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" Lo, these are parts of his ways; but how little a portion is heard of him? "
Sermons, tr. by R. Robinson (H. Hunter) - Sivu 232
tekijä(t) Jacques Saurin - 1800
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The remaining discourses, on the attributes of God, viz. His goodness [&c ...

John Tillotson (abp. of Canterbury.) - 1700 - 446 sivua
...things paft finding out: And then he inftanceth in the Works of God, 'Job 26. 14. Lo thefe are part of his ways : But how little a portion is heard of him? And the thunder of his* •voice who can under ft and'* So that he tells us exprefly, we cannot find...

The Christian institutes, or, The sincere word of God, a plain account of ...

Francis Gastrell (bp. of Chester) - 1717 - 352 sivua
...Balance ? b The Hoft of Heaven cannot be numbred, neither the Sand of the Sea meafured. c Lo ! Thefe are parts of his Ways; but how little a portion is heard of him ? d As thou knoweft not what is the way of the Spirit, nor how the Bones do grow in the Womb of her...

Astronomical Principles of Religion, Natural and Reveal'd: In Nine ..., Nide 2

William Whiston - 1717 - 376 sivua
...By his Spirit he hath garnimed the Heavens ; his Hand hath formed the crooked Serpent. Lo, thefe are Parts of his Ways: but how little a Portion is heard of him ? but the Thunder of his Power who can underftand ? Godunderftandeth the Way of Wifdom, and he knoweth...

Astronomical Principles of Religion, Natural and Reveal'd: In Nine Parts ...

William Whiston - 1725 - 370 sivua
...his Spirit he hath garnifhed the Heavens ; his Hand hath formed the crooked Serpent. Lo, thefe are Parts of his Ways : but how little a Portion is heard of him ? but the Thunder of his Power who can underftand ? God underftandeth the Way of Wifdom, and he knoweth...

Fifteen Sermons Preached at the Rolls Chapel

Joseph Butler - 1726 - 340 sivua
...we have 1 recounted all the Appearances which come within our View, we mult add, Lo, thefe Are Tart of His ways ; but how little a ^Portion is heard of Him ? Canft thou by fear ching find out God? Canft thou find out the Almighty unto Terfe&ion ? It is as...


Samuel Clarke - 1743 - 500 sivua
...the Sea with his Power, and by ins Under/landing he fmiteth through the Proud : JLo, thefe are part of his ways, but 'how little a portion is heard of him ? but the thunder of his Power who can under/land? So likewife the eloquent prophet .faiah, ch. xiv....

Discourses concerning the being and natural perfections of God, Nide 2

John Abernethy - 1757 - 436 sivua
...milky way, and other beautiful conftellations with all their admirable windings.) Lo thefe are part of his ways, but how little a portion is heard of him, the thunder of his power who can under/land ? But the power of God, as high as it is above our underftandings,...

The Works of the Most Reverend John Tillotson, Lord Archbishop of ..., Nide 8

John Tillotson - 1757 - 488 sivua
...paft finding 'OOt :'' and then he inftanceth in the works of Gob, Job xxvi. 14. " Lo, thefe are part of his ways : But " how little a portion is heard of him ? 2nd the " thunder of his voice who can underftaind ?" So that he tells us exprefly, we cannot find...

The confession of faith, the larger and shorter catechisms, with the ...

Assembly of divines confess. and catech - 1765 - 626 sivua
...The meafure thereof is longer than the earth, and broader than the fea. Job xrvi. 14. Lo, thefe are parts of his ways, but how little a portion is heard of him ? but the thunder of his power who can underftand ? «/John iv. 24. God is a Spirit, and they that...

The Confession of Faith, the Larger and Shorter Catechisms, with the ...

Church of Scotland - 1768 - 576 sivua
...h, immenfe i, etcrnaU, incoinprehenfible/, Almighty m, moil wife л, moil Jobxxvi. 14. Lo, thefe are parts of his ways, but how little a portion is heard of him ? but the thunder of his power who can underftand ? d John iv. 24. God is a Spirit, and they that worihip...

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