SECTION 125-Same-What filed with adverse claim. 127-Same-Proceedings in court in support of. 128-Same-Effect of waiver by applicant. MINERS' RIGHTS AND REMEDIES. SECTION 137-Vested right to mining claims. 138-Right to mine, private property. 139-Certainty of tenure. 140-Distinctions used in designating right and title. 141-Local conditions to acquisition and enjoyment of miners' rights. 142-Same-Local regulations prior to acts of Congress- Width. 143-Same-Location. 144-Same-Recording. 145-Amount of work necessary to hold possession. 146-How boundaries defined. 147-Limitation of actions. 148-Easements and drainage. 149-Same-Town lots. 150-Same-Drainage -Ditches-Right of way-Dumps- Tailings. 151-Tenancy in common. 151a-Mining partnership. 152-Corporations. 153-Mining claims-Real estate. 154-Conveyance of mining claims. 155-Mining contracts. 156-Miners' liens. 157-Taxation. SECTION 158-Remedies and procedure - Trespass - Ejectment- 164-Rights of territory relinquished. 165-Act applies only to lode claims. 169-Thirty days' notice of application. 171-Appearance-Procedure-Appeal. SECTION 178-Possession and possessory actions. 179-Protection of growing crops from injury by miners. 180-Jurisdiction of actions. 181-Customs, usages and regulations. 182-Limitation of actions. 183-Foreign miners. 184-Mining corporations. §§ 204-17. CH. LXVI. GEN. LAWS - "MINES AND MINING §§ 218-33. PRESENT LAW OF LOCATION, ETC. LODE CLAIMS. §§ 234-45. RESIDUE OF CH. LXVI. GEN. LAWS-SURVEY OF MINES IN LITIGATION-PENAL PROVISIONS-DRAINAGE. §§ 255-65. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS FROM GEN. LAWS § 266. CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS. SECTION 204-Term "Claims" defined-Prior rights preserved. 207-Record of tunnel claims. 208-Tunnel claims defined. 209-Cross-lodes or lodes uniting. 210-Two crevices the same lode. 211-Flooding claims. SECTION 212-Right of way for hauling quartz. 213-Soldiers' claims-When forfeited. 214-District records-Transcripts used as evidence. 221-What location certificate to contain. 223-Marking surface boundaries. 224-Substitute for discovery shaft. 225-Time for sinking discovery shaft. 227-Lodes not followed beyond lines on the strike. 228-Right of way for ditches and flumes. 229--Security of surface rights. 230--Additional certificate of location. 231-Affidavit of work and improvements. 232-Relocation of abandoned claims. 233-Certificate to cover but one location. 234-Survey of mines in litigation. 235-Penal provisions-Dispossession by force, etc. 236-Homicide on forcible entry-Aiders and abettors. 237-Drainage of contiguous mines. 238-Contribution by parties benefited. 239-Companies for drainage incorporated. §§ 268-85--Location and size of mining claims-Recording. §§ 286-9c-Survey of disputed claims-Limitations-Injunctions. SECTION 268-Length of lode claims. 269-Width of lode claims. 270-Discoverer to record claim. 271-When certificate void. 272-Manner of locating. 273-Marking surface boundaries. 274-Requisite of location. 275-Time discoverer has to perform labor. 276-Certificate construed to contain. 277-Claim not beyond exterior lines. 278-Claims subject to right of way. 279-Owner may demand security from miner. 280-Filing amended certificate. 281-Work performed annually. 282-Affidavit of labor. 283-Relocating abandoned claims. 284-One certificate one location. 285-Fee for recording. 286-Disputed claims-Survey of mine-Limitations. 287-Injunctions. 288-Location and notice of claim. 289-Recording of claims. 289a-Destruction of notice-Misdemeanor. 289b-Rights of way and easements. 289c-Water rights. |