to visit every poor family in the congregation, notwithstanding the distance at which some of them resided. The only secular business she transacted during her illness, was the examination of the accounts belonging to these societies, which she had been in the habit of keeping distinct and correct, to prevent confusion if she should be taken away suddenly.

In the Female Branch Missionary Society, in aid of the London, connected with Highfield Chapel, Huddersfield, she was most active and indefatigable. Having united in this cause, the afternoon of every other

Wednesday, was diligently employed in making useful and ornamental articles for a missionary basket, by the sale of which a considerable sum has been annually raised. In this department she took the lead and superintendence; and she devoted occasionally much time in preparing such articles as were wanted, and which the members were in the habit of taking home, and making when they had an opportunity. The fortnight meeting was not a meeting for work only, but for instruction and the promotion of piety. Some suitable book was always read on the occasion. Thus were industry and religion united; instruction and pleasure combined. This was her favourite society; and for it she would sit up late and rise early; undergo any toil and labour. While she prayed for missions, she was anxious to support them.

Prior to her last affliction she was particularly anxious for the formation of Bible classes, and proposed the subject to the Sabbath-school teachers and others. She was desirous to see this work commence, as she hoped it would bring the young to know and love the word of God; and with her characteristic humility she proposed to become one of a class as a learner. Indeed,

the word of God was to her sweeter than honey, and more valuable than thousands of gold and silver; and by her constant habit of reading it in private, her knowledge of it was comprehensive.

Her prudence, economy, and good management, in household affairs, were deservedly admired; but she counted these and all her estimable qualities as unworthy of any praise. The spiritual light she had received prevented her judging herself by the opinions of the world. She sought to be useful; and the young and the old, the rich and the poor, shared her regard, treating them as one in Christ. She rendered to all their due, and in lowliness of mind esteemed others better than herself, and still panted after greater conformity to the image of her Saviour. Far from being satisfied with her past services, she regretted that she had not more faithfully reproved sin in others, and been more ready to declare what God had done for her soul.

Her natural feelings were quick and sensitive, which might have subjected her to endless mortifications, if she had not been strengthened and renewed in the spirit of her mind. During the course of her life she had a share of almost every species of affliction; and, in the most trying scenes, she exercised submission and patience, and the refining ef fects were apparent to all. The composure of mind she evinced when seized so unexpectedly with the disease, showed the stability of her trust in the Saviour, and of her habitual preparation for death.


REV. JOHN fisher.

Died, at his residence, Harleston, on Tuesday, 17th April, the Rev. John Fisher, pastor of the Independent church at Wortwell, Norfolk. This laborious servant of Christ was taken away in the midst of usefulness, after a short but severe indisposition. A brief memoir of his life and labours will appear in a future number.


It is with feelings of deep-felt regret we an nounce the death of the Rev. J. Mantell, of Swindon, Wilts. The painful event took place the latter end of February. He had for many years suffered from spasmodic asthma, but was enabled to continue his ministerial labours until within a month of his decease, when, under the advice of his medical attendant, he desisted from preaching. His health from rest appeared to improve, and he was looking forward with pleasure that the time would speedily arrive when he should be enabled to resume, with renewed ardour, the work of his Lord and Master. But God had otherwise ordained; and, without the least warning of increasing indisposition, he arose from his chair, dropped on the floor, and, with neither a struggle or a groan, resigned his spirit into the hands of his Redeemer, in whose cause he had been an active, faithful, and avowed champion for more than half a century; the last twentyeight years of which he had the pastoral care of the Independent church of Swindon.

He was a man of superior learning, strong intellectual endowments, and energy of disposition; zealous for the spread of the gospel, and wishing nothing more than to spend and be spent in the glorious work. In him the cause of Christ has indeed experienced a loss; he being always ready to aid with his purse, as well as his talents, all societies and institutions which had for their objects the conversion of sinners and the extension of the Redeemer's kingdom.



Died, on Friday, the 23rd of Sept. last, aged 59, Mrs. Jane Parkinson, the wife of Mr. Thomas Parkinson, of Enfield, MiddleFor several years previous to her death, she was the subject of disease, complicated in its nature and enfeebling in its effects. In the month of April, 1826, it was judged necessary that she should submit to the operation of having her left breast entirely removed, in consequence of the formation of a very painful tumour; and although attended with great danger, was performed with eminent skill, endured with exemplary fortitude, and perfectly healed before the expiration of that year; yet does not now appear to have been so

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